The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Category: Adventure (Page 2 of 5)

The Adventure Of Rose Justice

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In a hot town named The Wildy West (which was in Cameroon, Africa), there was a girl named Rose Justice, who lived in the year 2015 with her horse named Peach (a really smart horse). The Wildy West is a big Desert with a ground covered with cracked sandstone (which are is orange!). Rose always goes around in the desert looking for anything new. Everyday she finds at least two or three things, but all were weird. But, she loves them, she keeps them like family.

Rose was packing up everything she needed because today she decided to go on an adventure. She also packed things for her horse. Rose told Peach that they were going in the desert for about one or two days. But, she knew that Peach would be fine with it.

Rose and peach headed out to the desert, but really far away from home. When she got to where she wanted to go, she made her tent (she also made Peach’s tall tent), plus prepared everything she needed to. When she was finished preparing, she decided to go take a look around where they were staying at. She was just starting her adventure, but they both had no idea what was going to happen later on.

Rose and Peach were looking around for anything special to collect. She found weird things that she put in her bag. She also found a village. She met nice people who gave her even more things she needed. That was good because she already used most of her things. Those people were called ‘The Douala-micans’. Rose asked, “May I come back if I need anything for my horse and me?” Their leader said, “ Yes, you can come. But don’t take too many things at a time.” After that, Rose continued her adventure.

On the second day, Rose went out again. She searched through the desert with Peach. Peach saw someone wearing a dark cloak with a black mask that only covered his mouth. Peach neighed at Rose. Rose understood what Peach was saying. Peach was saying that there was a bad-looking guy in front of them. Rose told Peach, “ Yeah, he does look bad. Let’s go check him out.” Rose quietly got off her horse and tip-toed to the bad-looking guy.

When Rose got really close to him, she quickly took off his mask covering his mouth. She recognized that face. It was the worst bad guy in the world, Lone Wolf Mcdanger! No matter how he does it he always gets away from anyone. He is the world’s most dangerous and feared man alive!

Rose exclaimed, “ It’s YOU!! You are Lone Wolf Mcdanger! But, I thought you were-”

“-Dead? I still look young, don’t I?” interrupted Mcdanger.

“I still look young because of a little secret of mine. NO-ONE WILL KNOW!!” said Mcdanger.

“ I thought that you were dead! After 100 years of you doing your MISCHIEF!!! How are you still here?!!”

“I’d love to stay and chat about nonsense, but I have to go cause MORE MISCHIEF!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!”

Then, he ran away from Rose, with his horse named Night, from Rose, going at about one half of a mile by minute. So, it was really, hard for rose to catch up to him. Rose said, “ Peach! GO GET HIM!!! YA!”

Mcdanger exclaimed, “HAHA!!!!!!! You will never catch me!!!!!!! Why don’t you go get yourself some LUCKY CLOVERS TO HELP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! So why don’t you go back home to save YOURSELF some time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Then, out of nowhere, The Douala-micans came to help Rose. When she heard their horses galloping, so she said, “Thank you, all of you. Chief, tell your team to split up in half!! One half on the left, other on the right! You go with the kids! All the older ones can go to the right! I will go to Mcdanger!! GO!! GO!! GO!!!!!”

Everyone went into their positions that Rose told them to go to. Chief went to stay with the kids, he, and the kids, were trying to surround Mcdanger on the left. The rest of the Douala-micans were going to surround him from the right. Night, Mcdanger’s horse, was trained to ride really fast, including bad. And after six minutes, he stopped galloping, and threw Mcdanger off him. He did that because he thought about being bad for a second, but decided to be good.

In his head, he was saying, “From now on, I will be good, and only run fast for good people only. I am tired of the way that Mcdanger treats me!” Mcdanger felt betrayed, so he ran by foot (but really slow). Everyone who saw him running knew why he needed a horse, just by the way he ran slowly. Everyone laughed at him. He became so angry, so he used one of his escaping moves. He disappeared to a place that nobody knew existed. The escape move that he used was called teleportation.

The way Mcdanger got to the other dimension was by using tele-powder. When you sprinkle it on you, then you teleport into a place called “The Skull Desert” filled with many obstacles to get through. When you finish the obstacles then you have wings (color of wings depend on what your fave color is). If you sprinkle too much tele-powder on yourself, you go to the oblivion. When you go in, you NEVER GO OUT!

When Mcdanger sprinkled the tele-powder on himself, he went to The Skull Desert for a second, then he came back. That was because he did not know that the person he was running away from a pure-hearted cowgirl. But, he didn’t give up. He said, “ WHY ISN’T THIS WORKING?!!! IT SHOULD BE WORKING!! WORK YOU STUPID THING!!!!!” Before he did the worst thing to himself, Rose go this chill, and out of nowhere she felt powerful. In her thoughts she was saying, “Hmm, suddenly I feel powerful and strong. But, how and why?”

