Mr. Linen’s Library By Abigail

Mr.Linden’s Library

By: Abigail

This story begins in London, England 1835 the day I was seen all over the WORLD. Rosalina was 8 years old. She had brown curly hair that went down to her ¼ of her back, she loved to sing especially with her friends, and Rosalina was wearing her (her favorite color is blue). She was playing out in the fields near her house at Woodberry, Grove London, England. The house is made of limestone. Her and her friends that were all 8 years were playing tag.


One of her friends name is Darwin. He is the son of mr. Lionel Linden. He has a buzz-cut. He LOVES the color orange. Nyima (Darwin’s sister) has REALLY dark brown hair that goes down to ½ of her back. Paola was a homeless girl that was let in by Rosalina and her family, she loved having a sister. Luigi was a shy young boy. He has a cap that he painted green. Luigi’s younger sister is Jasmine. She loved to hurt the people that she hated, but Luigi didn’t allow it. Mr. Lionel Linden was the father of Darwin and Nyima. Lionel’s wife Helena died when the kids were only 6 years old.


11 years later all the friends were 19. Rosalina, Darwin, Paola, Luigi, Jasmine, and Nyima had a big test to study, so they went to mr. Linden’s library. They got tickets to go on the bus. 29 min later they got to the library. Darwin and Nyima’s dad was working that day. 5 out of the 6 kids found books to study. Rosalina couldn’t find any books that pleased her until she found a book (My name)called “The Book of Horrors” in the mixed section. “PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THAT BOOK!” yelled mr. Linden.


“But why? I need something to read?” Asked Rosalina.


“That book is dangerous!”


“What? Why?”


“I can’t tell you. I’m sorry Rosalina.”




Rosalina thought that maybe she could steal me. She never knew what power I have! When her friends started to leave Rosalina grabbed me and left.


It was late that night, Rosalina and her friends went home after partying. She got me out of the bag and went straight to her room. She opened me up and saw the secrets inside of me. I was full of stories of the places I ruled. She saw spells and other mishtuvis things inside of me too! Rosalina finally slept after  3 hours of reading me. I started to make a spell. She got tangled up in poison ivy and I got her life sole! She died in the process of… well you know already.


In the morning the next day Paola woke-up Rosalina, but she didn’t know I killed her. Paola came in and said “ROSALINA WAKE-UP IT’S SATURDAY!”


“……”Rosalina didn’t respond.


“Rosalina… are you okay?” Paola worried.


Paola found that Rosalina’s rist was aqua blue and she knew that it wasn’t like that last night because she snuck in. “I should call Jasmine see what she can do, since her mom is a doctor.” Paola started to call Jasmine and she told her about the aqua blue rist.

“I will be in a sec!”


Jasmine got to the house. Paola opened the door. Jasmine came in and both girls went to Rosalina´s room. Jasmine checked Rosalina´s blue rist. ¨I´ve never seen this before Paola.¨ worried Jasmine.


“Mr. Lineden. He warned her about the book. Now it was too late. The book must have done it!” Paola whispered.


“Hey! What’s this” has Jasmine pointed at me.


Paola picked me up and they read me. The same thing happened to Paola and Jasmine. They saw the secrets inside of me. I was full of stories of the places I ruled. Paola and Jasmine saw spells and other mishtuvis things inside of me too! The girls tried to find something to give back life to Rosalina, but they never found anything. They stopped reading me to have lunch. When they got back I did a different spell this one was 2 Anacondas. Paola and Jasmine were devoured by the Anacondas.


Darwin and Luigi were curious about the girls, so they called Paola and Rosalina’s mom to see if they could come over. She said yes. The next day the boy’s went over to Rosalina and Paola’s house. Darwin and Luigi went up to their room and saw that the 3 had died. “What happened here?” Luigi asked.


“The book. Dad said NOT to touch that book!” Darwin was furious at the girls for getting me.


Settle down Darwin! It must over gotten here on its own.” Luigi comely said to Darwin.


“When fish fly” murmured Darwin.


Darwin and Luigi did the samething that Paola and Jasmine did look for a antidote inside of me. They saw the secrets inside of me. I was full of stories of the places I ruled. Luigi and Darwin saw spells and other mishtuvis things inside of me too!They didn’t find anything in me. They stopped for a drink, when they came back the door closed by itself and locked. “Hey Luigi… the room is filling up in water.”as Darwin and Luigi gasped for their last breath. Out of nowhere a great white killed both boys.


Nyima and Darwin’s father was wondering where his kids were, so he called Rosalina and Paola´s mom. Mr. Linden asked ¨Do you know where Darwin or Nyima are?¨


¨Yes, I do know where both of them are. Therein Rosalina and Paola´s room.¨Mrs. Luma answered.


¨I will be their in an hour to pick them up¨


¨Alright I´ll be here¨


An hour in a half later mr. Linden went to pick up Darwin and Nyima. He  went to Rosalina´s room and found me.¨The… the Book of Horrors! How did it get here? Darwin… Nyima what?¨ Mr. Linden wondered.


He took me and looked the door behind him.


He brought me to the library and did the samething that the other four did. They saw the secrets inside of me. I was full of stories of the places I ruled. mr. Linden saw spells and other mishtuvis things inside of me too! At the end he never found anything. “What can I do to save my kids!” Mr. Linden thought.


“Well maybe I can look again.”


I had another trick up my sleeve… if you know what I mean. This time I put 2 Atlantic Wolffish in the office. The room slowly filled with water. Mr. Linden accidentally looked in one of the pair of eyes and froze to sudden death. NOW THAT I HAVE DESTROYED LIONEL LINDEN I CAN TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
The final thing that was in my way is gone. I will make the ultimate spell ,so that I can take over London, England! After 2 hours of potion making I have made something to make me ruler. I dragged a meteor and wrecked the whole world! That’s the end of the world!


Harris Burdick Story – Rahmaan Anderson

 warning might be scary Apothise  once upon a time there was a doll named Apothises she was the best friend of a little girl named Alisa Alisa is 15 years old and she love Apothise but then……….Apothises where are you she said then she ran down stairs and Apothises was down stairs in front of the TV. Apothisesah ah ah swedy are you  OK yes mom she said. then the next day when Alisa went to school before she got inside she threw apothises in the trash then at night time Apothises knocked on the door with a note that said play a game it’s hide and seek let’s see how good you are so Alisa looked in the trash at school but she was gone. So Alisaharris rocket house told her mom every thing then they looked all around town then they went back home and apothises was on the couch watching TV they screamed ah ah ah they said then they tried to leave but apothises shut the door. suddenly  the house the floating the dog barked then Apothises killed the dog then the mother screamed at apothises then Apothises killed the mother then  alisa grab the shotgun and shot apothises 12 times then the police came!

                The End

                 or is it?

