The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: randolph (Page 1 of 2)

So Long Fifth Grade

Good morning Mrs. Dietz, Mrs. German, Honored guests, Parents, and especially the class of 2014-2015.


My name is Kyla Randolph and I’m 11 years old. Leaving 5th grade is not easy. I am really excited for 6th grade but a lot of things happened in 5th grade. I’m going to miss all my friends. During the summer between 4th and 5th grade. My grandma told me she wanted me to have a wonderful 5th grade experience and work really hard and I did as she told me. She started feeling sad and she almost cried because she felt she wouldn’t be there to hear about my experience face-to-face. My grandma is 91. I told her I wanted her to make it to 100!!!!!! She is my favorite family member. I love her very much. She is my sunshine. She gives me Joy and happiness. She is my HERO! My hero is my grandma and I’m going to love her forever.


During my school year experience I’ve met different people. I met Karla, Briana, Bianca, Natalya, Gabrielle, Pooyan, Tiffany, Cobin, Jamour, and more. Every person i’ve met they have been very nice to me. Esther is very fun and kind. Zahara is humorous and thoughtful. Aniyah is Athletic and Bold. Dayanara is Brave and Noble. Briana is Caring and Funny. Amanda is silly and Artistic. Emily is crazy and nice. Last but not least Natalya she is thoughtful and caring she makes me laugh whenever I’m sad. I’m grateful for my friends I’m never going to forget them. There always there on my side.


I’m an animal lover. In the middle of the school year my baby bunnies were born and I loved them so much. They have sharp claws and it hurts when they scratch me. We sometimes have to put them outside because they need the fresh air and need sun. Plus they stink. One of them died and it reminded me of my dog Precious. My dog was a poodle. She would always sleep with me and she would always help me pick up the sticks when my dad had to mow the lawn. She would always make me play with her even when I was tired. But at the end we would always have the best time. I miss her and she passed away when I was in 3rd grade because she had diabetes. Precious and my bunny, Tiny Elvis, both died in the month of February. I loved them both very much. I know they loved me too. At some point you have to realize that some people and pets can stay in our hearts but not our lives.


In the future I want to become a veterinarian. I always had that spark about saving animals and I want to help their owners as well. I know that my education will continue for many years to make this goal.  I hope my education and hard work can get me their. Mrs. Dietz made sure my education would take me to it. I remember the time I walked through those red double doors and I met Mrs. Dietz and that’s when I knew my life began. Everyone greeted me and I felt like I belonged here and I made new friends and I will in 6th grade.  I bet my grandma, dog, and bunny will hope for the best for me too. Now that Fifth grade is ending I’m getting ready for sixth grade. No more cubbies, desks, and Spelling Sort. I’m scared and excited. I’m ready for sixth grade.


Clear Spring Park Opinion Piece

Clear Spring Park

Clear Spring Park is a place where you could go on a nice spring or summer day. Clear Spring Park is located at Scenery Drive. The park was made in 1981. They have 4 swings and two baby swings. They have a grill where you can have a cookout, a basketball court for teens. It is a small park. It is a kid friendly park to play at.

I think Clear Spring Park could use some upgrades. But for the most of it I like it. I grew up with it. Even though I hurt myself multiple times it is a good place to play. I always go there to play fun games after school. my favorite part of the park is the swings because it make me feel like I could fly. If I was to pick a park to play at, it would be Clear Spring Park.

Clear Spring Park is a positive park. Parents could sit under the pavillion and have a picnic. It is a supervised by a police patrol. As a kid I am safe while I take care of my brother. It has trash cans and recycle bins to make the park clean and animal hurt free.

If you had a debate to go to Clear Spring Park or another park you should pick Clear Spring. It is one my favorite places to go for a time to have fun. Or to take a walk see the squirrels biting on the nut and acorns. Clear Spring Park is one of the good parks.


A Strange Day in July

A Strange Day in July

Strange things happen in the world. But this is even stranger than even stranger than ever.

One day in July, Matthew was playing at the creek and he was skipping rocks. Julia showed up and sat on the big rock where to kids put their name on.

“you know you’ll never be able to skip stones right?” Julia said.

Julia picked up a stone and she skipped the stone all the way across the creek.

“See told ya,” Julia bragged.

Matthew folded his arms and then he picked up a stone and he threw it across. Julia’s mouth hang open.

“No way Matthew you just skipped a stone,” Julia said in shock.

Matthew started bragging and picked up a second stone and he skipped it AGAIN!

Matthew felt like the luckiest person in the world so he picked up a stone for a lucky chance.

He threw with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back. Matthew was in shock and he looked at Julia. Julia was sitting on the big rock snickering and cracking up in tears.

