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Category: Goals for 2014

My goal for 2014

My first goal is to learn how to play old games. Now for my second goal I want to learn how to knit and then give them to my little cousin. My third goal is to prank my sister when I have time to. I now am going to tell you what my  fourth goal is to be first chair in violin class and get in a band


My goals for 2014

It’s important to set goals so you will work your best for your goals.My goals are to learn  speak a new language like  korean and spanish. To get good grades in middle school. to learn how to write in korean.To get better at play the violin . learn how to write in cursive in clouding my name in cursive. to do a every cool prank on my sister =). my last goal is to have best year ever. I feel happy about the new year.


Goals for 2014

it important to  set goals because in the future when I go back to this web site I will what see what goals that a made the for 2014 are to go to middle school , get good grades, be good and get new stuff I fell good about the year 2014 because I can get stuff, new moives are comeing soon, new life and all new thing are comeing


New Year’s Resolution (Goals for 2014)

It is important to set goals because it gives your life a challenge. Also, because when you  are trying to complete a goal you are wanting to just give up but at the same time you are saying  that you  are going to complete that one simple goal. Besides when you are done with your goal you will see it was just fine.

  1. To pay more attention in Writing because it’s to…. boring.
  2.  Change my first name.
  3. To be more polite with my mother.
  4.  To do my spelling homework even if no one dose it so.. that I get a good grade.
  5. To graduate from Elementary school and go to Middle school.

How I feel about 2014 is that I want to be a differint person I want to feel like go to Middle School. Also, I want to learn more things and discover more things than I have never learned or discover. I want myself to realize that this is a new year not 2013 it’s 2014!!!!!!! A year that we all need to remember,and I will remember this year by reaching all of my 5 goals it will be tough but fun.

My Goal’s for 2014

My goal’s are to have a adventure’s life  to have a good future and to have a good friend with me in every step of the way also and to alway’s get good grade’s in each and every school that i will maybe go to  also to have a good future .

It is important to set goal’s because it helps you know what you are going to do and improve in life .

Theese are my goals because its what i want to do in life and what i want to change.

I  feel proud to be alive for another year and to be with my family this year.

The Goals For Me Of 2014

As I get older goals become even more important than they already are. Especially now I’m going into middle school and these teachers in middle school are really tough on kids so they can get them prepped up for high school. When you get up to being an adult you can figure out what you have achieved in your life and what haven’t you achieved. No matter what age you are you should start setting goals. You could be five, maybe 6, or even 7 but you’re never too young to start setting goals.

There are a couple goals Id like to achieve and one of them is…

The number one goal for me is to pass high school and go to college. This goal is really important to me because I want a great future I want to grow up and get a good job. Another Goal i have is I would love to get straight (P’s) for at least 1 quarter. Well if I get good grades now middle school can look at my grades and say cool then high schools can look at my grades and say awesome. I want to be hired by a soccer team and play it for living. Soccer is my number one favorite sport.

I think that this year of 2014 is going to be a great year. I’m going to head into middle school my baby sister is going to turn 2. I’ll only be 2 years away from being a teenager. This is going to be a very big year for me.

New Year’s Resolution

It is important to set goals because, it helps your future, be a succesful person, and gives your life a challenge.

My first goal is to graduate “elementary” and be in “middle school” because I want to learn new things.

My second goal is to get in Boston Latin School, because my mom said it’s a Catholic School but still Public School, and it’s a historical school which I loved to know about, and a lot of succesful people graduate there, and there teachings is 1-2 years advanced of this year, and that really helps my future.

My third goal is to volunteer as an acolyte at church (a person who is assisting the priest during masses.) and attend confession (confession is the time to let God forgive your sins by telling the prayer that the priest told you.) because after confession God forgives you and helping people feels good.

I feel great and excited for 2014because starting a new year is tough for us but every step of the way, every hard work we do to reach our goals is a great way and helpful of our future.

New Years resoulotion for 2014

. One of my lifetime goals are to get rich build something to revoulotionize the world.Why is it impotant to set goals its important because if don’t set it you’ll never persue it and you’ll never feel up to doing it. Resoulotions  are a form of goals you hold your self acountible for.My goal for 2014 is to win the spelling bee get the 50,000 dollars and schoalorship save that 50 grand for my project.My lifetime goal was to make something like an iron man suit; the only thing is i have to shake the goverment FBI,CIA, and other not so secret forces.But for now its education schoalorships job opportunity’s job applications. For me I think its going to be pretty good.

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