When he got super mad, he forgot what was going to happen to him after he sprinkled a lot of tele-powder on himself. Mcdanger froze for a second, then as he frowned, he said, “Uh-Uh. WWHHYY???!!!!!” As he said that, he disappeared into the oblivion. After he disappeared, Rose commanded, “I want Mcdanger to come back. NOW!!” As she said that, he came back. She didn’t think she could do that. Rose told everyone to get Mcdanger to jail. But, he asked her to fight him. The other good people looked at her waiting for her to say yes or no.

She said, “Yes, I will fight you. I am tired of you doing mischief to this beautiful world. I will put an end to you!!” So they fought. Mcdanger was about to make his first move when out of nowhere he grew wings, dark black wings. He remembered that he passed the obstacles in The Skull Desert. But, since that place was as bad as he was, he had dark powers that he could do on Rose, so he started using them. He was worst than evil!

Rose screamed, “EVERYONE, RUN HOME!! IF YOU STAY YOU WILL ALL GET HURT!!! GO!!!” She said that because the cloud was turning red and black, and it was raining poison drops. Everyone ran by foot, because if the rode their horses, then they, with the horses, would get poisoned. Mcdanger asked Rose, “Rose, why aren’t you fighting, eh? Are you too scared because the all-powerful Phillips Lone Wolf Mcdanger Death is going to end the life of Rose Justice?. START MAKING A MOVE BEFORE YOU DIE!!!!!!!”

Rose shot some TNT at him. The TNT deflected off his dark, 100,000,000,000,000,000% safe shield. Then, Rose realized that he was stronger than her. So, she used her power to make the most undefeatable army. Still, he killed all of them.

Rose realized that the only possible way to defeat him was to take all his powers. She knew that what she was doing was really dangerous, and if it didn’t work, it could turn her into the most feared person in the world. But, if it worked, she would have used all her magic, but she would have been dead. So, she started absorbing his powers. He knew what she was doing, so he laughed. “Quit doing that, Rose. It won’t WORK!!!” he said. Mcdanger tried making her stop it by using his powers, but it didn’t work because what she was doing was working.

He tried again and again, but the more he was doing it, the more Rose absorbed his powers. She was almost done absorbing, when the sky was turning back to normal.  Rose finished absorbing Lone Wolf Mcdanger’s powers, but when she did, she started falling from 400 yards in the sky. When she reached the ground, she created a large hole, which created a large sand wind that reached The Wildy West. The other good guys felt the wind, so they came over to Rose to see where she was.

Peach was there before they got there. When they reached her, they found her laying on the ground, in a big hole. Their leader went to check if she still alive, but her heart wasn’t beating. She was dead. They all bowed their heads down in depression. But, red with orange swirls swirled around her, lifting her up in the sky. Before the swirls faded away, they came down with her, and dropped her on the ground where she was before. The good guys (with peach) looked at her to see what happened to her.

Suddenly, Rose’s outfit changed. First (before this adventure), it was a red dress. But now, it’s a red with pink dress that’s short on one side, but on the other side. Rose also had a matching hat, matching hair, plus matching wings. She woke up because the swirls save her life since she saved the world. She looked confused because of her outfit, and why she was in a big hole. Rose said that the last thing she remembered doing was attacking Lone Wolf Mcdanger.

After they all went back to The Wildy West (even the other good guys), everyone cheered for them. Rose questioned the chief saying, “Chief, why is everyone clapping? I didn’t tell anyone about fighting Mcdanger.” The Chief replied, “Don’t worry Rose. When we ran home in the poison rain, we went here to tell everyone that you were saving the world.” She said that she was surprised because she didn’t know that the fight was far, but not far enough for her home to not see.

It was almost dawn, so the good guys from the other village had to go home. They all said their goodbyes to Rose. Then, they all left to go home, which wasn’t too far away from the Wildy West. Rose, along with Peach both went home to unpack everything from their adventure. After that, they went out to see everyone. Before anyone came to them, the Mayor, Loy West, was the first to see them. He happily said, “ Rose and Peach, thank you for saving the whole desert, plus for putting an end to Mcdanger. I will reward you, both.”.

First, Loy gave Rose a bag-full of gold. She hugged him, plus thanked him (he was her DAD!!!). Then, Loy told Peach that a lifetime supply of his fave food was coming to him. Peach did a happy neigh at him as a thank you. Then, Loy told everyone in town that a celebration for Rose West and Peach (her horse) was going to happen tonight at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Square. Then, the Mayor went home to get everything to decorate the town square. He was going to help people decorate.

It was time for the party. Rose picked out a party outfit. It was hard for her to put it on because of her wings. So, she tried tucking her wings in it. They wouldn’t stay, so she cut two lines into the wing area of her top of her dress. When she, including Peach, went out (Peach was wearing the same dress that Rose was wearing except horse style) to the Town Square, everyone was already there. So when everyone saw them, they clapped for Rose and Peach. Then, they all celebrated happily, with no interruptions.

While they were partying, Lone Wolf Mcdanger was watching over them on a mountain. He said, “ You have won the fight, but I will win YOU! He was going to come for revenge.




