Category Archives: Just Desert

Just Desert By: Nyima Tucker

A big house a small family the Tucker family with two kids and with a mom and dad for now.The family  lived on 2207 N St NW, Washington, DC 20007 in 2016 the family was living in a nice but old neighborhood it was a sad sad day if you were in this family and their close friends because the Abigail Tucker had died she was the mother of the family.


3 years later


The Tuckers were doing fine they were living in the same house same old neighborhood on 2207 N St NW, Washington, DC 20007 it was a pretty day the sun was out the sky was blue there are roses swanning in the breeze. Nyima was and her little sis Alexa started to play in the grass and in the little stream skipping rocks over and over again small and big Nyima went to go play on the old broken bridge Alexa wanted to follow and play on the bridge too but she was to little but she followed any way Nyima said not to when they got there the bridge started to move back and forth one shaking so fast she went falling and she fell on sitter.


Nyima did not know anything about her sis trying to play with her but the problem was that she is not allowed to be with her Nyima was in panic her dad came and saw what had happen.


“How could you let this happen why did you let her come with you the dad yelled”


“ I did not see her it is not my fault Nyima”


“ Let’s just go home and I will talk to you when we get home dad said in disappointment”


When the family got home Nyima went right into her room she did not even eat dinner she went right for bed. The next day Nyima went to school and her sister Alexa too the two go to the same school but one thing that Nyima is going to school is that her sister is going to talk about and blame it all on her. Nyima got bullied that day so much her friends knew what happened and made fun of her and yelled and called names. when it was time to go home some of her friends that lived near her went to her house to pretend that they were sorry and took Nyima outside and beat her up.


Many days past and Nyima still got bullied but she still did not tell anybody that night she went outside with a knife Nyima went into her backyard and there was a big scream the dad and Alexa ran into the yard and there was blood all over the grass than when the dad flashed his flashlight and than Nyima’s dead body was just lying on the ground it looked that she was sleep next to a puddle of blood and with a knife in her hand her father had Alexa go to get his iPhone she so fast in a fright she grabbed the and went back outside.


“Alexa go get my phone and fast he yelled”


“Yes father she cried”


Nyima’s father hesitated when he was calling 911      

The dispatcher answered Nyima’s father started to talk about what he had saw it was a tragedy. The ambulance, The po po had came to the scene that was not so pretty the body was rushed to the hospital (I do not know why she is dead).  After Nyima was being rushed to the hospital obviously she was pronounced dead.


“Why did this happen why the the father cried”


“Why did the beep stop beeping Alexa said”


Don’t tell what you’re going to tell me Alexa said looking up at her father”

She is…..


Tell me no more Alexa ran out the room crying with pain in her heart. There father ran trying to catch her Alexa was having a temper tantrum her father picked her up and carried her to the car and drove her home that was not a fun night as soon they arrived to the house the father put Alexa to bed. The father was crying almost all night he could not sleep he was thinking about what has happened all night it was really sad night.

There was a funeral a week after that night it was really sad everyone had cried.  Nyima was turned into a ghost she could go in to people haunt them and people can not see her she wanted to get her payback and she has a awesome plan she was going to pick a pumpkin from the patch she was going to poison it.  Now it  was time to cut it when she put the poison and she lowered the knife and it grew even brighter. She was going to get her payback in a evil way Alexa was going to end up dying and once she was done doing her homework.


The father went down the steps after cleaning up and than the doorbell rang he went to the door no one was there but there was the pie in the box with a big red ribbon.


“Nice but let us who it is from the father said”


“Maybe aunt Alexa yelled”


“No it can’t be her father said”


Alexa asked for a piece just like Nyima planned but hoping that her father did not want any of it. He did not the pie a couple days after Alexa got sick and one day they she was rushed to the hospital she had really really bad food poisoning she stayed in the there for a while and she died. Nyima was so happy but now her dad was all alone she did not really care Nyima did not know what was going to happen to her father but she still watched him day after day.      