By:Rahmaan Anderson



Apothises– Apothises is a crazy doll that kills people. Also she is very scary.and

she is coming for you ha ha ha.


the mother- rich mother

the daughter- fun/evil/nice.





 warning might be scary Apothise  once upon a time there was a doll named Apothises she was the best friend of a little girl named alisa Alisa is 15 years old and she love Apothise but then……….Apothises where are you she said then she ran down stairs and Apothises was down stairs in front of the TV. Apothises ah ah ah z are you you OK yes mom she said. then the next day when Alisa went to school before she got inside she threw apothises in the trash then at night time Apothises knocked on the door with a note that said play a game it’s hide and seek let’s see how good you are so Alisa looked in the trash at school but she was gone. So Alisa told her mom every thing then they looked all around town then they went back home and apothises was on the couch watching TV they screamed ah ah ah they said then they tried to leave but apothises shut the door. suddenly  the house the floating the dog barked then Apothises killed the dog then the mother screamed at apothises then Apothises killed the mother then  Alisa grab the shotgun and shot apothises 12 times then the police came!

                The End

                 or is it?

By:Rahmaan Anderson



Apothises– Apothises is a crazy doll that kills people. Also she is very scary.and

she is coming for you ha ha ha.


the mother- rich mother

the daughter- fun/evil/nice.


                    The house on


                                    Street     part 2    

                   Apothisese revenge




                                    Street     part 2    

                   Apothisese revenge


The House on Maple Street by Eva

A cold winter night of 1940 at 11402 Maple Street Germantown Md, there was a family. Four people lived in the house.  Katherine bluelies was a strange looking girl with green hair and blue eyes she had a hairy foot and a messed up back with messy hair people called her the grinch . The dad was named Bob, their son was named  Billy. And the daughter was named Frankie.  Katherine was a strange looking girl with green hair and blue eyes she had a hairy foot with messy hair.

Before they lived in a small apartment.  The school that frankie went to was bad. It was bad because she got bullied just because she had no friends the school was called Educationlandia.  

After the bluelies family moved into Maple Street they have been having a good life frankie doesn’t get bullied anymore.   A commercial came on about a rocket that only costs  $ 5.00 and billy was awake he saw the commercial Billy started whining.  He was whining because he wanted the rocket and he thought that his mom was gonna say no.

When billy was still watching the commercial on the rocket. The TV paused for a second. Then billy had his ear open and heard that it works. It makes real noises and it will have to be taken care of like a pet.

The man announces his name his name is Richard.  Richard  announced that a warning with the rocket which was don’t leave the rocket near an open flame.  The second warning was don’t expose the rocket to light or you’ll have to deal with the consequences.

The next day billy woke up as soon as he could to tell his mom if they could go to Walmegarus to buy the rocket that they had seen on Tv the day before.  Billy was patiently waiting for a response from his mother.

Katherine paused to think of an answer she came up with an answer which was yes she asked billy to clean his room before she left to go buy the rocket.  Billy cleaned the room as fast as he could he forgot that he cleaned it last night so he walked in his room for a second then he came out in a second and he walked out in a split second his mom walked into his room and it was spotless.

Billy and his mom got into their red 1940 Chevrolet Convertible it was new and spotless.  Katherine got to Walmegarus they got out of their car.  They had gone into the store and a man was just standing on the roof of Walmegarus he looked like a sketchy guy he had a long beard, black jacket, long hair, black pants, and brown flip flops.

Katherine ignored the man and just walked in the store.  Billy walked to the toy section and found millions of rockets.  They came in every color violet, pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, aqua marine, teal, and more.  Billy choose one that he really loved he choose the aqua marine rocket. they bought the rocket and it cost $ 2.50 . They gave them a blanket with the rocket so that they keep it away from the sun and light.

Billy brought the rocket home. He looked at it very closely and saw a face carved into it. Billy really didn’t care billy wanted to sleep early so that he can wake up early and play with his rocket for a long temporary of time.

katherine gave billy supper before going to bed. Billy ate homemade cookies with nice and warm milk he ate about 20 cookies because he didn’t want to be hungry during he was sleeping he drank 5 cups of milk. He was very full billy had walked up the stairs.  Billy uncovered his bed and layed down on it the milk got him very sleepy so he fell asleep the second he touched his bed.

Katherine got the rest of her day off she got to sleep more and relax.  Since it was a cold winter day Katherine made hot cocoa. Katherine quickly went to the store to rent a movie that she could watch while Billy  was sleeping.  Bob and frankie were at home the whole time they were watching Home Alone the movie.

Billy woke up for a while and stood looking at the ceiling.  He left his Rocket near the big clear window with sunlight coming in.  He turned his head and stared at the rocket he thought in his head that he was doing something wrong.  Billy stared  into the carved face on the rockets eyes.  The eyes were red and black they had a small glow inside of them.  He stared into the eyes and fell asleep.

Frankie and Bob were in the living room. Just watching Tv they were watching Home Alone with katherine.  Home Alone is Frankie and Bob’s most favorite movie of all time.  Bob loved homemade cookies because Katherine made cookies the size of a big table Bob was upset because Billy ate all the cookies that katherine.  Bob had remembered that frankie had a stash of katherines cookies in her closet.  

Bob had ran up the stairs to the second floor.  Katherine was spying on him across the hall Frankie had forgotten that she had the cookies in her closet for five years already.  Bob might find them with fungus or mold nobody knew what they were going to have if they may also look like cookies but taste bad nobody knew what had happened to the cookies over the years no one will know what they look like until Bob goes up the stairs and see’s them with his own eyes.

Bob got up the stairs and walked into frankies room he looked into the mirror and he was full of sweat as if he was running or worried.  Bob walked over to the old,  black, and big closet it had spiderwebs all over it as if it were from the 1700’s.  Bob had never actually seen the closet but Bob didn’t care he just was scared to open the closet they had been living there for four years and he didn’t know what could be in the closet.

Bob went into the closet and the cookies looked perfectly fine as soon as Bob reached out to get one of the cookies he felt a something go through his body before he could even grab a cookie he felt a large sound go off it sounded like a bomb the noise was BOOM!

Billy was playing with the toy while he was playing with his toy he heard a ruckus going off in his room.  His mom walked into his room to see what was going on.  Katherine walked into Billy’s room and all she saw was fog she couldn’t see anything at all.  After 5 seconds of being in the room scary music came on from a horror story. She was very frightened.  

Katherine went away for a while then she came back she saw that the fog and music was gone.  She found  Billy playing with the rocket the rocket started talking it was telling billy what to do it almost felt like a nightmare.

A few hours later Katherine called Billy down for dinner.  Billy brought his rocket with him he didn’t want to leave his rocket in the cold dark room it was scary at night because when a tornado came Billy would cry at night.
Billy was so scared one day.   Billy woke up from his DREAM.  Billy was so relieved that it was all a dream.  

Mr. Linden’s Library By Daniel


                            Mr Linden’s Library

One time there was a girl named kate . Kate has blue eyes and blonde hair and was 20 feet and she is 19 years old . Kate lived in a town called frost town . Frost town has lots of snow and has about 30 people living their and 25 houses . Kate has this friend called john . John has brown eyes and black hair and is 20 feet tall also he is 18 years old . John lives 2 houses up from hers .

Kate and john though they should go to the library so they won’t get bored . Kate and john walked to the library . When they arrived they both opened the door and walked in . Kate and john both said ,” Do you have any books about frost town and comics ? “ Mr. linden said ,” Yes the comics are in the graphic novels aisle and the town books are in the information aisle .”