Rockets Run

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There is a small family, a dog named Rocket, he was two feet tall, another dog named Blaze, she was three feet tall, and an owner named Shelby, she was five feet and five inches tall. They love to play catch with a tennis ball, run outside, and eat a lot a food, but sometimes they have some ups and downs where Rocket will be drinking the toilet and Blaze will be in the trash making a mess, now let’s not talk about that.

One day in 2015 Rocket, Blaze, and Shelby were playing catch in there backyard.

“I want to go to the dog park.” Barked Rocket.

Blazed replied saying “Yeah, LET’S GO!”

The dogs were barking at Shelby till she finally realized that they wanted to go to the dog park. Shelby put on their leashes and there golden name tags (It caused about one thousand dollars) and headed outside.

When they entered the dog park, Shelby took of their leashes and they both bolted!

“Bet you can’t beat me!” barked Rocket.

“Bet I can!” barked Blaze.

Both dogs were dashing through the park, knocking over little dogs, bumped into big dogs, and splashed in mud.

“I’m running out of breath.” Blaze gasped.

“I’m not!” Rocket replied.

Rocket accidentally bumped into a really big dog!

“OUCH!” Growled Steward the big dog (He was about five feet).

“Sorry” Barked Rocket.

“Look punk, no one bumps into me and get away with it.”

“Sorry” Rocket said softly.

“COME HERE” growled Steward.

Blaze was far away from the scene, talking to another girl dog.

“Hi I’m Blaze.”

“Hi I’m Rainbow.”

Blaze complemented Rainbow saying,

“I like your name.”

Rainbow replied saying,


Rocket was running away.

“Hey, is that your brother?” asked Rainbow

“No I don’t think so, WAIT THAT IS MY BROTHER!” yelled Blaze.

Blaze ran to Shelby as fast as she could.

“Ruff Ruff!” barked Blaze.

“What’s wrong Blaze? Hmm Blaze where is your brother, I can’t find him anywhere?” asked Shelby.

Blaze did that nose pointing dog thing. Shelby looked where Blaze was pointing and saw Rocket running away from Steward and Steward’s owner Gildan chasing Steward while yelling,


Rocket was faster than Steward because he was smaller, but Rocket ran in the JUNGLE!

Rocket was thinking to himself,

“I shouldn’t have ran away. I want to go back. But that dog is mean. I should probably keep walking forwards.”

Rocket kept getting flies in his face, mosquitoes stinging him (on his butt), and ladybugs on his back. Then Rocket saw something glowing in a big cave that was about one hundred feet away. Rocket thought to himself,

“Should I go in?”

Rocket walked in!

“It’s so dark.” thought Rocket.

Bats flew by Rocket. Rocket screamed.


“Oh, they’re just bats.”

and then smoke came and music started playing. It sounded like,


in high pitch.

“What’s that sound?” Rocket asked himself.

“AHH! It’s so bright. My eyes hurt.” barked Rocket.

Rocket kept walking forwards and found something AMAZING!

“What is this?” Rocket asked himself.

It was big and round as a perfect circle but in 3D. Like a sphere, it was really really bright!

“What is this thing? Does it move, does it taste delicious, does it do something?”

Rocket touched it but it didn’t move, Rocket licked the thingy, it tasted horrible! The thingy started spinning around.

“Wooh, what is going on!”

a light beamed at Rocket. Rocket was screaming very loudly!


Rocket was knocked out! (and blinded!)

Rocket finally woke up. (It’s been 1 month!)

“Ow, my head hurts.”Rocket said softly.

While it’s been a month Shelby, Blaze, and Blaze’s new friend Rainbow was searching for Rocket.

“Hey, Rainbow do you have a owner?” Blaze asked Rainbow.

“No, I always go to the dog park and look for one”

“aw that’s sad. YOU CAN BE WITH US!”

“REALLY THANKS!” Rainbow said in excitement!

Rocket started heading out of the cave and then he tripped over a rock and teleported to the family!

“ROCKET!” the family scream!

“Rocket how did you get here!?” Blaze asked.

“I don’t know.”



“YES!” Shelby screamed.

“Wait I know how.”

“How?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s this thing. If i give you one you guys that are girls this, you will have powers!” Rocket replied.

Rocket gave the last two sources to the to dogs and they all had powers!

They had super speed, jump really high, fly, teleportation, talk like humans, invisibility, super smart, and use the toilet! Shelby bought Rainbow a golden name tag.(That costed about one thousand dollars to.) The family headed to the dog park. Wind was in there faces, they smelled that winter smell you smell in late fall and winter, and met a lot a friends! They had a blast!

The Adventures of the Woods

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Back in 2012 there was a girl named Ava and she played soccer but she didn’t really like it that much. She dreaded going to practice but she never complained to her mom. At every game she’d pretend to hurt herself and then the referees would tell her to get off and that she couldn’t play in the game anymore.


Ava loves hikes and just being with friends. She took hikes everyday in the forest right behind her house. She asked her friends but they always turned her down because they loved playing games and they hated going outside. They were always too busy  with playing on minecraft or playing mario kart with their other friends.