Just Desert by Paola

Rachel used to live on the streets of  Tokyo, Japan with the wind whistling and orange, red, and yellow leaves flying along. But now, she lives in a house with friends, or should I call it…”Family”. 3 years ago, Rachel was buried in a town that was deep buried for centuries. A japanese lady went digging up dirt (Her favorite hobby) until she found Rachel, sleeping in the soil. First the lady screamed, suddenly she started to hit Rachel with a shovel (Das gonna hurt; It woke up Rachel). Rachel started to scream and cry because of the pain. Then the lady started to scream again, after 3 minutes the lady started to talk with Rachel. Rachel told the lady that she was a neko/human, the lady could easily tell since she could see cat ears on the top of her head and a cat tail.

Rachel has red hair with orange specks. She was wearing a rainbow shirt and violet cowgirl shorts. She has no shoes on (basically barefooted.) and she looked frightened(FROM ALL THAT HITTING OF THE SHOVEL!).

The lady decided to give her a home, and a Fairytale (Musque De Provence) pumpkin to eat.

“Umm…Thank you?” said Rachel, holding the gorgeous deep mahogany pumpkin.

“You’re welcome.” replied the lady.


Rachel stared at her bedroom door, lying down on the neon pink bed, a bit cold but hungry.

“I think I shall make some pumpkin pie…” Rachel thought. “I’m going to get the kitchen knife.”

It was midnight, and Rachel just came back home to get the materials for pumpkin pie.

“Okay…The recipe says: Cut the pumpkin into 16 pieces.” said Rachel, reading the pumpkin pie recipe.

She began lowering the knife, and the pumpkin began glowing. Rachel became nervous, but very curious. “I want to know what happens. I don’t care if it’s good or bad, I NEED TO KNOW.” thought Rachel.

She lowered the knife, and it grew even brighter. The knife almost touched the “Fairytale” pumpkin, and it was BLINDING Rachel’s eyes. The pumpkin grew bigger, and opened up a martian green colored portal… which, sucked up Rachel into a different dimension.

Rachel woke up and found herself in a abandoned pumpkin patch. “Ugh… W-where…am…I?” Murmured Rachel, shaking her head due to dizziness. It took a while for Rachel to become normal. But the first second she stopping being dizzy, she wasn’t in her house. “Where am I? And why is this pumpkin here with me?” Rachel said, staring at the pumpkin lying down at her feet. Rachel then picked up the pumpkin and started walking to a town as busy as Tokyo, Japan. Rachel keep walking, exploring the orange houses and stores until she bumped into a huge-floating-talkative pumpkin pie. “Hey! Watch it, kid!” It said, y
elling at Rachel for not looking where she was going. “Ya need to look where ya going.”  

“I’m sorry…um…” Said Rachel, confused. Rachel then asked “Who are you?”

“The name’s DA PUMPKIN PIE. I’m a talking pumpkin pie. And you?”

“I’m Rachel. Nice to meet you!”

“Same here. Now, lemme give you 1 warning here…”

“Huh? What warning?”

“The mayor, He controls the environment. Didn’t you saw the faces of our race?”

Rachel stared at a girl’s face. She was sad, but why is she sad when she’s supposed to be…well…happy?

“Ohhh…I see. I will try and stop him…or her…uh, what gender is the mayor?” said Rachel.

“Male.” Replied the pumpkin pie.

“Then I will stop him!”

“Okay. I’ll help you.”

Rachel and the Pumpkin Pie started walking to the orange house. It is like the white house but it is the color orange and is shaped of the pumpkin carriage from Cinderella and that’s all.

“Wow…That looks like the white house…” Gasped Rachel, gazing at the Orange House.

“Look here…” Said the pumpkin pie.


“It says: Welcome to the Orange House!  This is where the Mayor lives.”

“Then we are here!”

“Hurry, anyone could catch us. Let’s go!”

Rachel and the Pumpkin Pie hurried to the Orange House, reaching for the Mayor’s office. They almost reached the office until both notice a maid, crying with 1 Neon pumpkin and 1 Orange Smoothie pumpkin.

“We should help her.” whispered Rachel.

“You’re right. This may be a sign that the Mayor’s actions are…dangerous.” Replied the Pumpkin Pie.

Rachel and the Pumpkin Pie walked closer, but backed up 3 steps, since the maid might say “Go away…”

“Umm…*Ahem*” murmured Rachel, loud enough that the maid could hear her.

