The House on Maple Street

There was this guy named Harris Burdick. He lived in Cobourg, Germany in a bungalow near the North Sea! Harris had a mission to go to Rome, Italy and find the king of the bad guys so he can stop them from stealing from a bank. So he had a plan of bringing his house with him by adding a rocket to the bottom of the house. He was ready to go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF!harris rocket house

It was a perfect lift off!

Later Harris figured out for the mission that he needed a spy car so his boss told him to go to a secret place in Wels, Austria. He went to the place and got a new car he can control with his phone.

Harris slept for two hours in his Bungalow for his trip. But when he was sleeping he had company. Harris then got up and started to run with a baseball bat in his hand. He knocked out all of the people. He quickly started the rocket and left. When he got to Rome he was exhausted. So Harris went to sleep with a baseball bat in case.

Later Harris tracked down the king of the bad guy is. The king of the bad guys is under a place called Barclays Bank.

Harris had a plan of pretending he worked at the underground place and he was going to pretend to die. So the BOSS will come and then Harris can try to hit the King.

After all of that thinking and planning Harris took coffee because it makes him stay up longer. When he was drinking it he got bored so he watched a movie, James Bond.

After the movie was over he made a Barclays Bank uniform by sewing it with his mom’s favorite colors, blue, red, and purple. Then Harris took the car to Barclays Bank to stop the bad guys. Harris went to the secret tunnel with his suit on and found billions of baseball bats made out of stainless steel.

He went inside the door and used his high tech glasses to see how many people there were. He went next to the boss and fake fainted. The boss picked him up and Harris nailed the boss in the face. Everybody grabbed their weapons and tried to hurt Harris.

But Harris somehow touched his ring and started to fly, fire was coming out of his shoe. Harris went back to the rocket house and started to go to the gym because he was getting fatter.

Harris was done with the mission so he got ready to go back home.

But when Harris tried to turn on the rocket it did not work. He figured out that he forgot to plug in a wire. He turned it on and said to his self,”5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blastoff!’ Harris went back home and his boss was proud of Harris for doing the bravest thing he had ever seen.