One day Ava and her friends were outside playing basketball. They were just kicking the ball back to each other then Ava set up some goals then they started making goals. Then Ava said. “Why don’t we, get a drink right now?” Then all her friends said. “Sure why not Ava.” Then as they were walking inside one of her friends screamed. “AHHHH A SNAKE!!!!” Then all the girls ran inside, then grabbed a sip of  water.    


“So what happened?”


“I was walking with you guys, then I saw a rattlesnake. And then freaked out then I yelled. Sorry! I am sorry!!”


“It’s ok! It’s ok! We forgive you.  Don’t leave Madi! We aren’t mad at you!!! Forgive us!!”


“Fine! But I am going to call my mom and ask her if you can come over Ava! And we can have dinner together!! Maybe even a sleepover!”


“Hey Madi?”


“Yea Ava? What do you need?”


“Wanna go take a hike?”


“Yes yes!! I’d love to I love hikes.”


The girls started getting ready to go on a hike. “Hey girls I am gonna go with Madi for a little hike.” Ava hollered. The other girls replied. “Ok we’re all going home for now. Bye!” Ava screamed in excitement. “Hey Madi! Are you ready to go?” Madi replied. “Yea, gimme a second. While I pack some snacks. Want anything?  I have trail mix. Or almond bars? Whatever, I will just pack both.” As Madi packs both Ava gets a first aid kit. Ava hummed. “Yay we’re going on a hike!! I love hikes!” Then the Ava screamed. “MOM, ME AND MADI ARE GOING OUT FOR A HIKE!!! WE WILL  BE BACK LATER!” Then they headed out the door.Then headed up the hill. The girls we’re in the forest.

“Hey Ava can we stop? I am out of breath.” The girls stopped then Madi pulled out water and started taking a sip and as she took a sip she started feeling better.


“What do we do now? Should we go back home and rest or hike further?”


“Oh my! Go further. Don’t you love hiking, Ava? I…”


Some stranger popped out of nowhere and hollered . “Why hello! What do we have here!” Madi & Ava jumped in shock. “Who, who are you! Are you going to hurt us?!?!?!?!?” The stranger giggled and said. “Ha,  no. I won’t, why do you think that!? And this time, don’t be so scared. Answer.” Ava didn’t say anything. Madi shocked and scared replied. “I, I don’t know! We just want to hike! Please leave us alone!!! We didn’t do anything to you!” Ava said to Madi. “Calm down!” And the stranger says. “Ugh! Why do you all seem so scared!!!!! I want you to FOLLOW me and not RUN away! You hear me!?!?!? Also tell me you’re names! No last names please.” Ava and Madi looked at each other then said. “Well, I am Ava, this is my best friend Madi.” Madi waved. “Why do you want us to follow you though?”


The stranger said. “Well let me introduce myself. I am Jenni. I am 23 years old. Just because I want to do something for you.” The girls replied. “Well hello, Jenni.” Jenni then walked further into the forest then the girls followed her. Jenni pulls out a wand. “Ava may you please step up. In front of me.” Ava walked up scared. “Well, don’t be scared it won’t hurt! 100% Sure that it won’t.” Just like that Jenni started saying some words Madi nor Ava could understand. BOOM. Ava turned into a…… player. Madi gasped then yelled. “ OH MY GOSH AVA YOU’RE IN A SOCCER JERSEY!! THAT’S RED” Ava plays  then scores a lot of goals. “Jenni, may I ask you something?” Jenni says. “Yep? What do you want Ava.” Ava said taking a breath. “Why did you do this to me?” Jenni giggled then  said. “ What made you a soccer player! Haha not me! You made yourself, now you like soccer because if you didn’t you wouldn’t have kicked a lot of goals! Most people that don’t like kicking the ball, you did.” As she giggled. “Get out there and go play your FIRST game next week on saturday! Good luck!” And Jenni disappeared like that.

Madi and Ava ran home really fast and the back door slam open.




“Ava… I have to go home.My mom wants me home.She wants me home for dinner.”




Then Ava’s mom replied. “Sweetie calm down. Madi do you wish for me to call your mom, also I will ask her if you can sleep over? Or stay for a week? No school this week.” Madi excitedly exclaimed. “Yes! Thank you!” Ava’s mom said. “Sure! I love having you over. You’re awesome to have over! You never fight or complain, you’re so respectful.” “Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! I love you guys!” Madi replied. Ava’s mom called up  Madi’s mom answered the phone. “Yes?”  Then Ava’s mom told her, “Sure she may!” Then she hung up.


The day of the game. “Ava, honey are you ready to go?” Ava’s mom hollered. “Ava. You’re mom wants us! Ready? For the big game?” Madi smiled.


“Yes! Ready to go! Just let me put my water bottle in my bag. And some treats!”


Madi and Ava walked downstairs. Ava’s Mom got everyone in the car then they drove off.


“So Ava you ready! To take on soccer!” Ava’s mom said.


Ava jokingly said “Ha  yes! I am so ready! To go! TO  TAKE ON THE WORLD!!!!! Haha. Sorry just a bit hyper but I am so ready!! Thanks again mom for inviting Madi to stay for the week! I really need some light in my body, she is that light.”