Kate went to the information aisle and john went to the graphic novels aisle . Kate looked down and saw the book she wanted . Kate went to check on john if he found his graphic novel yet . Kate didn’t saw john so she went to the checkout counter . Kate saw john and said ,” John i found you so now let’s checkout our books okay “ Mr. linden said ,” Are you ready .” Kate said ,” Yes we are so here are our books “ Mr linden checked them out and kate and john went back to their houses .

Kate knocked on her door and her grandpa opened it .  Kate said ,” Hi grandpa i just went to the library with john “ Kate’s grandpa couldn’t talk because he broke his mouth bone . Kate went to her room too go too sleep because it was night . The next morning she woke up and took the book and readed it . When it 1 hour passed she closed the book and got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to eat breakfast . After kate was done with breakfast she went back up to her room and readed again .

Kate opened the book and felt a little weird and when she looked at the book a vine came out of the book and squeezed her too sand . Her grandpa came up and saw the sand and heard help me grandpaKate’s grandpa went to magic much too get a magic stick . When her grandpa arrived at magic much he asked the owner ,” Here is my money buy “ . The owner did not care and went back to work . Her grandpa went to kate’s room and said ,” Hocus hocus bring kate back to life “ The magic worked and kate went back to life . Kate said ,” Let’s destroy the book “ Kate went to the backyard and brought a lighter . Kate burned the book and threw it out the window . The book burned and disappeared . Ash was on the ground and kate was glad the book was gone


        THE  END     

Another Place, Another Time. Derek G.

Three miles off of Stuart Highway in Australia there lived a person. He had a wooden house. He was an ordinary person… well kinda, if you don’t count that one time, where he went back in time and was chased by the police.


Yeah, it’s a weird story and you don’t want to hear it… right? Well in order to understand it you need to start from a good spot to start. That place is of course in a bank, specifically the ‘Bank of China’. The reason he is in that bank is because he is planning to, uh … ‘Borrow’ all the money. Forever.


So how was he supposed to rob a bank? Easy! (No seriously it’s not, don’t rob banks, that’s bad). All you have to do is go really fast when the alarm rings. But our person (by the way his name is Kilmo) didn’t do that, not at all, instead he brought a tranquilizer gun and he did a full on assault and he succeeded. All the people inside the store we’re not very good at security and they couldn’t even decide who should call the cops. So basically Kilmo got of with no harm done to him, and I still can’t figure out if it’s because he got lucky or because the people there that day were stupid (which is still lucky).


Anyways back then Kilmo didn’t live so far from civilisation so when people saw him dashing with a sack of money they were a bit intrigued, especially some thugs. So when Kilmo ran down an alleyway he sort of got… beat up…. (Not the best life choices). When Kilmo woke up he quickly realized that all the money disappeared. Also when he walked out the alley way he saw a wanted sign of him (if he got caught and the police question him how is he supposed to tell them where the money is?).  


Of course this is in the future and apparently in the future the cops chase you down and if they don’t catch you within 3 days you get forced back in time and then they chase you again, and if they don’t catch you then you go even further back in time and then, rinse and repeat till you get caught or you reach the end of the planet (or the beginning. Could be both. It’s relative. Just like time. Which is how this is possible.)  


It’s impossible to hide for long so that definitely got Kilmo worried. The first day was spent hiding, I don’t need to talk about that do I? The second day is more talk worthy. Kilmo woke up inside a box (another reason I didn’t explain the day before). He was hugging his knees. He was headed for brazil. He was there because he wanted answers, and if there was an answer, he’d find it there.  


Once he got out the box he saw that he was in the middle of the ocean. He knew he said that he wanted to be shipped but he didn’t mean ON A SHIP! When he got out of the box his whole body was aching. He Dragged himself into the main deck. At least it would be harder for the police to find him here, but his three days would be out by the time he got to Brazil so this seemed to defeat the purpose.  


Still I am talking about this so somthing IS gonna happen! Right? Well after some time of just wandering on the deck some security people got suspicious and started trailing.  Kilmo got scared and started walking fast. Then he tripped. His whole body went over the fence but he managed to grab it at the last second. He saved his life but in the process guaranteed himself a trip to the underdeck prison cell.


3 hours later the cops got to the ship and started doing their inspection but when they got to the cell it turns out that Kilmo was skinny enough that he was able to squeeze through the top. He was in the vents of the ship but the cops didn’t realize it. Kilmo sneaked his way into the cabin area. There he unlocked a currently unoccupied room. He stole some clothes and pretended to be someone other than him.


After sometime the police decided to rent a cabin onboard while looking for Kilmo, so that means that he needed to stay vigilant. Later on Kilmo went inside the food area and tried to eat something. While he was browsing for food one of the chefs came up to him.


“Never seen ya here mate.” The chef asked questioningly.

“I’ve been etn’ lunch in ma own cabin” Kilmo said with a fake accent.



So the day went on like that he was being questioned but overall it was normal. He barely made it to the time travel deadline. He was literally about to comit suicide by jumping of the ship but the time travel thing kicked in just before he hit the water.




Remember when I said that when you go through time you only go back a little well you go back about 1000 years. So now Kilmo is in 1999 and the cops now have his tracker I.D. so he can’t hide. Of course Kilmo also doesn’t know anything about the 1999s. Infact if someone asked him about it he would’ve probably said it was when the dinosaurs were around. But ofcourse, the dinosaurs were NOT around in the 1999 and Kilmo definitely saw that.


 Indeed Kilmo needed to find a way to get around especially since the cops get most of their mobile futuristic equipment back when they time travel. But Kilmo wouldn’t be able to blend in with society which makes it even more hard to run away. Kilmo decided that the best plan of action would be to hide in the woods because it would give him a chance to fend for himself and because the tracker I.D only shows the general area so he could hide.


10 hours later.  It was midnight when Kilmo heard some noise, he stopped breathing. Another hour passed and he saw nothing until he heard a large bang. He jumped up and almost screamed but didn’t, he was to tired. The next day he had to get something to eat. He walked around to find some loose change and he asked for money. He only could afford enough for one chicken nugget.


Later that day Kilmo ran into a suspicious person and decided to trail him. All of a sudden the person stopped then took something out his pocket and dropped it. When kilmo picked it up the world went blank. Yep another time trip, this time it only took a day and a half. And this time Kilmo was headed to year 999.


This time Kilmo appeared in A place south east of london. The cops right behind him. Kilmo started running faster than he thought he thought he could. While running some lady told him that she could get him away quickly, and that all that Kilmo had to do in return, is find this old dude. Kilmo took her up on her offer so the lady then took out a wand and said some words. Magically some train sail car-thing appeared with some kids on it. The train thing went was headed straight  for a castle.


After the long annoying ride Kilmo finally made it to the castle. The lady and the kids all disappeared out of nowhere. Kilmo thought that the only thing he could do now is go into the castle. But this time in year 999 there are knights and kings so the castle was full of that.


“What are thee doing her?” The king dude said.