“What’s so funny? This is serious what happened!” Matthew exclaimed.

Julia called somebody’s name and a weird kid with a ponytail and he was wearing a silly shirt and khaki pants.

“Hey Julia how are,” the little boy said to Julia who was standing up waving to him.

Matthew was really confused and he was looking at Julia. The boy’s name was Joe and he was from a tribe named Absentee-Shawnee Matthew was really upset that Julia pulled a trick on him. Julia was looking at Matthew and he was leaving to go.

“Matthew come on you are really a let down. Come on we’re just having fun,” Julia said in a serious way.

Matthew was looking at Julia and she was floating or in his case flying in the air. The boy across the stream also was floating. He was acting like he was floating and then he was holding on to Julia’s hand. That’s when Matthew left and he went to the tree house his dad made for him before he went to war.

“Matthew, honey it’s time to eat dinner,” his mother called out. “Mom please just for 5 more minutes.”


Julia was knocking on Matthews window. His window room was on the third level of his house. Matthew was waking up and he looked at his window on the side of his room. Matthew ignored the knocking and he stated his day off.

(muffling) “Matthew come on you know that it was just a prank from yesterday, how about you lighten up,” Julia said in anger.

Matthew ignored her and he went to put his clothes… and yes he closed the blinds. YUCK!!!

After he got dressed, he went down stairs, ate breakfast, cleaned the guinea pigs cage, and then went outside to go play.


Matthew knew that from anywhere. Matthew ran to where Julia’s voice was. She kept on screaming. Then Matthew heard the boy from the other day yelling at her. That’s when Matthew ran faster. Matthew knew he was trouble because he has those devilish eyes.

Julia was fighting Joe to get away from him. Matthew picked up a rock and threw it at him. It didn’t work. Tiny looked at him and chuckled. Matthew threw the second one but he budge to let go of Julia.

“Your such a wimp, MATTHEW!!!,” Joe teased.

“Stop it let go of me or you’ll be sorry,” Julia demanded.

Matthew found a huge rock and then he picked it up and it was a bit heavy for him but he wanted to save Julia. Matthew threw with all his might and…

“Ow that actually hurt why would you do that it was just a prank,” Joe confessed. “Julia really you had me worried, I could of had a heart attack!” Matthew complained. “What I had no part in this scam,” Julia exclaimed.

Joe let go of Julia he vanished but he would always right back every month and she would right back to Joe too. Matthew always got letters but he never respond because Joe might come back from travels with his tribe.

That is the story of a….

Strange Day in July

Brooke Smith, Girl Wonder

Brooke Smith, Girl Wonder

Have you ever heard voice? Well this is a story is about a girl who heard those voices.

In the small town in Maine there lives a girl named Brooke. She was asleep and she heard a tiny voice asked.

“Is she the one?” said a tiny voice. “Yes you must make her believe, now do what you must.” said a low voice. “(sigh) Okay. Psst hey wake up now come on wake up. WHY WON’T YOU WAKE UP!!!”. The tiny voice was covering his mouth.

Brooke woke up and thought it was one of those town meeting’s about how to get money to fundraiser for the school. She was so startled when she was saw the boy with the tiny voice.

“Who are you and what you do want with me. Did I pick on you when we were smaller, please don’t hurt me.” Brooke cried. “Hey I’m not going to hurt, since you woke up we now have to talk face to face.” said the tiny voice. “You always were a believer. So we appeared and now we live in the abandoned library in town square.”

Brooke was about to call her mother. She looked at him really closely and then said she looked at her grandpa when he was little.

“Grandfather is that you as a little boy. I can’t believe it you died when you 78 years old. Why are you here?” Brooke cried. “ I must hurry, so this is what I looked like when I died, and now you have to stay up late tomorrow night and believe in us. Got it,” said Tiny.

Brooke went to sleep and thought of what it was like being a ghost or spirit from the underground world.

(Tweet Tweet Tweet) A bird singing a lovely song. Brooke had woke up. She went downstairs and saw her mother cooking her favorite breakfast, sausages with her Colorado Omelet and a strawberry smoothie to go. Her mother humming the song she always sang to Brooke when she was little. Her mom turned and around and had the face of Mystic Man who even scarey than Miss Tolly with a mole and a snaggle tooth.

“Ahh, what was that,” yelled Brooke. Brooke was terrified  she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. When she was done she put on her bunny slippers and then smelled her little brother Brian eating blueberry oatmeal. Brooke came down stairs her mother gave her a cheese omelet with 3 sausages, fruit salad ,and orange juice.