“Uhh…hello…”Said the maid, wiping her tears off. “ And how did you get here that fast? Visitors basically enter after taking the ‘Innocently Test.’”

“There was no guards out, I guess?”

“Ohh..I see. You must be Rachel.”

“How did you know my name? Just asking.”

“The mayor knows anything, and he was the one who dragged you into our world…”

Rachel and the maid kept talking, the maid told Rachel her name was Pumpie Kins.

“Please let this be over…I’m getting impatient.” thought the Pumpkin Pie.

10 minutes later… Pumpie opened the doors to the mayor’s office.

“Before you go in, I shall give you a warning: Nobody made it out of his office. They only go in there for death. Which, is why thousands disappear in our town every month. Be careful, now!” Warned Pumpie.

“Um…Thank you.” Replied Rachel, nervously.

The doors were now shut. Both Rachel and the Pumpkin Pie was walking cautiously, until… “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Rachel…With the delish pie…” A voice said.

“Who’s there?” Yelled Rachel, looking around the pitch black room, dripping with reds and mahoganys.

I am the mayor, you must be here for you R.I.P. But don’t worry: One of us will survive. And that would be…Me.

“No…I’m not here for that…”

Then What? You must die! You are a disgrace to Both worlds: Tokyo and Pumpkinlandia!


The reason…was that when she was little, she messed up all the time! The worst of them all was that she blew up her own TOWN! Yup, you heard me: SHE BLEW UP HER OWN TOWN WITH TNT AND WORSE!!!

Calmly, Rachel said “No…that was someone el–” Rachel saw a sword, lying on the floor. She picks up the sword, hiding it behind her back.

What’cha got there? Tell me or I will end you!” Screeched the Mayor. “You’re Hiding something! Show It or DIE!!!

“Sure, just close your eyes…and–” Rachel said in a creepy tone.

STAB! That was the end of the mayor…for LIFE. A portal opened up, and sucked Rachel up. Luckily, she managed to grab the tip of the portal.

“Where are you going? Where will that portal take you?!” Yelled the Pumpkin Pie.

“Home!” Replied Rachel, loudly. Rachel then lost her grip, screaming “AHH!”.

Rachel fell down on the floor of her home, and right before the portal closes, her 2 friends (Pumpkin Pie and Pumpie) jumped through the portal. The 3 pumpkins: Orange Smoothie, FairyTale, and Neon came too.

“Huh? How are you here?” Said Rachel, shocked that the Pumpkin Pie and Pumpie are standing on the living room floor.

“We managed to jump in.” Replied Pumpie.

Rachel noticed the pumpkins. She had forgotten the pumpkin pie recipe all this time.

“Hand me those pumpkins. I’ll be right back with something better.” Ordered Rachel.

Rachel read the list again:


  1. Cut your pumpkin in 16 pieces.
  2. Blend ½ of the pieces until it looks diced-up.
  3. Add cinnamon on the diced up pumpkin sauce.
  4. Add the sauce in your pan.
  5. Use the other ½ (1 piece of pumpkin shall remain.) of the pieces and put on top of pumpkin filling.
  6. Use Pie base and stack it on top of filling
  7. Get last piece of pumpkin and put it on top for decoration.
  8. Put it in the oven up to 350°F, place pumpkin pie and wait 1 hour and 30 minutes. (If it is a microwave, put temperature for 400°F and wait 1 hour.)
  9. Check pie every 20 minutes until pie base looks bright golden.
  10. Cut up pie and enjoy!


Rachel has successfully made 3 pumpkin pies, each with its unique taste.

“I’m back!” Rachel called as she entered the living room, finding Pumpie and Pumpkin Pie sitting on the couch.

“Oh goodie! What is that?” Asked Pumpie, staring at the 3 pumpkin pies, sitting on top of Rachel’s arms.

“These…are delicious pies. Would you like to try one?” Explained Rachel, holding the pies.

“Yes, please!” Pumpie and Pumpkin pie replied.

For the rest of the morning (It was 6:30 am, don’t judge me.), they enjoyed delicious pumpkin pie…well, for breakfast.