“Guards, get the chains. I think I’ve found the new victim for the lion.”


Later on-after Kilmo got chained and put in an arena- a tiger got released in the the arena. After lets say a minute of running around the tiger finally got to kilmo but kimo was able to grab a piece of ground (I don’t know what it’s made of) and stabbed the lion.


“So this dude has some guts. Well guess someone will have to challenge you.” King challenged.


Three dudes appeared all with amour on.


“Pick a person here to fight.” King explained.


“Anyone here right?”


“Anyone currently present.”      


“Eazy. You.”


“Had a feeling you’d do something like that. Well if you beat me i’ll i’ll give you a wish.”


“What are you a witch or something.”

“I have my ways.”

So the king entered that arena and took out a sword in one hand and a really old gun. Kilmo knew right away that those old guns only had one bullet before their long reload time. So when kilmo thought that the king pushed the trigger he dropped to the ground. But the king just dropped the gun and ran over to kilmo. Before he got stabbed kilmo flipped and stabbed the kings knee using the sharp piece of wood. The king lessen his power in the stab so he couldn’t impale Kilmo’s skin.


“I didn’t want to give in so easy. But I guess I have to.” The king sighed.

“Very well. What is your wish?” The king asked.


You can probably guess what he wished for so I don’t even need to explain. But the thing is that if kilmo wished for this whole story to not happened, technically he would never have to wish for the story not to happen so the story WOULD happen so than he’d have to wish for it to not happen, and it would just keep looping.


Anyways the reason Kilmo robbed the bank is because he gambled. Yep kids… don’t gamble. Unless you want to.



A Strange Day in July

It was a warm day in 2007 on 11925 MS-404 street, the birds were chirping, sheep were bleating, and the cows were mooing. It was a regular day in July for 12-year old Lucas Whitmore and 10-year old Julianne Whitmore, but Lucas called her Julie for short. Their farm was a wheat farm, and Lucas and Julie had fun working on it. Their mother sometimes came out and worked with them to harvest the wheat, other than that they hardly saw her.

The pair were brothers and sisters, yet they looked nothing alike. He had brown hair with dark brown eyes and cherub freckles, and she had blonde hair with green eyes and dimples too. Lucas sometimes questioned the fact that they were related but he didn’t worry much about it, it didn’t matter because he still loved her. He was the only male role model she had after their father disappeared….

Their father went missing when he went one night with his friends, Lucas was only 4 and Julie was 2. She didn’t even remember that she had a dad, but Lucas remembered every waking moment with him… The thing he didn’t understand was that his friends came back but he didn’t, and the cops only looked for him for one day… Lucas was so infuriated when they heard that they were calling off the search, they only looked for 1 day and they barely even tried. His mother sobbed the whole night, and Julie just sat there and looked confused. Lucas hated her for doing that.

Since then their mother’s life was off balance, she become this person with a cold heart and who didn’t care much for anyone so that’s why Julianne and Lucas were always outside exploring things unknown. Other than that their lives were just like any other kid’s in Mississippi….  

Julie and Lucas collected rocks that they thought were special, like 1-of-a-kind. Julie has collected a few Amethyst Geodes because her favorite color was purple, she loved igneous rocks, and she liked the way they were jagged, but smooth. Lucas has collected mostly several types of igneous rocks because he thought is was interesting that it is formed through the cooling and solidification of magma or lava, and Calcite rocks because he admired the fact that common vein filling mineral in many rock types, but they were looking for something different. Something that they had never seen or heard of before, but they knew that would be almost impossible to do since they knew about every type of rock that is known.

One day after working in the fields for 4 hours Lucas and Julie decided that they wanted to spend some time looking for that special rock that they can never find, but they had hope that someday they would find it…. The one.

As Lucas was searching the ground, looking for anything that could seem unordinary, he spotted something. It appeared to be glowing… Lucas didn’t understand,

“How can a rock be glowing?” He thought in his head.

“Well maybe it’s not a rock, just something that looks like a rock.”

He went closer to examine the glowing object, and when he picked it up he found out that it actually was a rock.

“This is impossible!” He exclaimed.

“I have never heard about this type rock before!”

He decided that he should check his geology book, that maybe he missed rock. He skimmed through the pages as he tried to find a rock that came at least a tiny bit close to matching the description of the glowing rock. He couldn’t.

Then he figured out what happened.

“I discovered a new rock…” He said. “I DISCOVERED A NEW ROCK!” He shouted. “JULIE!!!” “JULIE!!!” He screamed.

“What’s up Lucas?” She asked.


“What?”  “Impossible.”  She scoffed.

“No I did really did Julie!”  When he saw that she really didn’t believe him, he got angry. “See for yourself!” He snapped.

Then he showed her the rock that was unknown. She was shocked.

“What is this?” She asked

“I don’t know,” Lucas answered. “But it’s not in my book, it’s completely unknown.”

“Well we can’t ask anyone.” She acknowledged. “They would try to take it from us.”

“Yeah…” He said. “We’re on our own with this.”

They went back in the house and try to examine its features. They thought the rock was glowing because of the sunlight but they were wrong, as soon as they stepped in the house it glowed even brighter. The rock appeared to be to be glowing like it was trying to show them something and had bumps in a way that looked like it was a language, but they didn’t understand it at all.

All of a sudden they heard a loud knock on the door, they hid the rock somewhere they knew no one would find it, and ran to the door. At the door was Julie’s 2 best friends Daniella, (The obnoxious one) and Alexa. (The one that laughs a lot for no reason) Julie was excited to see them, Lucas was not. He knew he could trust Julie, but he couldn’t trust her friends. They’d blab about the rock to the first person they saw, he knew he had to do something to make them go away.

“Hey Daniella and Alexa,” He casually said. “I’m sorry but Julie and I have to uh…”

“You have to do what?” Daniella interrupted.

“We have to take our showers because we were working in the fields.”  he answered.

Daniella and Alexa gave Lucas the evil eye and then happily waved goodbye to Julie. He then sighed a weary sigh.

“What did you do that for?” Julie growled. “I made them go before you would be too vulnerable and tell them the secret!” He countered.

“Oh so you don’t trust me now?” She argued

“I do trust you, I just don’t trust your friends”

“Why don’t you trust them?”

“I can’t trust them because they’ll blab to the whole entire world!” He barked. “And if you do tell them then i’ll hate you forever!”

Julie stopped arguing. She just looked at Lucas with sadness in her eyes. She didn’t say anything, she just walked away with tears in her eyes. Lucas felt terrible, he always wanted to discover a new rock but he never wanted it to destroy his relationship with he and his sister.

“I guess there’s only one thing I can do….” He decided.

He anxiously put on his shoes and ran out the door, he went to the lake that he found the rock by, Lake Regice.  He flung the terrible rock into the lake as far as he could, and did go a far distance, but then it came skipping back.

He turned white as a ghost, he stood there for a minute, picked the rock up, then bolted to the house. He opened up the door to the dark house and slammed it. He sprinted around the house searching for Julie to tell her what he just witnessed.  Lucas was calling for Julie, but Julie wasn’t anywhere to be found.