“Honey hurry because your brother wants to go the ice skating rink so please get dressed brush your teeth and make you lay nice clothes when we come back ok,” Her mom exclaimed. “Where we going?We don’t have church because the doors are too FROZEN!” Brooke talking with food in her mouth.

Brooke’s mother smiled and she finished cleaning the dishes.  When Brooke and Brian were finished they went up stairs and did a challenge.

First one to get your clothes gets to throw a snowball at the other person who LOSES,” Brooke and Brian said at the same time. They shook hands and went in there rooms.

Brooke came out of her room and looked in her brothers room and he had his bathroom light on she thought must of been in the bathroom brushing his teeth and washing his face. Brooke ran down stairs and her brother was drinking a cup of hot chocolate and was watching tv. Brooke was so mad that she was going to get hit with a snowball, BY HER BROTHER. Her brother, Brian went to baseball camp and he was the pitcher because he had good aim.

“Brooke let’s go outside so you can get hit with the mega snowball I made outside,” said Brian with a evil smirk on his face.

Later that day Brooke and her mom was smashing the potatoes while Brian put his dinosaur pajamas on. When Brooke finished mashing the potatoes she checked on the mac-n-cheese then pulled it out.

“Brooke would be a dear and set the table up and make sure you feed your hamster before you eat,” Her mother told her. Brook went up stairs to feed her hamster, Mr. Giggles.

Brooke finished eating her dinner and watched tv. Her mom told her to take her dishes in the kitchen and clean your dishes. Brooke was really mad she did that but the dog wanted to have her leftovers. So Brooke made sure she did her part of the dishes. Brooke went up stairs and got ready for bed.

“Time to go to bed, time to go to bed, time for everyone to play in my head. Everyone skips, everyone jumps, everyone’s ready to eat the candy stumps.” Brooke sang while she was brushing her hair. Her window blew open when and Brooke stopped brushing her hair and closed the window door.

“Hmm it’s pretty windy tonight,” Brooke said. And Brooke went to sleep

10 minutes


“Hey wake up it’s time,” said Tiny.

Brooke woke up and followed Tiny to the window door and he flew so did she because she believed and they flew to Never land.

No just kidding they went to the clock tower where Tiny been ever since he died.

“Where are you taking me and why are we headed for the clock tower,” Brooke whined. “Brooke please, just trust me, you’re meeting the boss,” Tiny had said

Brooke had let go of Tiny’s hand she had looked around looking for the boss.

“Hello is anywhere here? Tiny where are you, please show me the way to the “BOSS”! Brooke said wiping her eyes.

Brooke looked up and saw the other spirits with Tiny. All the spirits and Tiny flew down and all looked at her.

“Is that really human flesh. I haven’t seen it since my Julia. You guys remember her?”

Mystic Man came down and said. “I’m the one that sent you here and now I shall have a body to control and I will be able to live like I always wanted to live. With a great friends, go to school, and have a family of myself to have and play with,” He said.

Brooke ran away but the spirits pulled her back.

“Ugh let go of me please! You’re making a mistake let go now, Brooke screamed.

Mystic Man came closer to Brooke and he put his hand on her shoulder and then he sucked his way in. Then Tiny flew up real fast and pulled Mystic Man out of her body. Mystic Man was really furious and he was about to hit Tiny. Brooke struggled and struggled and she got loose.

“Go ahead take my body instead“you monster”!” Brooke said with a mean face. “Brooke no you will die and you will live the life I always wanted to live,” Tiny said.

Brooke knew he was right so she looked around and saw a old candle with candle matched. She ran over and grabbed the matches and flicked one on. And put out after she lit the candle. Mystic Man screeched so did the others but Tiny told her to bring closer to him and she did as she was told.

Mystic Man was stuck because he couldn’t go through walls. Their not ghosts their spirits. Mystic Man got sucked in by the candle light. Everyone was surprised and now that Mystic Man have no control over the spirits. Everyone looked up to Brooke now she defeated the “Big Man”.

“Brooke thank you Mystic Man was the worst person I ever met,” Tiny exclaimed. “I hereby decree Tiny to be the “Boss of spirits”. She said proudly.

Brooke now had to go home, Tiny and the others took her home and she went to straight to bed.

When she woke up the next day what happened last night it felt like a nightmare to her.

That was the story of Brooke Smith, Girl Wonder the spirit tamer.


Year of 2014


2014 was a good year. I went to a different state. Got new clothes. I was in my Easter play and it was a big deal for me at my church, and I been to my Grannie Annie house before she moved.

The big event was that I went to Atlanta, Georgia with my mom, my little brother Larry, and my older brother Kyle for a church. I saw T.I and his two older son on the first day we arrived at Atlanta. The next day I went to the Atlanta Falcons stadium.