Madi replied “Ava! You’re so sweet! Want some jolly ranchers?”


Ava reached back grabbed some jolly ranchers from Madi.


“May I have a few?” Ava mom asked.


“Yep!” Ava exclaimed as she was handing them to her mom.


At the game Ava’s coach was yelling “GO AVA!!!! GO SHOOT THAT GOAL!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!! RUN RUN RUN!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!”


Ava ran so fast that she could feel her legs burning but she RAN up to that goalie aimed the ball then  kicked the ball right into the goal. Ava had done it! Scored the last score that needed to be scored so that they could win that tournament! She had done it again! Won her first ever game just like she wanted. Ava screamed.



Madi ran then  gave Ava a hug. Ava hugged Madi so tight that she was not breathing for a second then they stopped hugging.


“Ava want to know something that I wish was true?”




“That we we’re sisters and that will never happen.”

“We are sisters…..”




“We’re sisters from another mother. Hahah get it? But really! We are!  Never forget  about each other, love will be spreaded, between us two and you will never get forget me and I will never forget you!” Madi broke down into tears. “I love you!” Madi hugged Ava.

The Adventures of SRS Camping in the Woods

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It was like any other day at Daly Elementary and Samuel,Raiyan, and Stefan were just getting out of science and I uttered, “Since the teacher assigned us a task to find 3 bear print’s, then maybe we should go camping. We could have  fun while we get our assignment done.

“OK” said Raiyan.

“Sounds like a plan.” replied Stefan.

The next day came and all of us were getting ready for the trip. When we finished, I picked up Raiyan and Stefan and we left for the woods.

We got there we got  out our magnifying glasses and our tent and went out to find a good spot to set up. Once we found a good place we stopped we set up our tent. While Raiyan went out to look for firewood he found a beehive and once he put his finger into it thousands of bees started chasing him all over the woods. Meanwhile, Me and Stefan were out hunting for food and when we found a nearby stream.

I took the fishing hook and I caught 2 fishes.While we were finding food Raiyan was still getting chased but finally he landed in the mud and the bees went away. Me and Stefan were just getting back where we met Raiyan.

“What happened to you?”

“I fell in the mud,” said Raiyan grumpily.

¨Well then let’s all go and get firewood¨ said Stefan

After that, we made a fire and cooked the fish. We finished eating we went in our tent and went to bed. The next morning we woke up and went out to find our bear prints. We were looking Raiyan found our first one near a maple tree. Stefan found the second one near the river.  When we had looked everywhere and couldn’t find anything, we found a cave. In this mysterious cave was said to be where at least 50  bears live, but I think it’s just a myth I found our final bear print, our faces looked like we just found a treasure box

But while we were getting out we met  the most scariest thing ever you couldn’t believe our eyes….. A BEAR! We started running immediately when the bear started chasing us.  We ran uphill then downhill we ran all over the woods. And Then  Stefan got tired we had to carry him. The run just got harder and the bear was getting closer and closer. But after all that running I still remembered where we parked the car. We lost the bear.  We ran to the car and met up with the tent. We packed up everything and when I found the car we got in. When the bear was getting close we locked the door and drove off quickly.

Raiyan said, “At least we still have the photos.”

We got to school we turned in our photos.When our teacher gave us our grade we got an A+.  

We got out of the room I thought of a good life lesson: “Never go into the woods without bear repellent spray.”

Dark Halloween Night

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One dark cold Halloween night there were five friends named Nyima, Alexa, Shaune, Abigail, and Samantha . They all went to go to the fair they wanted to go on a dark and scary ride and they found one it was called scary screams everyone got on the ride then the cart started to move .

Everyone got terrified then the cart slowly went up up and up then they  got to the top of the tracks they were all upside down and they were in a mountain cave then the ride stops! All the girls  were really really  scared and they all freaked out they all started shaken there was gloppy slime drippings were falling on them from the client .

“This is horrible screamed  Nyima !!!”

“What is this stuff quivered shaune !!”

“ I really to get of this ride right now said Alex

“Me too Nyima whispered”  

An hour passed since they were on the ride everyone got calm they were absolutely bored! When they were sitting in the cart they wanted to get off soooo bad .Then there was a big bang  the cart sped down the tracks all five friends screamed and they were really excited they were waiting for this moment to happen it was less dark than  in the cave the ride ended it was really dark outside  but they could still see then they all went to go get something to eat then they sat down .

After a bit they went on one more scary ride but they all got over their fears after the ride they all went to play some games so they can get a lot of prizes. The five friends then went to go into the haunted house then got  cotton candy and pie then went home .

All the girls got home they all had fun beside the part when the ride broke down and that slime fell on them and when they were upside that was no fun at all to the girls . Beside all the scary stuff the five friends had so much fun being together they would love to do it again not the scary stuff .

“I had so much fun yelled samantha”

“This was a curious night announced Alexa”  

“This was a awesome day said Nyima”

“What are you crazy this was not a cool day at all Shaune said”!!!!