“JULIE!!! JULIE!! WHERE ARE YOU!!”  screamed Lucas.

Julie came down the steps with dried tears on her face. Lucas looked down at his feet and realized what he had done to his sister, he felt bad for what he did to his sister but he didn’t in another way, because if he Daniella and Alexa had found out, they would spread the word, and Lucas didn’t want the whole town knowing. Lucas knew he had to apologize but he also knew that what he had just witnessed at the lake was more important.

“Julie I need you to get your shoes on and get to the lake with me.” He instructed.

“Why?” She asked. “Is something wrong?”

“JUST DO IT JULIE!”  Lucas bellowed.

She rapidly put on her shoes and rushed out the door, she ran to the lake and Lucas followed behind her. He also brought a marker with him he could explain it more detailed. Lucas then explained what happened to Julie, and when she didn’t believe him he decided he was going to show her.


He labeled the rocks each a different number, a regular stone as 1, another regular stone as 2, and the stone that just doesn’t seem to want to leave as 3. He threw the first rock and he skipped across the lake and didn’t come back, he threw the second rock and it still didn’t come back. Then it was down to the last rock, the rock that came back magically, he wanted to show Julie that he wasn’t lying. So he threw with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back.  Lucas picked up the stone and  walked over to Julie, she looked so scared and even though Lucas wanted to do something, he couldn’t. Instead he just took her home and they ate ice cream and watched T.V.  

After they were done eating ice cream and Julie was on the couch taking a nap, Lucas snuck outside and decided that maybe if he buried the rock it wouldn’t come back. So he went outside and dug up 5 feet of dirt, put the stone in it,  and put the dirt back on top of it.

“There we go…” He thought. “There’s no way it can come back now.”

He went back to his house and lied down on his mattress and thought about the rock, he wondered how it came back. He tried to believe it was magical but he

couldn’t, he made up a scientific excuse for it and ignored it.

He needed to get his mind off of the rock before he went and did something stupid. He got up and scuffled to his book shelf as he pulled another one of his geology books and noticed that something was glowing behind it. He pushed the other books out the way and there it was…. The rock that he supposedly buried 5 feet underground.

He tried to scream, but it wouldn’t come out of his mouth. He tried to run but he was frozen in place, he tried to close his eyes but they wouldn’t close. He tried to get away but he couldn’t. He just sat there.

He knew he needed to do something, something that would get rid of this rock once and for all.  He looked over to the hammer he had laying on his desk in case he wanted to crack the rock open to see what’s inside, grabbed it and slammed it on the rock as hard as he could. It cracked open in half, and inside was something that he was sure didn’t belong in a rock. A key and a piece of paper that looked about ten years old. He grabbed it and read what it said,

If you are reading this that means I, Julian Whitmore haven’t  returned from the tunnels. My buddies and I discovered a few years earlier when we fell through a hole in the ground that is covered by a patch of grass next to the lake. When we first explored the tunnels it was suspenseful, we didn’t know what would happen so we only explored bit by bit. We did this for a few years, we noticed the there were many challenges, some very difficult and some easy. We completed the riddles of the guardian, crossed the treacherous bridge, and completed the maze. We are going into the last challenge today and we read the warning next to the door leading to it. It read all who enter cannot escape, so I decided to write this letter to let whoever know how to find me if I don’t return. Please…. Help me….”

Those rang in Lucas’s mind, how could his father possible? It was 8 years ago that he went missing how could be alive now? He realized that he had to show Julie, he ran downstairs, woke her up, and told all about what happened. Her eyes widened as she was reading the letter, and soon enough her mouth did too.

“This isn’t possible,” She whispered. “How could he possibly survived with no food and water for 8 years?”

“I don’t know….”  Lucas said. “But what I do know is that tomorrow I will find that hole , and I will find dad.”

“And i’m coming with you.”

By dawn they were ready to go, they had enough food and water that should last them about 2 months in case they hit a detour, they packed clothing for all types of weather, a first aid kit, and a few pocket knives. They left a note for their explaining that they were going to sleep over their friend’s house for a while and put next to her pillow. And with that, their journey began.


They started out by walking on every square inch of grass there was by the lake. By then 2 hours had passed and they hadn’t even completed half of the grass by the lake. Julie decided she wanted to take a break and she chased a butterfly that was flying around the field. Lucas needed to rest his legs so he sat down and took a tiny sip of water.

He looked over to where Julie was chasing the butterfly and she wasn’t there. Lucas rapidly got up and searched the ground. As he got closer to where she used to be he saw a large hole in the ground that most definitely did not use to be there. He looked down in and there it was, Julie laying the ground bruised and scarred. Lucas jumped down the hole and was a few a inches away from landing on Julie, she was already bruised enough she didn’t need someone to land on her.

He grabbed the first aid kit out of his bag and pulled out the the sterile gauze pads and the adhesive bandages, applied them, helped Julie up, then got started on his journey.

The pair were amazed by the fact that there was a  whole other world down here. They took pictures and kept some artifacts. After about an hour or two of exploring they came to their first challenge The riddles of the guardian.

The guardian was huge, terrifying, and was just about the definition of nightmare. Yet he wasn’t Lucas’s nightmare, he was part of his dream. The guardian stepped in front of the door when Lucas and Julie approached it, and said:


“But we need to get to the other side of the door!” Julie replied.


“We accept your challenge guardian!”

“RIDDLE #1: I can be flipped and broken but I never move. I can be closed, and opened, and sometimes removed. I am sealed by hands. What am I?”

Lucas let let Julie answer because she was obsessed with riddles, she knew almost every single one.

“You are deal.” Julie answered.

“THAT IS CORRECT!”  He said. “RIDDLE #2:  I can bring tears to your eyes; resurrect the dead, make you smile, and reverse time. I form in an instant but I last a lifetime. What am I?”

“You are a memory.”


So gentle I soothe the skin, So light I caress the sky, So hard I crack rocks. What am I?”

“Lucas I totally know this one, I read it yesterday!” She whispered. “You are water.”


The doors opened slowly and loudly, Lucas shed a tear as he was one step closer to achieving his life’s dream.

Behind the door was a long, wooden bridge.  It looked very old and unsafe, he knew that they had to be careful, one slip and they both could be dead. He told Julie the same thing but more firm, he had to be the one in charge. He decided that at the end of the bridge they would stop and have a snack to eat, which made Julie even more eager to cross the bridge.

Lucas let her take the first step, it immediately creaked and she stepped back. Lucas assured her that it was ok and that he would protect her if anything happened. She took her first step again and this time she felt more confident. She took another step more and about fifteen minutes later she was at the other side of the bridge eating trail mix and drinking water.

Lucas was terrified, he was afraid of heights and by the looks of it this bridge didn’t really seem to be close to the ground. He knew he had to face his fears though, he had to do it for his father, for his mother, for his sister, for him.  He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and took his first step. He was imagining that was taking his first steps as a baby, and his father was there at the other side waiting. He must have thought of that for a very long time because next you know Julie was there right in front of him.

“Whoa!” He exclaimed. “I must have really zoned out!”

“Yeah, you did.” Julie replied. “Now hurry up and eat we gotta get going.”