The biggest thing in the world was Malala. She was fighting for her and other girls rights to go to school like United States of America does. She was going to do anything for her and her country. Then she won the Nobel peace prize

I plan on taking good care of my bunnies I got when I came back after my trip to Atlanta. Now they have 7 baby bunnies that I love and adore. Also I will be more fit than I already am.

This was presented by a AWESOME-SAUCE KID.

Eve and the Bandit King

Eve and the Bandit King

Eve was a young lady it was time to her to move out of her mothers house. She was childish.

“No one will marry you if you be so childish.” Her mother said.

“Mother you need to relax I’m fine being a woman without a man. Now I’m going to the village of Athens to get crops and food, okay?”

So Eve had made it to the village of Athens and she was excited to see that everyone was too busy to notice that the markets are open and they could start buying.

“ You young lady you look eligible for King Hans.” said a old man who was holding her by the arm and taking her to the pedestal. “Young lady what is your name”? said a middle aged man.

Eve ran home and told her mother of what happened. “Mother mother I’m going to be the next Queen of Athens.” Eve cried out. “What is the matter you will have riches and glory.”

Excitement came out of her mothers voice. “But I shall not be queen if me and the king had any connection together.” Sobbed Eve. “Come on you have a big day tomorrow.” Eve and her mother had supper and Eve cleaned the house while her mother was in her room.

“Three cheers for the Queen.” her mother was playing aroundwhile Eve was putting her gown on.

“It was kind of the king to let you use one of the gowns. Eve and her mother got a knock on the door. “I’m Sergeant Jones and I’m here to collect your things and to take you to the palace.” He said. Eve and the sergeant were putting things on the carriage.

“Excuse me miss but you don’t need to help with package.” said Sergeant Jones. “Honey it would be best if you just sit down okay?” said Eve’s mother.

So Eve sat down and she was waiting for the carriage to leave.

Eve had arrived for the big ceremony in the village Athens .She was really surprised when she exited out of carriage. There was a whole crowd waiting for the new queen and she was worried she was going to do a poorly job at being queen.

”Mother I change my mind being queen is the worst thing ever. Remember that time when I was so shy to make a speech for the new children’s area?” Cried Eve.

Eve was so worried at being queen what if she will always have to complement the King when she doesn’t feel like it. There was so much pressure one Eve she couldn’t bear to hold on.

“My dear young lady I shall call you my wife for tomorrow’s big ceremony.” The King greeted her and her mother.

“Henna is going to show you to your rooms for my lovely mother-in-law you will have the view of a healthy green forest and with a lovely bed made from our seamstress Madeline. For my fiance I will give the forest view, the lovely bed, and you shall have anything you desire to have in your room.” The King said.

Henna escorted them to their rooms.”Eve this is my stop hope you get something twice as best as this it’s enormous and so gorgeous.” Her mother said in grief.

“Here you go ma’am your room awaits the bags will be coming up shortly.” said Henna. “All clear thank you my good sir.” King Hans said.

Eve looked outside and saw that it was a red velvet float that had a banner on that said Queen Eve of Athens. Eve was worried King Hans would never give her respect as he never gave to his old wife. Eve’s mother invited her to have some tea and snicker doodle cookies to have for a snack. So Eve and her mother had a lovely evening talking and sitting about the parade they will have in town.

Meanwhile all the way on the top of Mt. Olympics the great Gods were having a very important meeting about how Eve should have a special guest at her royal wedding and parade. That special person was… Aphrodite god of beauty!

“ I say we send her out to sea and then Poseidon can take her across sea.” Medusa said with glee. “No then if I accidentally throw the ship over then what.” Poseidon himself said. “How about we… never mind it was a stupid idea” C.A Cupid said with I want my mom to get there safe.

“Arr! Why is this crown so big on me”. King Han complained. “My great sir it was fitted on you just last week with the dummy.” Henna insisted to tell him. “Are you calling me a dummy you going to banishment hall GUARDS TAKE HER AWAY!!! He commanded. “Wait wait I mean the fake doll see.”

Henna was a poor girl who was the only trade her family could trade for and the most variable trade they ever had. She was only little when she first left her  home and she never saw her mother or brothers and sister ever since she left. Her father works as the seamstress.

Eve was putting her clothes on when she got a mysterious visitor waiting in the sitting room.

“Who are you, I was sent here to see you they said you were very important.” Eve worried. “I’m your mother Aphrodite God of beauty I came here for the wedding and parade.” She said.

Eve was crying in fear and wondered how she was her favorite god is her mother.

