The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Month: October 2012 (Page 1 of 4)


Only women names were used to name after they didn’t survive the hurricanes. Until 1978 that’s when they start to use men names
A hurricane unleasches energy equivalent to a neclear bomb going off every 20 minutes in other parts of the world storms identical to hurricane Irene. I now everybody makes it threw it.

Traval Spidey

Today Spiderman was in a airplane with his goldfish Squrity. Squirty is a troublemaker with blueberries.Squirty is a mess with eating buleberries.When the plane landed Spidey and Squirty went to see Redskins vs Jets. When Sidey and Squirty were in the statium the game started the Redskins were losing so Spiderman threw webs at the team Jet.Thanks to spidey the Redskins won the game.After the game was finish spidey had to find work. He was hierd in Pizzahut. Before he was hierd he had to read 1oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


page workbook.Spidey and Squirty both fainted. When Spidey and Squirty they to each other we go back to New york and they both said i aggre.


Albert Einstein

Once there was a guy named Albert Einstein he was very very famous like this short paragram he made it up or he invented it E=mc2 he was a thing that people said that he built a robot named frankeinstein it’s very very werid but when I grow up I want to become like him! I love the way how he was so creative or inspering should I say.

BFF day!

BFF day is a day that you spend time with your BFF.You will remember the fun things and time you had together.You also remember the first time you met.This day will be March 13 and August the end of the day you have a sleepover.


school is not only boring it is also fun sometimes. it has stuff like gym and art you get to go on field trips.You get to go to field day.You get to have recess you play on the monkey bars play soccer basketball and others.

My Awesome Weekend!!!!!

When I woke up I ate cereal it was frosted flackes it was delicous then i got dressed there was a huge suprise we went to a pumkin patch I got a regular pumpkin I carved it had a monster that was shaped like a one. The second pumpkin wasn’t like a real pumpkin the stem was curved it was weird. When we cut the second pumpkin when we cut it looked like a huge cup we had to let it dry for a week. When we put the 1st pumpkin outside we had to also take my dog out his name is Chico he started to bark at the pumpkin and also because it had a light inside that changed colors.

My super duper awesome/terrible weekend

Hello again, freinds, and welcome back to Watson’s AWESOME site.  Today, I will talk about my super duper stupidly awesome/terrible weekend.  Friday, I played my super-sweet new video game, Madden NFL 13.  It was fun.  I went to the Pro Bowl and the(drumroll, please, bum bum bum bum) SUPER BOWL!!!!  We won against the New Orleans Saints, 55-29.  Saturday, I went to my Clarksburg Coyotes football game in a field in the back of Rocky Hill Middle.  We won against St. Peters, 30-0.  Because of that, we are going to the playoffs.  Sunday, I watched the Washington Redskins game from home, then went outside.  I rode my bike until, I fell off and landed on my L. shoulder.  I’m pretty sure it’s not broken, but it sure feels like it.  Goodbye!

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