Just Desserts by Gracie

Sue was told to meet her best friend Sandy at the local park in their favorite tree spot by lake. Those two have been best friends since the first met. Now they’re 14 and grown. But some friendships don’t sail forever.

”Sue, I have some good news and bad news to tell you. The good news is that i’m having a party. The bad news is you’re not invited and we’re not friends no more. You’ll embarrass me in front of all the popular kids, especially Janice. So that’s that”she announced.

“But, whatever happened to friends till the end.”she asked. “That was years ago. Get with the times loser.” She said as she sashayed off from the park. Sue was devastated by the awful things her friend said. She would make her pay for every single word she said.

Those two thought they knew everything about each other.  But what Sandy didn’t knew about Sue was that she was part witch. She could cast spells that could kill, poison, and turn people into things when they ticked her off big time.

“I’ll add a dash of fire worm saliva, a cup of black powder, a teaspoon of green cat hair, and three bear teeth.”she said as she was adding ingredients to her cauldron. When she mixed up the items a foggy green smoke appeared. To finish it off, she got out her Mystic Pumpkin from the fridge. She got it from the spirit world’s Phantoms Market.

The pumpkin had an orange glow, which made it magic. She lowered the knife and it grew even brighter. As she cut it open, black smoke escaped from inside and there was an evil cackle that echoed through the house. She slowly poured the potion into pumpkin.

She used the pumpkin in some pies to bake and give to her friend and others. And when they all took the first the bite, they would all turn into pumpkins. And unfortunately that did happen to those poor unsuspecting people.

And to finish it off, she got a sledgehammer from the shed and smashed all the pumpkins except for one. ”Sue, please spare me. I was kidding about the party right? I’ll invite you to the next one. Give me one more chance.” She begged.

” Sorry, but you took that chance a long time ago. Hasta la vista my friend.”she said as smashed her friend to the pulp. This only proves that you should never unfriend anyone because you never know what they’re capable of doing.


Just Desert

On a late Halloween night somebody was cutting a pumpkin in a old neighborhood once she lowered the knife it glowed she looked outside every pumpkin was glowing she looked at the sky she saw a UFO sending out a energy beam to all the pumpkins and turn them into pumpkins into space pumpkins warriors.These warriors were the best warriors of space and earth they can melt steel walls and brick walls with their lava  spray and cut through mountains with their razor sharp claws and they can destroy buildings when they blow up and they can blow up the earth if they blow up together.The women called the military,police,air force the navy and army they were about to start the pumpkin war. Pumpkin guts everywhere fallen soldiers their were too many pumpkins but their leader came. Come my minions we shall destroy this planet.The army,navy,air force and the military aimed for the pumpkin king so they can not destroy the world or the galaxy. 20 Minutes later their was something in the sky a shooting star or a spaceship it was take off day the tanks of gas fell on top of the pumpkin king and its minions pumpkin guts everywhere It was the most weirdest and funniest victory ever and they made the worlds biggest pumpkin pie.  

Just Desert


All because a moment in class a boy named Sven is shy. It all started when Sven was in school at recess. He was swinging on the monkey bars when a boy named Julian walked by and accidently bumped into him so Sven fell off. Sven hit the ground and broke his leg! He was screaming in pain when the nurse rushed down with a wheel chair. Soon after, Sven woke up in the hospital. The doctor told him he would be fine but he needed crutches for a month.

The next day at school Sven was getting treated great by everybody. Julian was getting jealous because Sven was getting attention so he came up with a plan. So one day Julian waited behind Sven’s house until he left for school and Sven’s mom left for work. Once they were gone Julian snuck through the window and took out any source of light. Once he finished he stayed at the park until school was over.

After school Sven got picked up by his mom named Emily and when they got home they saw all the lights were gone. So Emily bought a jack-o-lantern for $5.00. When she got home she cut it open to get the light. It was a candle so they set it on the table and went to sleep.

During the night the candle came alive and on it was a face! The candle’s name was Bertus. Bertus tiptoed over to Sven and Sven woke up. Sven was surprised by this and almost fainted. The candle told Sven to put his hand in the flame. At first Sven said no but the flame told him he wouldn’t get hurt so Sven did it.