Ding Dah-Ding-Dong (trumpet horn blowing). It was time to start the ceremony of the marriage.

“Do you Eve Moody, take Hans Marlene to be your lawfully wedded husband.” said the priest. “I do.” Eve said. “And do you Hans Marlene take Eve Moody to be your lawfully wedded wife.” “I do.” said Hans.

“Congratulations on the wedding our dear King Hans, and now our new Queen Eve.” Congratulations you too.”

Eve was walking up the steps and then sat on the seat was sitting on when she was trying it out yesterday. She was walking with her King and then the doors behind them.

It was the afternoon and the King was in the bedroom putting  pajamas on. The king opens the door and Eve was walking past the room and saw something suspicious.

“Oh my goodness no beard.” Eve whispered. “You there, Guards sees her immediately.” He commanded.

Eve was sent to the prison room where all prisoners go when the King sends them there. Eve was crying and sobbing. But met a visitor while she was there.

“Here my child, I shall free for you can show the kingdom and the village that who the King truly is.” Aphrodite was there. “Thank you mother thank you for freeing me and helping me.

There was a celebration going on and the King wanted to look good since he just got married 2 hours ago.

“Thank you my kingdom and village for you have shown me that my new wife Queen Eve will be the best queen ever. Said King Hans. “Here is my darling Queen Eve.

Eve was walking up the stairs and said she wanted to talk to the village out loud.

“King Hans is a great man but he shall not be called King for which is a fake. He used to be a servant for King Tatar

.” Eve confessed. “Then how is he King.” said the children of Athens

“Ah, you see that is because he killed King Tatar. “Oh also guards take him away he is the Bandit Hans.

Eve was glad that everything was back to normal and she would never have to have an arranged marriage anymore.

“You’ll pay for it Eve Moody, I mean it soon you’ll pay!!! Said the Bandit Hans.

Eve was talking to the children of Athens and then a man and his son flew down with wings. And joined the celebration.

That is how Queen Eve came to be and the evil, sneaky, rude Bandit Hans left the town and cried home to his father, King Minos.

The First Amendment

Bill of Rights

The 1st amendment is the most important one in all the amendments. It states that the Congress cannot create a law that says no one can practice their religion. It also says that the congress may not make a law about not speaking what people wanna speak. Anybody in U.S.A is allowed to meet  to ask the government to change something for our laws.


Anybody in the country of United States of America can publish whatever book they want if they approve of it. The congress is not allowed to tell you what church and religion you to got to. No yes or no and no wrong or right for your religion.The congress will not banned you from your church because they want you to be Christian, Jewish, Catholic and other sorts of religion.


Human Rights

You will not be taken out of the premises if you wanted to know if one of the laws could be change or not have the law at all. That would be very rude if that would of happened. The guard and the congress man or woman would be fired in my case. Here how it will go down you walk in state your reason to be here and then they talk and they will catch up  with  you later. The congress is not too powerful as you think they are.

Child Safety

Kid Safety Movement

By: Kyla Randolph



The Kid safety movement started in the 1970’s. Terrible things can happen when children aren’t safe. Children all over the world can get hurt at anytime. Parents try to babyproof their homes so there babies won’t hurt themselves. Sometimes, children over the age of 12 are responsible for their younger siblings if they have any, for when their parents leave to do something. Families, companies, and the government have worked to make sure kids are staying safe.


Parent gotta do what a Parent gotta do

People keep their children safe to protect them from dangerous things like closing there finger in the door, touch a sharp knife or a needle, and especially when children don’t listen to their parents and do things when their parents told them to not that practice and never knew not to do it. Parents should know how to take of their child.


A Baby is Born
When you take your child from the hospital born or adopted you must take care of it. This is a privilege to have a child. So you must protect them as you would protect your family. Now you have little people running in your house. You never know when they may hurt themselves and will start to cry. You are there guardian.

Car Seats

Child car safety should be thanked by Graco, Gerber, Orbit baby, Diono, and other types of children companies to keep them safe. Parents don’t listen to the law and they just break it. Parents let children sit in the front seat, never have their seat belt on while they are in the car and driving.


In conclusion

I want to stop child harm and I want children to be safe and and to have parents follow the rules so NO child will get harmed. I see children get all the time and I wanted to stop that. I lost family members that I lost, but losing a child is more scarring and disperating. I listen to the knews children get hurt the time. Join with me and help the children safety rank to the number one priority so everyone can start child safety.

I’m thankful for…

I’m thankful for my family, my pets, and my shelter. I’m grateful + thankful for everything I have. I’m thankful for my education, food, and electricity, friends, and my best thing in the world my life.

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