Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump. Donald Trump has 11 letters. Eleven. Eleven has 6 letters. Banana has 6 letters. Donald Trumps hair looks like a banana. COINCIDENCE, I THINK NOT. Hair. Hair has four Obama. Obama is a president for 8 years. 8-6=2 2 Hillary’s look like Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz is a Child eater. That’s illegal. Illegal. The Illuminati is illegal.  … Read more →


so you know there is a thing called spring break. Its a mystical thing known to be very awesome to kids….   SOME KIDS, NOT ALL…. and i’m that not all….   So you know i don’t have many friends near me so that sucks…. and all of them went on a vacation to ocean city or a road trip… Read more →

The Little Hero

                    The Little Hero             …As the masked man ran into the burning building, he was faced with fire at every path. Dodging the fire and rubble was not easy. After he saved almost all of the people in the building, he heard a frightened womans scream. With his amazing senses he could track down the scream half a mile away.… Read more →