A few seconds later Sven was in a wonderland! There was candy everywhere! There were giant jellybeans for houses and chocolate bars for doors. In the Jellybean houses lived gingerbread families. Sven started drooling at the sight. He saw a dark jellybean at the end of the row of jellybean houses that seemed to be black licorice. All the gingerbread people told him to stay away from it because there is a witch that lives there.

Sven stayed there for a long time until one day Sven decided to take out the witch. So Sven sprinkled some magic sugar dust on him that made him invincible! When the witch heard him at door she grabbed a potion and put it behind her back before she let him in. When she let him in the witch shut the door and threw the poison potion on him. Sven knew she would try this that’s why he put on the invincible dust. When the witch saw it didn’t affect him she turned scared. Sven saw the boiling pot of water where she made her potions and ran for it. She followed him and Sven turned around and dumped the boiling pot on her she screamed. She was yelling “Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” when she was melting.

Sven finished her and now all the gingerbread people would never worry again. They chanted for Sven and made him the king of their land. They had a feast and Sven never came home.

Just Desert- by Fatima

There was a family that lived on Maple Street in an old town house in New York City. There was a mom and a daughter. Andrea is the mom she has black hair and black vicious eyes she is 35 years old and she is also a grumpy woman. Katherine is Andrea’s daughter. Katherine has light brown curly hair with purple highlights. She has caramel brown eyes and is 15 years old .Katherine’s favorite desert is pumpkin pie. She also loves music and singing her favorite color is purple that’s why she has purple highlights.

So one day Katherine wanted pumpkin pie for dinner .So they went to the pumpkin patch to go find a good pumpkin to make pumpkin pie for dinner. Katherine found a good pumpkin and everybody agreed to buy that pumpkin so they did.

When they got home Katherine started taking out all the ingredients she needed to make the pumpkin pie. The recipe called for ¾ cups of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves, 2 large eggs, 1 can (12fl. oz) NESTLE Carnation,Evaporated Milk ,1 unbaked 9inch (4cupharris pumpkin volume )deep dish pie shell and whipped cream. She also took out the untensils that she needed. She called her mom to make the pie. Andrea got the pumpkin and a sharp knife then she reached over and the pumpkin started to turn purple! She lowered the knife and it grew even brighter also it started to rott .She called Katherine and showed her what had happened.

Katherine said, “Mom what did you do?”

Andrea said, “I just grabbed the knife and was about to cut it and bam it started to turn purple and it started to rot.”

Katherine understood that it was a mistake.

That night they ate chicken and rice for dinner. They left for bed. They lived there lives and still to this day, Katherine remembers what happened to that good old pumpkin that she was about to eat!

Just Desert

There was a CRAZY man. His house was really CREEPY and HAUNTED.  He went to the pumpkin patch in the next town and he bought a pumpkin and took it home. The pumpkin was large, tall, and bright orange.  He got home and brought the pumpkin into the house.  He ate his dinner of pizza and chicken.  He was planning on having pumpkin pie for dessert.

He heard a noise coming from the kitchen.  It sounded like someone harris pumpkinwas destroying the kitchen.  He ran into the kitchen.  The pumpkin was GLOWING.  He picks up a large KNIFE from the counter.   Every time he moved the knife closer the pumpkin glows BRIGHTER.  He cuts it!


It BLOWS up in his face and covers the floor with pumpkin pieces and pumpkin guts.  A seed from the pumpkin grew right away on the kitchen floor.  The man looked at the pumpkin. He ran at the pumpkin with his knife. He CUT the pumpkin.  The pumpkin grew back and grew bigger.  The man was AMAZED!


The man walked closer, the pumpkin grew ARMS. The man walked closer, the pumpkin grew LEGS and got taller. The pumpkin now had scary and evil face like a pumpkin on Halloween.  The man walked closer and the pumpkin scratched him! He was bleeding from his face. He hit the pumpkin 3 times in a row with the knife! The pumpkin was very angry. The pumpkin bit him hard.


“OUCH!” he screams.