They opened the door to the second to last challenge, which was the maze. It had a map at the beginning telling you how to complete it, and Lucas was confused as to why. He just ignored it and took a picture of it., and moved on into the maze. He followed where the map told him to go and he followed every single turn. He completed it in an hour and a half, he wondered why it took dad and his friends so long to get to the last challenge he did it all in a day.

He saw that Julie was a bit tired so he decided to call it a day and complete the last challenge tomorrow, but he couldn’t stop looking at the sign. What does it mean?  He thought about that question until he fell asleep, and even then he thought about it in his dreams.

They woke up at dawn- or what they thought was dawn to have their morning breakfast and set off to complete their last challenge. He made Julie read the sign and he told to think about what that meant and to not be afraid, be calm, cool, and collected. Now he just had to say the same thing for himself.

They entered the last challenge an animal without a face came up to them almost immediately. It told them that people call them the Face Stealer, if you show any type of emotion then it steals your face. Lucas tried to look around to see if his dad was anywhere, and it took him a while but he saw him in a corner wrapped up in something white.

“I’m here to get my dad” Lucas said firmly.

“Ah ah ah!” Said the Face Stealer. “You’re not showing anger are you?” It snickered.  “I will give you your father back if you can tell me how you are feeling….”

“I am feeling calm, cool, and collected.” Lucas responded. “How are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling quite happy…. But who said I had to show it?”

“I told you how I was feeling now can I get my father back now?”

“You will get him when you friend tells me how she feels as well….”

“I feel calm, cool, and collected.” Julie answered.

“Good, good. You can have him back now….” Said the Face Stealer. “But you have to get through me first!”

The Face Stealer swooped in to attack Lucas but he missed, Lucas got out of the way just in time. He grabbed his pocket knife and tossed one to Julie. They both came at the Face Stealer at the same time, they stabbed it in the stomach. It fell down for a while and was wounded, they knew they had to make their move now. They both grabbed their father, picked him up, slung him over their shoulder, and ran away.  He was really light. He might have been as light as Lucas.

They ran out the door and went into the maze, they figured they would lose him in there considering the fact that it got stabbed twice in the stomach . They ran as fast as they could with their dad over their shoulder, about 30 minutes passed when they could see the end of the maze. That meant they were 1 step closer to getting home with their father, Lucas even forgot for a second that he was running for his life. Well he sure was reminded when the Face Stealer popped out right by the entrance of the maze. Lucas and Julie put their father down got out their pocket knives, this time with two knives in each hand, ready to go. They came at him once again, but this time it was different. Instead Lucas went in front of the Face Stealer by himself. When the Face Stealer was distracted,  Julie snuck behind him and stabbed him off guard in his back. The Face Stealer was wounded once again and it fell. Lucas and Julie grabbed their father and were on the run once again.

They ran on the bridge and with the extra weight with them, the parts of the bridge behind them fell off. They thought that they would be fine because the Face Stealer couldn’t fly, but there was the Face Stealer, flying over the bridge, waiting to strike at the right moment. When Lucas and Julie spotted the Face Stealer about a moment before it swooped in, they bolted. They ran as fast as they could, faster than they did in the maze, faster than the fastest person in the world. They knew that if they kept this running up they would escape the Face Stealer.

With the running that they were doing they crossed the bridge in 3 minutes. The Face Stealer was all the way back there still flying over the bridge,  they were still running fast like they were on the bridge.  They past the door guardian and started running through the tunnels, they were getting tired but they didn’t let that stop them.

Soon enough they started seeing light, they knew that they were close the end and breathed a breath of relief. When Julie turned around and noticed that the Face Stealer when behind them she told Lucas. He turned around to look as well then turned back around, only to see that the Face Stealer was right in front of him.

“If I can’t get out of these tunnels, no one can!” It said.

“Oh yes we are!”  Lucas countered.

He turned around and nodded at Julie, they need what they had to do.  The energy that they had on the bridge pumped back into them, Julie ran to the other side and put her arms out. Lucas used all his strength, threw his dad over to Julie, then grabbed a weapon from his bag. Which this time was a shotgun, told Julie to get out of the tunnels, then was left face to face with the very thing he wasn’t to show any type of emotion.

Lucas held the shotgun with his trembling hands, he had never held one before and being on the verge of death didn’t exactly help. He knew he had to be strong though, he had to do anything he could to save his father and his sister, he had to shoot the Face Stealer.

He loaded the shotgun and aimed at the Face Stealer, the safety was off and this was the only time he could get rid of it forever. He aimed it at the head and pulled the trigger, out came a loud BOOM which made some rocks fall. He grabbed his backpack and climbed out the hole, he knew that he would be safe out there, the Face Stealer couldn’t leave the tunnels.  

He rushed out the tunnels and lied on the grass. He missed the way it felt, the way it smelled. He was finally home, he took his father and Julie home, made sure his father ate well, and waited for his recovery. He himself took a nap and tried to forget what happened over the past few weeks. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off, waiting for his regular life to come back….

“Soon….” He muttered. “But for now this is my life.”

And he went to sleep.



Captain Tory By: Hilary

My name is Alessandro Mars and I lived most of my life being a normal teenager, except for the fact that I had superhuman qualities,  other than that I am a sixteen year old chef at Positanoś Ristorante that doesn’t pay me much because of the amount of waiters, chefs, and entertainment.  I try fitting in the world but it just does not accept me so most of the times I look into my telescope studying the stars, skies and more.  I try to stay out of trouble but no matter what I keep rolling back in like a tumbleweed within a windy desert that is inside a tornado.  But a few days ago, I was the smallest tumbleweed in the biggest tornado.  harris schooner


It all started when I came back from the American School of Milan only to find my parents fighting again.   Exhausted, I slouched my way up the stairs and got knocked out the moment I got on my bed.  A few hours later mi madre  called me for dinner.  Dinner was the worst part of the day because that is when my parents fought the most.


“Leonardo is it my fault that you are not doing your job correctly?!” My mother shrieked.


“Yes because you are teaching me wrong Angeline!”shouted back my father.


Both my parents  are college professors at the University of Bologna.  My dad started recently after he served in the army.  My  mom gave tips to him whenever she had the chance.  I had to agree with dad because she is really  bad at teaching so I did not know why she was a teacher in the first place.  I guess it is because of her looks as my dad says, but I beg to differ.  I tried to wolf down my dinner so that I could finish a science project and get away from the fight but my parents being who they are saw me from a different point of view


“Got to work the late shift?” Asked my father.


“No I have a science project on our solar system,” I replied back.


I usually say that I have a major project whenever they ask me questions after fighting.  It just sounds weird.  It is not a lie.  I actually have a project to do on our solar system about how the sun is so strong and how it can produce fire for a science renaissance.  Although sometimes I say that for a lie when I just do not want to be around them.  Of course again my parents being parents, they did not believe me. My mother observed me for a moment.“You are lying!” My mother said as she gave me a hairy eyeball.


“No I am not.” I replied back.

“You lie!” My dad exclaimed.


“ I’m not lying , you cannot even tell if I a lying or not because you cannot tell a watermelon from a cantaloupe!”  I shot back.


