Monthly Archives: June 2014

Graduation Speech (100th Blog)

Welcome and good morning Daly, I’d like to thank the parents, students, and our administration for coming.

It was in 4th grade when I got Mr. Fitzpatrick. He was a brand new teacher to Daly Elementary. Mr. Fitz was a science guy and he loved his camera. He would carry his camera everywhere. Mr. Fitz took so many pictures at the end of the year we had a whole wall full of pictures. It was AMAZING!

Overall my elementary career was epic. My two favorite years were 2010 and 2012. In 2010 I had Ms. Cassidy and I got introduced to the portables. Ms. Cassidy was strict. It was 2012 when I had Mr. Fitzpatrick we did many science experiments.

My favorite experiment was making bouncy balls. Wow it was a fail. The reason it was a fail was because we put too much starch and it didn’t form nicely.

I can’t wait for middle school. I want to study science and languages, like Spanish. Spanish will come in handy for a job. In college I want to study astronomy.

Thank you all for coming. Enjoy the next two days and your last days at Daly Elementary.

Spring Break Preview (99th Blog)

I went to Iowa for my spring break.  I was there for 6 days.   It took me and my family 13.5 hours to get to Iowa.  I stayed  at my grandmother’s house. When we got to Iowa, we unpacked our car and took everything inside. After everything was sorted out we went and had some fun. We went to fun city to meet my cousins and we had a lot of fun in the arcade and bowling alley. My cousins had to go to there house in Illinois and i went back to my grandmother’s house. I woke up the next day and my moms dad came to the house and asked us if we wanted to go geode/rock hunting. We all said yes 😛

My grandfather let me ride in his truck so we got there first. When my mom arrived we got out of the truck and headed up the trail to the mine. The trail was completely mud. Once we got to the mine it was all clay. It had rained the day before so the clay was really wet, and every footstep we took we picked up like a pound of clay on our shoes.