Sleeping Beauty ( the story that you think that you already know)

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Once upon a time there was a girl named Ella and her twin Fitz were hearing their  parents fighting. Then 3 days later they split up so the dad took Fitz and they lived in a shack.  The mother took   Ella and they  lived in the castle. Years later when Ella was 18 years old Fitz was 18 years old too like Ella.

One day the evil king made Fitz  become evil like him.  Fitz said that he was going to curse his mother instead of Ella because he loved her he didn’t want ella to sleep 200 years and die.

Then Fitz was going to curse  his mother then he cursed his mom. The same day Ella was getting married  the day her mother died she was angry at Fitz for cursing their mother she was hunting for their shack in the woods ella wanted revenge.  Ella was trying to find the shack then after hours she found the shack

and Ella went into the shack  then she found Fitz sleeping she woke up Fitz she said that she was sorry for trying to hurt Fitz.Then Fitz  said that he was sorry too for putting a curse on their mother.They both forgave each other.They had a happily ever after.

Or was it the Ella was married to her prince and Fitz got married to a Queen  the they did good in the land.And then a new evil kid comes to town spread evil around the world the this girls name was Eva she was the evilest in the land.

Then she was mad at  Fitz for becoming as nice as his sister Ella.Eva was going to try to hurt Fitz then Fitz was scared so he was going to put a sleeping curse on the kingdom until Eva leaves the kingdom but Fitz just found out that his wife was having a baby.

Fitz was going to hide the baby in the closet with the baby’s mom.The he told the queen to hide in the closet so they will not have the sleeping curse so they went into the closet but it was a magic closet to make them in a new place to hide.

Then they went into a world that they have never seen stuff in this world it was 2015. They didn’t  know what they are going to face till midnight they will go back to their world the the next day. When they went back they loved that world then  they wanted to first find Eva then find a prince for their child the child name was Daniella.

Then the princess years later she was getting married to a prince named Hanz they loved each other till the grow old the the parents died the they were sad the they had a happily ever after for ever!!!!!!!!!

Stefan Raiyan Samuel Crazy Adventure

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One day they were 3 best friends.Later in the day we were at recess and we were playing soccer. Then we saw a jungle on the left and Raiyan says lets go to the jungle.

Stefan said “hurry.”

So we could go in the jungle. We went to the jungle but Samuel said he`s hungry.We headed back as soon as we finished eating.

We just found out that the school was closed. We ran back  we all got tired and we fell asleep under a large tree. It was day 2 we all woke up with tigers is in all of our faces.

Stefan replied saying “Ah.”

Stefan woke all the monkeys up and the monkeys all had mango`s and rocks with them to throw at us. We all ran but stefan got hit by a rock and  fell and got heart  also  the tigers bite stefan. also  the monkeys mest up and threw the mangos at us but Samuel got hit by a mango and got knocked out. Sadly  Raiyan had to drag samuel the whole way. but it was safe and sound. Also we found the mangos. But  Samuel woke up and ate some mangos. also i ate some mangos  Samuel came  and asked what happened to stefan Raiyan said he got killed by a tiger. but Samuel said wow that mango mest up  my head. Well you should listen next time watch out Raiyan said. Yea i should said Samuel. But a tiger came and roar at us then Raiyan secretly pulled out his pocket knife. but samuel asked what should we do also Samuel said i have a rope. So Raiyan said oh no! We are out of mangos but  samuel said “i have a mini mini stove in my bag so let me take it out. So Raiyan said Samuel go use the rope then Samuel said ok also Samuel attacked the tiger we tied the tiger up on the tree and Raiyan pulled out his pocket knife tooked the skin off.  We both took the bones out and we cooked it. We finally made it back to school but the teacher said wow we missed you      

  but  she asked what happened to Stefan then we said we all got sick. We both ran  home as we got home samuel said you think we should see if stefan is really dead  we took our bikes and went inside  the jungle to see stefan.  We see stefan he said i  finally found you guys where were you guys because i have been looking all over the jungle. Well then come on guys Raiyan said now that stefan is okay we can go back to school safely. We made it to school. But samuel`s bike wheel was flat he had to drag it the whole way but the teacher asked where have you been stefan then stefan replied and said oh we went on the adventure but the teacher said wow how was it But he said awesome because we saw tigers. So Raiyan said do not say a thing about the jungle secretly said. Then he said ok then we went home and found out that stefan did not die he got injured Raiyan said then samuel said no wonder he was limping. Then we took stefan to a hospital so he could get stitches. Then we had to leave because we have school to go to.Then Stefan comes and he said he feels better we got to school and had to do a lot of homework when we got home we went to a park and had so much fun.

The Girl That Can Time Travel

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When Katie came back from school Katie was very tired Katie’s mom was sitting on the couch waiting. ”Katie’s mom asked Katie to sit on the couch.”

Katie said “OK.”

Katie’s mom blurted out “I can time travel!!!”

When Katie heard that she was extremely happy and she was not tired anymore.  

Katie was really happy that her mom could time travel and Katie wanted to try it out herself  that is how Katie’s mom had a idea to give Katie the power to time travel.  When Katie was sleeping Katie’s mom went in her room to give Katie her time travel powers.

