Tobacco Safety

Tobacco Safety     The Tobacco Safety movement started 1960.  The reason why the laws for Tobacco was changed people kept getting sick and dieing.  So the types of laws that were changed was you can’t smoke in types of places like stores, playgrounds, schools, and private property.  And most people are still smoking tobacco today.  And some people are… Read more →

The Parkour Master

One day their was a guy named King Jackson and he had parkour team. Their was a guy named Evil Carlos and King Jackson and Evil Carlos were enemies. Once Evil Carlos hurt King Jackson and King Jackson wanted to get him back. They wanted to have a parkour battle. Zeus saw what was going on and he stopped it.… Read more →

Solar Energy by Daylon

Solar  energy comes from the sun.  Solar energy can be used for lighting, electricity can,t be used when the power goes out in your house. Additional Important Information Solar energy is almost perfect but their are a few problems that keep some people from using it for their electricity needs.  The biggest of these problems is the cost.  Like we discussed before… Read more →