Derek Lee’s speech

Derek Lee’s Speech:


Good morning honored guest, parents, staff, Mrs. Dietz, Mrs. German and of course Student of 2015-2016.


Hello my name is Derek Lee and I am here to share my story about how my life changed in elementary, kindergarten to 5th grade. When I was in Kindergarten to 2nd grade, I was in korea. But I never went to pre-k.


In the middle of the 2nd year of school, we moved to Florida because in korea it was really hard to work at school. After we moved I had to go to 2nd grade again in Florida because I am an year older in korea. After we moved, I went to the school. When I went to the classroom with my mom I didn’t know what to do because there were a lot of kids in the room. Then I was nervous. My mom told me to sit down in the chair with beside the computer and my teacher gave me headphones. After that my mom left the room. My teacher told me to listen to the alphabetical order because I did not know english, but I knew some english. After the first day of school my teacher got an assistant teacher to help me speak and read words. At recess I had no friends to play with. My teacher said to a boy to come here and play with me. He was nice and friendly. Everyday I play with him and after recess I learn more english. At the end of the school I said goodbye to my friend and few days later, I moved to New York.


In the 3rd year of school, I met a korean friend. We always play together, we go home together, we met at korean/saturday school and we even met at church, I was surprised. After 3rd grade I had to move again because me and my sister were complaining about how there is a lot of homework. So we moved to Maryland.


On the 4th year of school, I was in Mrs. Wise’s class. I met some new friends. My first friend was Bryan, then Derek Gomez, and lastly Darian. We had so much fun everyday.


On the 5th year of school, I was in Mr. Fitzpatrick’s class. I came 2 weeks after the first day of school because I went to China. When I went to class I saw my friends from fourth grade. A few months later, I learned about Mr. Fitz that he taught us a good job and have a good education and also he is the funniest and weirdest teacher. Everyday he was funny because he always make jokes on people. I will always remember you Mr. Fitz.


I am here leaving 5th grade and going to sixth grade. This summer I am moving to china because I wanted to learn chinese. After Chinese it’s Japanese. I will study hard until I reach my goal.
True Friendship is based on trust, honesty and sincere generosity of our hearts.

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