“Alessandro Albert Isaac Louis Mars do not talk to your father like that!”exclaimed my mother.


I didn’t know whether to be angry because my mother named  me after four scientists which I individually do not like, or because she took my father’s side.  I got really tense after that and my veins popped out.


“You´re the one who told me to stand up to my father one day!”I said while pointing back to my mother’s pale face.


My dad was shocked.  ¨Wha…huh?  Why would you do that?¨ scolded my father.


My mother´s face was out of colors.  She fell down with a big thud,  and she fainted.  “See what you did? ”replied my dad


 I was scared, and got my jacket from the stair arms.  “Sorry, but it was all you dad, tu inculpando pazzo” | mumbled as I ran out of the house.


I ran as fast as I could to the boat dock ready to leave for good because I might have actually killed someone by accident, and that was when I met him.  He turned around.  He was creepy looking and really tall.  I looked at his suit and it said Capt. Tory.


¨Eh little boy, no boats at this time,¨ he said in a scottish accent.


I replied back, “Sir you don’t understand, if you were in my shoes, you would want to get in a schooner too.” I shot back.


“Well maybe I could?” replied Tory.


He picked me up and he swung his lantern three times and slowly a schooner appeared.  It was the Orianda.  Tory threw me on the schooner.


“What are you doing?” I asked.


“Well you said if I could live in your shoes and I can.  You see, we morphers can take over human or alien bodies so we have a place to live. You might be asking why earth?  Well that is because how do you humans say this… Earth is the only place that is alive.  You can live on it for years while we rot in giorno del giudizio universale everyday.” Tory answered.


I´ve heard of morphers, their planets called The Subverted one.  Their planet was ugly hadn´t much air, is a dwarf planet, crumbled up, with 100,000 living creatures and more growing everyday.  But still it is not fair in human´s point of view for aliens to invade earth.  That has happened from Pluto aliens to Mars and it was ugly.  Tory was about to ¨abduct¨ me if that is the right word for it, when I made a roundhouse kick.  It was good he did not tie me up then I would be dead meat.  Tory then fainted and I got off the boat. I turned around only to see Tory´s alien rotting.  I ran back home thinking what happened to the real Tory.  Maybe Tory had died or, or… I decided not to think back to it and instead I went home.
My mother was alive and I was relieved that I did not kill anyone, I went to my room staring into the moonlit sky, wondering if there were any other kinds of races that targeted our earth as I looked into my telescope  at Mars.  I soon fell asleep after that.   Then the next morning little did I know I made the biggest mistake in human history.

Mr.Linden’s Library By Sabrina

One hot day in New York City after Lina was done working she was walking home.  The wind was blowing really hard on Lina’s hair and the grass was as green as her eyes.  It was so sunny outside, but luckily The Empire State Building was blocking the sunlight.  Lina still couldn’t believe that the skyscraper was 1,250 ft. or 381 meters.  (she was good at math).

It was Friday, she just wanted to relax and read. When she passed Mr. Linden’s Library she was so sad that she couldn’t buy a book then she remembered she had some extra money because she had received a raise. As soon as she remembered that she ran in the Library and was screaming, “Mr.Linden, Mr.Linden.”

He answered with a sigh, “Yes.”

“I got a raise so I can buy the book you have been holding for me.” Lina said

Mr.Linden was so happy she was finally going to get the book because he didn’t like her. She always lost her books and he always had to pay for the books because he was her guardian so he HAD to pay for the books. But soon when she got a job Mr.Linden started toharris book plant say “Lina you have to start paying for your own things.”

She was never happy about that but she got used to it. After Lina told Mr.Linden that she was going to buy the book they got the book.

“Go upstairs and rest.” Mr.Linden said For some reason he wanted to be nice to her like he used to. But then he remembered that he HAD to warn her about the book. So he ran upstairs and said “I have to warn you about the book it’s very,very dangerous.”

Even though he warned her she kept reading the book. He warned he but everyday she got more and more attached to the book. He had warned her about the book but now it was too late. She was lying there on her bed looking like she was dead.

But actually she went to another world but since she had magic the people who were stuck there wanted a way out because everyone who read the book went there and it was Mr.Linden and his family’s job to warn people about the book. The people who were stuck there wanted kill her to get her power (the way out.) Lina tried to kill everyone there but soon she saw a door there open so she ran to go through the door and she was free. She didn’t how that happened but she didn’t care all she wanted to do was go home and watch a movie with her best friends Mark and Luke.  She totally forgot that she wanted to spend some time with her sister.

Out of nowhere there were Mark and Luke then suddenly they turned into wolves. Lina was so scared that her magic just flashed and made them disappear. Lina was so devastated that she ran home while she was crying.

When she got home she told Mr.Linden all about what happened he just said “Why don’t we just watch a movie.” Then he called Carla (Lina’s sister) and then they watched a movie together as a family.   

