Taylor Swift

I saw Taylor Swift and there was a big stage.She has many outfits and I kinda had front row seats.I heard all of my favorite songs and there was a lot of singing and screaming. It was not bad for my first concert but it was awesome! 😛

Cory’s new bike!

Cory wanted  a new bike.  It was July14,2011 and Cory waited 2 years to get his new bike. Cory decidedn to get it from Target.

Cory was 8 years old and his mom and his grandma came with him. Cory liked some of them and but it was a hard decision for Cory. Cory liked a bike that was black and orange .Cory  hadn’t had his own bike for the last 2 years.

As soon he had  his bike at the house,  he was cruising around his neighborhood. liked to ride his bike around his neighborhood especially to his friend’s house.You can still find Cory riding like a famous rider on the same orange and black bike through his neighborhood today.

Barack Obama

Did you know Obama was born at Honolulu,Hawaii and he graduated from Columbia Univsity in New York City and in 1988 he entered in a Harvard Law School. Obama’s father wreiting a book and he was teaching  at a Univsity in Chicago.And Obama is the 44th president and he have two kids and there nema are Sasha and Malia.













ered  in a Harvard

No Money!

I think we should not have money becuaes every thing is to much and if some pepole don’t have a lot of money they wonet get food or they can’t pay their billes and their insaernes they wonet have aneny money to pay it so that’s way some pepole can’t eveoy suff that’s way i weant to money in my world.i  don’t  went to see any money in my world so eveything is FREE even insaernes.

Every Kid Should Have Pets!

I think every kid should have a pet so they can have someone to play with.
Kids will have a lot of fun with their new pets.Their can be different kinds of pets and some can be small or big pets.

Kids should have pets when children don’t have brothers or sisters .They will be happier when they come back from school. When they are done with their homework they can play with their pet.

Kids will not bug their parents when they are bored.

When kids have friends over they can play with their pet or they can take it outside.

Kids will learn how to take care for other animals.
Cats will not go outside or they will run away and they will not go in the bathrooms.

Kid should have someone to play with,go outside with, and to spend time with.





I have a pet dog and her name is Sassy. I got her at a farm in Pennsylvania.When I frist saw Sassy she was so  small. When the lady tried to get her she was hiding under the chair.Then her brother was on her and they fell a sleep under the chair.The lady moved the chair and her bother and her eyes were still closed.When Sassy got in the crate  she was scared and shaking.It was a long ride and in a couple of minutes Sassy got out of her crate.When we got home Sassy was  haeding in my room.When I went in my room she was on my bed asleep.When she woke up she ran to me and she  licked me I took her outsaid she love it.  I’ve been wallking her out everyday.One  day I went outsaid  with my dog and we were playing in the leaves.  I threw some leaves on her. I did not see her under the leaves. We  got some luch and Sassy was eating some leaves.

I said,”NoSassy!”