The man hit the pumpkin. Seeds came out of the pumpkin and the seeds grew into evil pumpkins just like the one he just cut with the knife. Now there are 2 new pumpkins to fight. The man was shocked and FREAKED out!


He ran through the kitchen and kicked down the door.  He looked back and saw that the pumpkins were following him.  He ran to his driveway and jumped into his car.  He looked around and didn’t see the pumpkins.  The man drove to Rangely, Colorado and was never seen again!

Just Desert

Once there was a family who lived in an old town. The mom was named Kathrin she really loved to cook and clean.

One day everybody was hungry.

Kathrin said “Wait till lunch time”

The sister Katy went to her boyfriend Zayn’s house. When Katy came home lunch was ready. She was really hungry. When she was done she went to her bedroom. Everybody else took a nap.

Kathrin was the only one that didn’t go to bed she started cleaning. She was thinking of what dessert she should harris pumpkinmake for dinner. She kept cleaning and she got the idea of pumpkin pie.

It was dinner time and Kathrin was making pumpkin pie. When she lowered the knife and it grew even brighter. She had a surprised face the entire night. Everybody ate the pumpkin pie and when they were done they didn’t feel good. They fell asleep.

The next morning they woke up Katy went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror and she screamed and said “I’m a fat pumpkin”. Everybody looked at themselves. Her dad Billy screamed like a girl. All of them screamed “AHHH!!!

Just Desert

Attem Avenue was a weird place where there was NO GRASS, barely any trees .There was a green house. The owner’s name was Lauren.

Lauren was 28 years old had one child named Lindsey. Lauren speaks Italian, but not much English, she had long blonde hair. Lauren was a widow.

Lindsey was a girl with long curly blonde hair. She was 7 years old but Lindsey spoke perfect English not much Italian. She goes to Dipson Oak Elementary School.

Lindsey had a field trip to the Roseville’s pumpkin patch.

Lindsey had to learn a lot about the biggest pumpkin in the world. Halloween was coming up, that’s why.

When Lindsey got to the pumpkin patch she found out the largest pumpkin weighs 911.27 kg and that it takes 105 days for a pumpkin to fully grow.

When Lindsey came home from school she asked her mom “Mom, tomorrow can we go to Roseville’s pumpkin patch.”

Lauren said “Yes.”The next day Lauren woke up extra early for a surprise.

When Lindsey woke up she went down stairs and she didn’t see her mom. So she decided to go back to bed. A few minutes later Lauren came back.

She called Lindsey and said that she had a surprise for her. But Lindsey had fallen asleep. So Lauren let Lindsey sleep a little more.

Lindsey woke up and wondered if mom was back?

She saw a pumpkin on the counter, it was huge and it looked really rare.

“MOM!” Lindsey yelled.

“YES!” Lauren shouted.

“What is this huge pumpkin doing on the counter?” Lindsey said.

“Well when I came home I yelled out your name and said I had a surprise for you but you were still sleeping” Lauren said.

“When I had woke up you weren’t home so I went back to sleep” Lindsey said.

“Oh, but I guess you already saw the surprise I got you” Lauren said.

“Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,” Lindsey said giving Lauren a big huge hug.

10 days had passed. It was October 30.

“1 more day till Halloween.” said Lindsey.

Lauren and I went to the store to buy Halloween costumes and Halloween decorations on Sunday. When they got home they put up the new decorations. The house looked dark and scary.

Lauren decided to bake a pumpkin pie because Lindsey decided not to put the big scary pumpkin outside.  Lauren got a knife to cut the pumpkin. It began to glow but Lauren hadn’t seen it.

When she lowered the knife it grew even brighter.

Lauren got scared so she yelled out,” Lindsey!”

Lindsey came quickly and jumped.

Lindsey was scared. She got a large and sharp knife and she stabbed it into the pumpkin.

The pumpkin just shrank and it turned into a mini pumpkin.

Lindsey was scared at the moment but, she knew that it was Halloween tomorrow. She was worried that she was going to dream about the pumpkin.

Lindsey slept great. She woke up and ran downstairs, and had her breakfast. She went to school dressed as a dark angel. She had the scariest, but greatest Halloween ever.


                                                                                                                     By: Marlin Salazar