When Katie woke up it was not like every day she was not in her room she was 300 years in the past.  She tried calling her mom but  then she realized that there is no phones in the past.  They had not been invented yet.  There was one thing that Katie’s mom forgot to do is to tell her in her ear how to control time travel when Katie was in the past she went to a lab to see how to get in the past.  But she saw another person that can time travel and she wanted to change the past that looked Katie’s age which is 11 years old.

Katie stood up and said “Don’t change the past the past it is past is great as it is.”

Priscilla was not listening.  Katie and Priscilla were fighting about who was right about time travel but what they both did not know was that there was a master of time travel.  That was watching them fight and he finally himself showed himself to them and he said that i will take away your time travel powers but before I do you must go back where you came from

Katie and Priscilla were very sad that they lost their powers but they did  realize that it was amazing that they got their powers taken got their taken away because they became really got friends and 5 years after they got there time travel powers taken away the master was watching them.

Again because after they got there time travel powers taken away he kept an eye on them to see if they deserve to get there powers  again and they do because they have being really responsible and really nice with each other one day when they were in Katie’s room the master of time travel showed himself once again and they totally forgot about him they were shocked to see him.

Right when they saw the master they knew exactly who it was and they were mad at him but the

“master said i am here to give you guys good news this time.”

“ Katie and Priscilla said OK we are listing.”

The master of time travel said “I am here to give you guys the power to time travel.”

Katie and Priscilla were really  happy that they were getting their powers

said “Thank you so much.”

And since then they were really responsible with their powers and always did stuff together but the master still had an eye on them still.

The unknown story of the lost dog

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It was 2012 when Eva came home from school, Fox Chapel Elementary. She was in second grade, and was 8. She asked her mom where her dog was her mom told her that her dog escaped she has been looking for her all day she was sobbing.  Eva went to change into her adventure suit that wasn’t actually a adventure suit, she was wearing cargo shorts with a brown shirt with a shirt that says “Adventure!”, with adventurer boots. Her hair was tied up  she was wearing a big jack a big jacket because it was freezing . One minute later Eva went to the town to look for her dog she asked all her neighbors if they knew where her dog was.By the time she finished, Two hours had  passed and there was one more house left.

When Eva knocked on the last house a women answered.

Eva asked “Have you seen a dog walk past with brown fur and a blue collar?”

The women said “Yes”.

Eva knew it had to be hers because she was the only one in the town with a dog .The women told Eva that she saw it walk into the forest.

When Eva entered the forest she was  running because it started raining . when Eva got to the middle of the forest she saw a brown figure she thought it was a tree but it was moving  then she realized it was a bear the bear started chasing her .She ran and the bear kept on running faster and faster . Eva ran even faster till she lost the bear.

Eva keeps on walking till she notices she is in a pond. She has no choice but to swim because there’s no trail . She swims across it also finds a tree house . There’s snacks and drinks inside. She realized she forgot to pack food all she had was a fish in her pocket . Eva goes up there to take a break then she goes back down spots the bear. The bear starts to fight Eva.  Eva fights back the bear tries to grab Eva then she realizes that the bear smells the fish that she packed . Then she threw the fish the bear ate the fish then they started fighting again and Eva won. Three seconds later Eva kept walking and walking then Eva saw something  it was a nature show there were birds flying leaves moving and the grass was dancing .   When Eva finished watching thirty seconds of the show it’s getting darker.  Then she starts walking as she walking faster she hears a noise  she hears the noise again . She realizes it’s her dog Ruby.  Then she starts running  sees a waterfall .  She goes to the waterfall and she found Ruby laying on a rock. Eva says let’s take you home to give you some food . They started running because it’s getting dark  they try there best to not bump into something in the dark.

After 3 minutes Eva bumps into a tree  realizes it’s the tree house . Eva goes up  gets ruby a treat then she comes down to feed Ruby the treat  then they start walking. Eva spots a brown figure.She notices it’s the bear again . They hide at the nature show but then the bear and the nature show are trying to fight Eva and  ruby so they run.

Eva tells Ruby I don’t understand why a bear is chasing us with nature  the bear gets closer . Eva says why are you chasing us . She could actually understand the bear. The bear says I just want to play and be friends. Everyone stops running and freezes for a while then they talk about it  they all became friends because the bear was friendly then they sit on the grass to relax for a while Ruby falls asleep .They go home  put Ruby on her bed she loved her bed because it was pink and purple with black stripes her bed was the size of a small table. When Ruby fell asleep the bear and Eva went to the dining room to Eat dinner When they got full they went to the living room to sit on the couch till Ruby awakened.

Eva was still shocked because she could not believe that she could talk to animals but now she’s friends with the bear. Eva decided to name the bear but the bear told Eva she already had a name, her name is Daisy. At eleven at night they took Daisy back to the forest.  For the rest of their life they promised to play every day  they lived .They all lived as friends happily ever after.