Mr. Linden’s Library by Brandon

One day two children were born the boy was named Chris the girl was named Ruby  . They liked to play together they did all of the things like go to the park together .but 1 year later when they were 7 years old and it was time to go to bed Chris  would take out a book that  he got from his school and he would read it and a few minutes latter he was all asleep and in the morning. Ruby  would sneak into chris bedroom when chris was in the bathroom taking a both and would see a book on his bed she would just see it and put it back on chris bed .  and when chris was done taking a bothe ruby sneaked back out and ran to her room later ta day there went and dropped them to at mr linden’s library and ran into the library and walked around and saw mr linden at the front desk so they went to go see him mr linden was a teacher at chris and ruby’s  school but later he said he was going to work at a library next to the mall . so mr linden said you guy can get the book you want so chris and ruby went to go get a book chris and ruby liked  to read books like little red riding hood or the three little pig  but one day Ruby got a book and take  a  book home and started drawing on the book and colored tutus on the people in the book . and whan she gave it back to mr linden . MR linden  saw all of the drawings that ruby did in the book MR linden got mad and throw the book in the trash and when Ruby lift MR linden said “ ruby you well pay for that book and a few years later ruby never came back to the library . Ruby and Chris were in high school about that time .Chris was called the number one football player in the school he made his team go  to a lot of  finals his team made  a lot of  wins and Ruby was the smartest person in school Chris and Ruby had a good life so did MR linden  but he never forgot all about  Ruby id to one of his books because when he gets med he never forgets .  but Chris and Ruby had all of the thing they need  but the most in important was friends Chris had a friend that was more smart than his sister his name was alexander he was named the smarts student like Ruby and Ruby had a friend that loved to do to play sports like Chris . her name was Ashley her and Ruby would tell her mom if Ashley could come over and have a sleep over and her mom said  sure but do not be on your phones all night like last time . ok mom i well tell Ashley to not be on her phone all night ! . “so i am going to call Ashley over and tell her that we can not use  our phones  i ,ll come back down stairs later  mom so Ruby ran went up stairs  and called Ashley  and told ashley  that she could come and she also told her to bring her phone because Ruby did not listen at her mom and when Ashley came. Ruby went down stairs fast and opened the door and got ashley and ran up stairs and got everything out of the bag of Ashley and pouted everything where it needs to go and watched some tv and in the night when it was time to go to sleep Ruby and Ashley got out there phone and started to go on  facebook and kik but just when they started to get on there phones Ruby’s mom came in and Ruby and Ashley fastel   pouted there phone away and Ruby’s mom turned on the light’s  fast and saw that Ruby and Ashley were asleep and that they did not have out there phones  and they did not have them out  so Ruby’s mom turned the light off and lift the room the next day .Ruby and Ashley were in the room and were watching the new boy band named for ever Brandon. Ruby and ashley would turn on the tv and always watch the band sing at maryland or at baltimore or in anyplace in the world and ruby and Ashley would fall in love with the band singer bryan he was the cutest on in the band but with the other one was brandon the gettier one in the band he is best friends with bryan . brandon was the one who made the band. they meet in a in a hotel at hollywood  they became best friends and so one day brandon said they should make a boy band so bryan said ok and so they made the band and went out to find people to be with them and now they became the most famous boy band in the world ever one in the world like’s  them so . Ruby and Ashley would see them all the time and when it was done ashley’s mom would come and pick her up  and Ashley would leva but  chris would come down and get some lunch for the morning and after chris went up stairs and said “ mom can i go to the library and his mom said sure but she also said “ but at what library are you going and Chris said “ i am going to MR linden’s library . so his mom said “ ok have fun . so Chris went to his room and got his t shirt and a shirt and got it on and ran down stairs but just when Chris got down stairs Ruby . said are you going to the library “ yes why. “ because i want the new gold  life why don’t you “ go with me.   “ ok wait for me i well come back in two minutes  . “ ok go fast . so Ruby went up stairs and got ready and went back downstairs and got her keys from the house so Chris and Ruby  went to the library and walked in Ruby went to get the new book. gold life she went where it was she got the last one she went to the front disk were MR linden was Ruby put the book on the disk and got  her library card and gave it to MR linden . MR linden got the card and pass it down by the the saied of the computer and got the book  and said “ Ruby are you sure you when this book MR linden said Ruby looked at it and said yeah why the book has not got used because people say the book is haunted . “ no it is not here give it to me i would tell you if something happens   “  well see you later Ruby said MR linden with a smile so Ruby went to where chris was . Ruby got a chair and seat on it and started to read . later in the noon chris said “ Ruby come on get ready  we need to go home . “ ok just let me get a bookmark  so i know where i stopped .     “ ok hurry up so we can go home already because i need to sleep i did not get that much sleep because you and Ashley made a lot of sound  in the morning .       “ ok i got the bookmark so let’s go home . and when Chris and Ruby got home. Chris went to his room and take a both . Ruby went to her room and just changed into  her pj’s and got her book out but just as she get’s the book out Ruby remembered what MR linden said but she did not cure so she got the book and went on her bed and started to read the book a few minutes later . Ruby was asleep but the things that MR linden said was true the book was a magic book but . Ruby did not even opened her eyes she was more asleep than a cat . she did not even open one eye .MR linden had warned her that the book was magic but it was too late  . the book had plantes coming out and they came out bigger and bigger . the next morning Ruby and Chris got out of there beds and still had there eyes closed they did not know that the whole house was full of plants  Chris opened his eyes and looked around Chris looked at all of the things and said i . am just dreaming what i am seeing is not true i am just dreaming i just did to wake up all of this is not true but all of the thing at Chris was seeing was true the house was a garuned Chris did not know where to go he was trying to look  for Ruby . but Ruby was in her room sleeping she did not know that the book made the house a plant grained and when she opened her eyes she was so scared she did not know what was happening she started looking for the book and she did not find it . but as she looks at her bed she found the book on her bed but she also saw at the book had plants on it to but just a minute later she remained what MR linden said and later she looked at it and got out of the room and went to the hallway and went down stairs and found Chris in the kitchen and went to him fast and gave him a hug  Chris hugged her back and said you  are alive . and Ruby looked at him and said . “ what do you mean . “ i mean that where are the last ones in the house . “ isant mom in the house.    “ no  she is die i saw her on her bed and i tried  to move her but she did not move back so i decided to leva her and i went down her so did not have get lunch and i also thought you had died .   “ but i know how this happened . “ how do you know said Chris . “ it was the book the book made all of this it is magic that is why the whole house is like this . “ so what should we do . “ ok let me go get the book and we need to get to the library so we can tell MR linden . harris book plant“ ok go fast so we can not live like this . so Ruby went to her room and got her book and lift back down stairs to Chris so when she got back Chris puted on his shoes on and Ruby puted them on to and ran right to MR linden’s library and when they got there they ran to MR linden and told him what happened  and MR linden went to the back and found how to make sure this would never happen again and he went back to the front disk and he said they have to kill the book so it will never happen again so MR linden got an axe and stabbed the book . the book started to winne and the book became big and into a monster . MR linden was thrown to the wall next to the door and the book monster got up and tried to get Ruby. but Ruby ran way and the book monster never got her and Chris went to the back in the  storage to  hide  and found  a book cuter so Chris got it and went to the front disk and he waited for the book monster to come and when the monster Chris sliced the book into a  paper and the monster became into a paper . all of the plants from Ruby’s house went way and Ruby went to her friend’s house and Chris went to his friend’s house to and they had a good day but all about there mom was not that nice . so they decide  to  live with there dad and they went to new york to live with there dad . to see you later in another time .                                         

Mr. Linden Library By: Almami

One day at Porkbelly it was a strange Presidents Day. This scary library was opened, but there was no one there except this boy named Linden. He was an unfamiliar boy that was only 10 years old After he got a book he rode his bike to his neighborhood.Some harris book plantbullies came along and threw his books on the floor and


Linden said “I will cast my spell on you”


And the bullies were laughing at him and the


Bullies said “cast it on us and he tried to and it did not work”.       


20 years later those bullies had been bullying him half of his  life. They stopped bullying him when he was in college.


When he finished  college Mr Linden wanted revenge for everything that  happened in his life.          Like when he got bullied when he was a kid. Now he wants to destroy the world.

He cast a spell on all of the books. The werewolf book so the werewolf could sniff out the bullies,  the giant tarantula and the bad gnomes and the invisible kid and the snow monster become real.  Last but not least, Slappy to help him carry out his plan.                                                   

Everyone in his family was suffering because of the monsters.  He tried to stop the spell but the spell did not work.  Now Slappy is in control of the monsters. Linden tries to put Slappy and the other monsters back in their books so everything could go back to normal. But it was to hard to get them in their books.  


So since it was to hard to get them in their book,  Mr Linden writes another book, that all of the monsters go away. But the werewolf tracks them down.They trick them, they just put figures of themselves. So Mr Linden finishes his book and he opens it then he cast his spell on the monsters and this time he not only got half of the spell correct he got all of it correct.Then all of the Monsters went away, including Slappy.  But he forgets one of them and it was the invisible boy.Then the boy said you forgot me and mr linden ran away and walhe he was running he screamed out nooooooooooooo.



To be continued



Daly's 5th Graders solving the mysteries left behind by Harris Burdick.