Biomass by Gracie

Biomass is a renewable energy that is made up of wood,animal chips, plants, crops, and trash.  It is used for energy and not for eating or basic screw-in-a-lightbulb-and-instant-light energy.  We can change the world if we use biomass!


Production and Distribution

Obviously biomass is naturally produced by the energy found in trash, plants, and animal chips.  These resources are usually found in where you expect them to be.  Animal waste is usually found on farms and sometimes in the wild.  Wood is basically everywhere and anywhere, and there is even specific types of wood used for energy to burn,so you can always find it at a forest.  Trash is trash so it’s basically everywhere where it can be,in the dumpster, behind a trashcan, and anywhere else.Plants are everywhere so you can either grow them or buy them locally from greenhouse.  Crops are always being grown at farms so if you’re looking for corn than that’s the place to go.


Environmental Impacts

The impacts of biomass are not as dangerous but some can be.When you burn wood to get charcoal,  it can create smoke in the sky and that pollutes the air.  When you cut down trees in the forest there are less trees for the wildlife to use and their homes get destroyed.  There are not that many impacts on the earth that biomass causes.                                                    

In conclusion, biomass is a better energy source since it’s a renewable energy so we never run out of fuel or mine to get oil from underground.