Monster Hunt


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A long time ago,small settlers on a boat saw a beautiful island to live on. When they settled they started to grow and populate the island,and so their lives started to be great.But for the people did not now for that a great evil has been unleashed.

“My loyal subjects”said king Maystorm.”It is with my great honor to present 1566 as a new year for our people”he shouted.There was dancing,feasting,games,and fun for all the people in the kingdom.

As the king was getting ready to do his final dance for the night,a monster crashed through the window.It roared louder than a bear,lion,and elephant combined.Everyone was in terror and running out the door,and just when the king was about to make it through…the monster grabbed him and ran back out the window it came from and started fleeing toward the forest!

Everybody was in shock and were becoming chaotic and out of control.”Oh who will protect us from the horrible monsters!”a terrified villager shouted.Then out of the shadows of fire a two people appeared and went to town center.”Listen everyone,my name is Gracie and I am a monster hunter,I have journeyed far and wide around the earth and I have heard your call of trouble,so we will go and save your king from the evil monsters!!”.As she finished her speech a man in a pointy green cap came and said”I don’t trust you,and how do we know you’re not working  for the monsters?”.”Because the monsters did this to my face!”.From under the cloak,the heroine showed the crowd her horrible none pupiled eyes!!”Me and my assistant Rocky shall return your king and get vengeance  for what they did to me”.The crowd uplifted from sorrow  and from behind her a 7 foot tall man appeared. He had big green bushy hair the covered his eyes,he spoke in a deep voice that sounded of a dragon roar, he wore a white undershirt and brown shorts that reached to his knees.And so the hero’s started to gear up and prepare for the long journey to the monster kingdom.

“So what’s the plan?”Rocky asked under a muffled voice of chocolate cake.”On our last mission I got this map of the monster kingdom,right here is the castle inside the kingdom,so all we need to do is get past the guards,get in the castle,get the king from wherever he is and bring him back to his castle safely”she explained.Just as Rocky was about to comment a dog the size of a horse with two heads jump out the flower bramble!”Ahh monster.Stay back Rocky!!”Gracie screamed.”No Gracie wait…hold on,it’s not attacking you/or us so which means we’re ok,and it looks harmless and it could probably help with our mission!”he explained.She gazed over the creature as it rolled on the dirt path.”If you really think this thing is going to help us save the the king then…fine we will keep it as long as it does not mess up!”.And so a new member was added to the team.”I’m going to call her/him Lou and Stone”. ”Wait hold on Gracie.By looking at this dog  it must mean these monsters are no laughing matter and what if you get hurt badly,I would never be able to live wish myself knowing that you got hurt by a monster”.Lou whined in grief and coverd her face with her hand.She thought about what Rocky said and continued on the path.

As the hero’s were on the muddy trail they heard a thundering noise over and over again.”Rooooooar”the noise repeated.”We’re getting close to the—-and wow we’re here already”she uttered . A great big wall was blocking the outside of a muddy marsh that was filled with snakes,crocodiles,mutant frogs,and of course there were swamp monsters swimming everywhere.There were also two ugly mutant centaur/ogre guards guarding the drawbridge of the castle.”Alright here is what we’re going to:First, Lou and Rocky out cold the guards.Next, we steal the chains and pretend that the guards captured us and take us to their king.Finally, when we get to the dungeon level we break out the chains,take out the other guards and find the king,bring him back to the kingdom safely and save everyone!!!”Gracie told.”Maybe we should–No way,my plan sounds better”Gracie interrupted.(A few hours later)”My plan is not better.I can’t believe we managed to get tossed in prison by some lowlife non-human mudsack king!”she screamed.She was pacing back and forth trying to think of escape ideas but nothing came to her.”We will be stuck in here forever because you didn’t listen to my plan which could have not gotten us thrown in monster jail”Rocky blared.”None of your ideas our good because you don’t listen to me!”Then suddenly the dungeon began to shake and out of the walls burst Lou and Stone,and on their back was the king!!”Lou,Rocky,King Maystorm”Gracie and Rocky cried out.”Yes,yes the dogs were very good at finding me.The saw me working slave and jumped out and scared the monsters,and boy was I scared as well,after they freed me they took me to where you were and now here I am”he explained.While the king was telling his story the dogs freed our heros from their prison cell.”Rocky,I am really sorry I yelled at you.I guess me being leader made me go cuckoo and the power went to my head,can you ever forgive me?”she uttered.”Of course I can and after all,you are my only leader”he told.

”Hey,what’s going on down there?!?”a guard called.”We better hurry if we want to make it out alive”she called.So the heros and the king jumped on the back of their dog and headed back for the kingdom.All of the villagers cheered in excitment for knowing that their king is back safe and sound.”So what’s next?”Rocky asked.”Maybe we should keep traveling and find more adventure,but it wouldn’t be so bad to come here for a visit and besides,who know’s what’s out there in this great big mysterious world.Who know’s what we’ll find too”Gracie said.”That was some mature junk you said,and that is what makes you a good leader and hero for me and everyone”he proclaimed.And so hero’s left swiftly through the rising sun knowing that this was only the beginning of there adventures.

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