The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Month: October 2015 (Page 2 of 6)

Energy Opinion By Lisset

Solar power is easier to make at Daly because you need junction boxes wires/cables battery lights solar panels and small pumps then wind power you need a turbine and to make a turbine you need a  tower made of tubular steel, steel lattice, or concrete a supports tower tower Hub gear wire brake and a generator it’s easier to use solar power than wind energy power. And solar panels will look better then a big giant turbine it will not look good in a school. And you will save a lot of money because you need more things to build a turbine then solar panels that means that the  more things the more money you need to build a turbine then solar panels. It will affect Daly  because if you put a turbine it will take a lot of space but if you put solar panels you will save a lot of space and money.              

Dear KG3 By Jeremiah T. Green

Dear King  George III


I decided to be a patriot because I don’t like the way  you  run your the kingdom so I’m going to war with you so appear to diy King George  the III because I’m coming for you  King George be paired to diy when I come for you. You’ll be dead after I’ll  kill King George the III.


Lovely, Sincerely
Jeremiah Green :`)

Energy Opinion By Daniella

I think that solar energy is better then wind energy because solar energy it does not cost  that much as a wind turbine and it is is scary because you would feel like it will fall on you and with solar panels  will not fall on you because  it is on the roof and solar panels would look cool on the roof and it will save money for Daly because it does not cost as much money as wind turbines.  Solar panels do not put a negative impact to the earth if Daly puts solar panels will not put impact the environment and wind turbines will impact the earth because when birds fly by the wind turbines they are going to get hit because wind turbines are 100 ft in the air.  That is why i think wind energy is better then wind energy.  

Energy Opinion by Samantha

I think that Wind Energy is a better than the other  energy source.Because Hydro power is not good for the school because we do not have a dam.Also if we had a dam it would take up a lot of room of houses.Because it wood flood all the houses and they would have to move and less people will not  ride your roller coaster.

I think that if  It would look better at daly if we had a river then having a Wind Turbine at daly,because if I had a Wind Turbine at Daly it would hurt the environment. Because it will take up all the room and it would fold all the school’s and not only the school’s also homes.It will also be butter to use Wind Energy than Hydro power Energy because we will have to get the water and Wind Energy is natural.

Plus if I were to buy a Wind Turbine it would be 48,000 Dollars. If I were to get a river it would be a lot money to buy land because people live there. It will be also a lot more money also buy all that money.


Energy Opinion by Jarred

                water can flood one hole school  you need to build a dame to keep the school

                in one second and the school  will be a big big lake water can help me to save

                my costs if the dame bracks it wont come out hared  it will come out esey    


Energy opinion by Eva

In my opinion I think that  solar energy is a good resource because.  It is renewable by the sun and it doesn’t have at least more than 5 or less or more environmental impacts.  Solar energy is also a good resource because it is cheap to buy who wouldn’t like something cheap that works.  A good thing about it being cheap is that your family will be able to save up for more materials and more money for later on in the year or maybe  for a couple of few years.  You also don’t need so many materials because all you need is 4 materials which is a wind turbine,battery storage system and,solar panels.  Another thing is that you can’t use electricity when it’s dark but that’s good because you won’t get caught at night using your electronic and so you don’t get grounded or in trouble.  A solar energy roller coaster would look good at daly because a roller coaster always looks good except for the baby caterpillar ones those don’t look fun but a roller coaster of solar energy would look good and it can work all day except for at night so a it would look awesome at daly.  A solar energy roller coaster would affect daly because it would take up a lot of room and to buy the materials daly would have to spend some money.  It would be easy to make a roller coaster out of solar energy instead of making one of hydropower because solar energy all you need is solar panels and a battery storage system and a wind turbine.  The resource that would be better to save on costs would be solar power because for solar energy materials it’s cheap and it only needs four materials and hydropower needs a lot of materials but not to much and it takes some process and hydropower might not be cheap so solar energy would be good for saving.  The easiest one to make at daly is solar power because you need solar energy to control your roller coasters with solar pannels and hydro power would be hard because you would need to put togrther a lot of things.  That os why solar power is a good reasource.

