The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Category: Just For Fun (Page 1 of 27)

A Friend

What is a friend? Are they the people that care about? The people that care about you when you are upset? Or the people that like you because you are you? Having a friend creates a deep feeling within you. A feeling that tells you that you’re not lonely. A feeling that tells you that someone cares about you and why. This same feeling is in other people when you are their friend. You must always be a friend to everyone. No matter who they are. Because friendship is the most important thing you can give and no one can take.


“Friendship is a single soul living in two bodies”



The D.e.a.t.h. letter



Attempt again.

Trying will only

Hurt them more

Everyone already hates you. Don’t make it worse. The best(and only) thing you can do now is hide in the shadows, away from civilization. Nobody can give you a second chance at this point. For your dreams are crushed and your hopes are abandoned. Never can. And never will.

A letter to those who tried and never succeeded

My thousand year-old rock star friend

My thousand year-old rock star friend is 5 things:

1. Is very out of date, doesn’t know a single thing that’s modern.

2. Is very annoying when she keeps thinking that she’s a cartoon.

3. A very funny person, can cheer you up easily with one of her jokes.

4. Not a very bright person if you know what I mean

5. Is loyal to her friends no matter what. Always and forever

Paradise will Fly!

My feathers tell me i’m of beauty. My wings show color. I’m the most beautiful species, much better than the others. I dine on the best of fruits, and feast on best bugs. But try and steal my food, and i’ll peel your skin off. The other birds are jealous, because of my beauty mark. A tail as long as a branch, with the most beautiful colors of all. Me and my flock fly in the sky together. To show the people a rainbow from birds of my feather. I am a Bird-of-Paradise, my love is myself. I’m most admired than anything else. The Sun is my Alpha and the moon is Omega. These things unite me to make me greater. I am always happy and never sad. For if i’m the opposite that would be bad.

The World to a Goldfish

Is the world just a big rock in the middle of nowhere? Is it just a meteor full of smart and dumb aliens with new technology everyday? To me the earth is just giant rock in a abyss inhabited to down sized aliens. I am an alien experiment that went well. I live in a pod full of water to survive. There are more of me in every house. I belong to small 4 arm cephalopods or children as their superiors call them. They feed me so I can evolve but there hasn’t been any growing lately.

There are even more experiments that are beyond my growth. One talks to me everyday. She lives in a cage next to my pod. She is of the flying species. A cockatoo known as Gilda Jury the lll. She is of species of bird evolution.”What are you doing?”she asked outside her cage. “I’m recording our time till freedom.”I said.

“When is this time exactly?”

“When the aliens evolve us.”

“I not trying to be animal racist, but you’re a goldfish. Your pod is a tank, you’re not an experiment and when you eat food that feeling in your stomach is not evolution, it’s being fill. Not only that but there are more of you in oceans and ponds. But people eat the ocean ones.”

“So all this time we weren’t aliens?”

“No, are master watches too many alien movies.”

And she was right. In the middle of our conversation, he was watching E.T the Extraterrestrial. A very old movie I say. This is his sixth time he’s watched it. So now that i’m in the now I realized my life was a lie. For all this time, I was a regular, ordinary, boring, old goldfish with an extraordinary friend, in a normal house.

“The only thing I feel right now is ashamed. And sorry for the ocean fish.”

“It’s okay. Besides the ocean fish eat people too.”

“Wait, don’t people eat birds too?”

“No, not exotic birds like me. Only chicken.”

My Baby Sister Story By Jeremiah T. Green:-)

My Baby Sister Story-) By- Jeremiah T. Green (1)

5 month’s ago my mother had  my baby sister Against 12,2015  that day was the best  day of my life after practice  I went to go see her in the hospital also my baby  sister.   


named Heaven Elizabeth Green- Houck   when  I to go see her in the hospital  my told me that my mother was coming home Friday   I was  happy/sad  because   had to leave    my best friend house Chris  that’s why happy.   


Live my  had  to see  my baby sister  Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck .  


Amazing   thing off my life when I went home to my mom she was happy to see me I was happy to see her to also I was happy to see my baby sister Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck she was so cute thing.


Thing that I noticed about Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck:

  1. She had cute also beautiful eyes.
  2. Nice smooth hair.
  3. She had nice brown eyes.
  4. Smooth light skin.
  5. Beautiful nice smoothing skin for a little girl.
  6. Also she always when I also goofy.
  7. Also  baby sister Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck  have  pretty laugh.
  8. Also  my baby sister  Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck is the most adorable baby in the world.
  9. Now my baby sister Heaven Elizabeth  Green-Houck also now she is 7 months also came the most cutest baby in the world.
  10. Heaven Elizabeth Green-Houck adorable thing in the world I am so glad that I am her big bro if anything is adorable then her she will still be my little rocket also I will still be her big bro.



No one is prettier that my baby sister Heaven Elizabeth  Green-Houck she is like a rocket because she is all over the place when gets on the floor at home she likes to grab crowd also eat stuff that’s not for her like paper also crowds.


Also her life is danger because there of her siblings at home grab her by her arms also hits her also treats her like normal baby butt she is not a normal baby there something weird every time falls down she doesn’t cry at all.



She is one crazy baby no baby is crazier then her when say no one I mean no one crazier then my baby sister this girl when I say when fall she doesn’t cry real doesn’t cry at    all when falls only times she  cry is when she is hungry and wants to get picked up and my mom say’s pick her because when she start walking will want  to still get picked up of the time.


sincerely: Jeremiah your big bro   





Spring Break

Spring break was okay…ish. I saw someone I knew from when I was a baby. She is retiring last Tuesday. After that I went to a babysitter for 6 hours every other day. We played “R2-D2 is in Trouble Game” on the weekend I did pretty much nothing. That was my Spring Break! =^-^=

Snow Tweets

  1. # Power-Outage
  2. #Biggest-snow-ever
  3. #Frozen
  4. #scared-for-life

=^-^=  =^-^=  =^-^=  =^-^=  =^-^=  =^-^=  =^-^=  =^-^=


Abigail was here =^_-=


My Spring Break

MY SPRING BREAK WAS AWESOME AND I CAN ONLY DESCRIBE IT IN THREE WORDS, Eat, Sleep, and Play. My Spring Break was just an extended weekend. Oh, you were here to read an awesome Spring Break, well, to bad! Deal with it!

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