Gracie’s Energy Source

Which is easier to make at Daly?

I believe we should power the school with a wind turbine would be easier to make because they don’t take up that much space and they are less harmful to the environment.They would produce fresh air and we wouldn’t have to burn fossil fuels all the time.It would a good way to presevere energy.


What would it look like Daly?

We would have at least four of them.They would the same height as the school except 3 inches taller and they would be far from a safe distance so that people don’t get hurt from the electricity powering it.


Which has the most savings?

It will cost a lot of money for some of the materials but the wind that is being used for the energy is limitless so there’s no running low on it.


How will it affect Daly?

It will be an easy way to get energy instead of burning fossil fuels from the earth,so that doesn’t harm the enviorment.

Wind vs. Fossil Fuels

I believe that wind energy should be used to power our roller coaster here at Daly instead of fossil fuels because it is clean and renewable. Since wind is part of the environment it is free so we won’t have to make miners go and mine for fossil fuels we can just get it around us. Also wind can´t create any pollution because you would rather have wind turbines blowing you then fossil fuels smoke blowing you. Evan so wind could have its ups and downs but it is a great choice for a our resource. So i think we all know what the better resource is WIND!

Jasmine’s opinion

I believe that solar energy is the best energy to use because the sun is renewable and , you don’t have to buy the sun all you need to buy is solar panels,wind turbine,battery and a storage system.   solar energy comes for the sun energy can be converted into other forms of energy, heat and electricity. Since solar energy depends on direct sunlight, large amounts of air pollution, clouds, or other objects that create shade can cut down on how well the panels work.

Solar energy is clean. We do not have to take away from our planet to get it that means no drilling and no mining  

We don’t have the destruction of habitat and accidental pollution that happens when drill for oil or mine of cool.

This is not as big of a problem as it used to be, however, because newer solar panels can work better even when the sunlight is not at full strength.

This is not as big of a problem as it used to be, however, because newer solar panels can work better even when the sunlight is not at full strength.  Solar will help me save on cost First, it is cheap. When people decide to use solar energy for their homes, they have to install solar panels and other items to capture and use the electricity.

Using solar Using solar power is so cheap, though, that families save enough money to pay for their equipment .

This can cost a few hundred dollars or a few thousand dollars, which sounds expensive. Using solar power is so cheap. Solar  is the best to use at daly because all you really need is the sun and solar panels it will not make any harm to the school. it will affect daly  because the wind turbine can kill the birds flying in the sky and other flying animals can die. The solar panels will be near the roller coaster. and The wind turbine will be near the woods That the end of my opinion.


My Opinion Writing On How Solar Energy Is Better Than Hydro Power Energy:)

I believe solar energy is a good energy to use to power up your roller coaster.  Solar power is easier to do here at Daly you see all you need to do is put solar panels and you’re done just let the sun do it’s work. But you see on the other hand hydro power you need to make a dam on the river and you have to pass a full process so that’s one of my reasons that solar energy is a better energy source. Anyways solar panels would look way so much better than a damn in a river anyways if I’d rather did put a damn I would ‘ve killed a lot of people on the other side of the dam and that wouldn’t be good. Solar energy is better than hydro no matter what anyways cause all you gotta do is buy some cheap solar panels and for hydro you gotta get a lot of things like power lines and those kind of things and that must cost a lot so those are my reasons why solar is way so much better than hydro and I’m telling the truth well in my opinion:) I believe solar energy is a good energy to use to power up your roller coaster.  Solar power is easier to do here at Daly you see all you need to do is put solar panels and you’re done just let the sun do it’s work. But you see on the other hand hydropower you need to make a dam on the river and you have to pass a full process so that’s one of my reasons that solar energy is a better energy source. Anyways solar panels would look way so much better than a damn in a river anyways if I’d rather did put a damn I would ‘ve killed a lot of people on the other side of the dam and that wouldn’t be good. Solar energy is better than hydro no matter what anyways cause all you gotta do is buy some cheap solar panels and for hydro you gotta get a lot of things like power lines and those kind of things must cost a lot. Those are my reasons why solar is way so much better than hydro and I’m telling the truth well in my opinion:) 

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