Category Archives: Just For Fun

Book Blog # 7

The book I read is: Hugo Cabret

Author: Selznick

This is a book that is basically a movie it has like no words and mostly hand drawn pictures made with a pencil’s. It is about a kid named Hugo Cabret who is really poor and lives in a clock tower. Hugo is on a mission to get his fathers notebook/sketchbook because his father died in a fire and built something Hugo will get a message from. This thing his father was working on was an automation which was a robot that can write letters if it has a pen and some ink. COOL EHH. Well I think Hugo Cabret is an awesome book to read.

(it is not a graphic novel it is a novel and it won the cowtacot)

Me And My Friends All Playing Manhunt

I and my cousin and his three friends are playing manhunt. My cousin’s name is Nathan and the other three guy’s names are Ethan, Kirt, and Dakota. We all love coming to each other’s houses and they come to our houses but all in all we are all good friends. Ok back to manhunt. Dakota is the man hunter and me Kirt Ethan and Nathan are trying to hide from Dakota so he can’t make us it. SO all of us go up into this like small like really small forest and we gather wood for benches and then sit down to make a plan. Meanwhile Dakota is trying to seek us down but he can’t find all of us. Ok while we are discussing the plan we see Dakota and we think he saw us so we all laid flat on the ground he wouldn’t see us but he did he saw us and chased Kirt half way across the neighborhood and then finally caught him. Now Kirt is it and Dakota is now a seeker. We all are now really happy that Dakota is on our team as a seeker because he is really nice and he’s older than us but he still hangs out with us. It is really cool because a lot of kids that are older than us and don’t like to play with younger kids. Back to the game. We get back to the plan to stay away from whoever is the man hunter. I Ian said Dakota go up in front of all the houses and sit in your neighbors bush Dakota because your neighbor is nice and he won’t get mad at us. So he did. I hid up in a tree because I can climb trees and I tried to help Ethan get up the tree but he couldn’t so he ran and hid somewhere but I don’t know where. Ahh I screamed in my head I see Kirt. So I sat in the tree very calm. I’m lying flat in this tree because the branches are shaped weird so I can lay flat in this tree. As Kirt passes by I literally just fall out of the tree because a branch breaks and it hurt but I still ran. We all have walkie talkies so I call up Dakota and I say “Kirt is headed your way get to cover OVER.” He responds with “okay I’ll get Nathan to take cover to.” Meanwhile Kirt is hiding to catch us he’s hiding in a bush and he saw me and chased me all the way down to my cousin’s house. My cousin’s house has 2 giant bushes and I climbed behind one of them and he just ran by. Kirt then got a phone call and it was his dad his dad said ” time to go home” Kirt responded as “ok” The game we ended because he had to go but then me and Nathan invited Dakota into his house. After he came in I got some water and we all went downstairs to play some Minecraft. (Minecraft is an awesome game)


This Weekend I Went Camping

This weekend I’m going camping. I really hope it will be fun because I get to hang out with my cousins, sisters, Aunts, and uncles. This is the first year my mom has booked a cabin here. Every other year my mom doesn’t rent a cabin she doesn’t even come up I just go with my aunt normally but this year my mom decided to rent a cabin and we are all going camping. YAY!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀

Well we are on the way to KOA but it is taking us a long time because my aunt’s car is bad at going up the mountain so we were hitting 55mph instead of going 65mph.

So this year I went camping and I did this I went to the campground and I was in the car for an hour not long. My cabin was near the park but closer to the pool and my aunts and uncles cabin was on a really steep hill. When we got there me and my aunt were the only ones there in our family because I Rhode up in her car. So then we went to the office to get the cabin key and then we headed back to the cabin that was on the hill. We got to the top of the hill and went inside the cabin and unpacked the car and we brought my cousins dog up his name is Gimilie and he is a poodle mixed with a Shih Tzu and he is really cute. So we are up in the cabin waiting for the rest of our family to arrive. Ten all the sudden Gimilie starts barking crazy because he saw a goat because behind our cabin there was a goat and chicken pen. Then we decided to go up to the top of the hill and there was a path to walk on so we walked the dog around and we just walked around this path in the forest for like 20 minutes and then came down. We then put the dog in the crate. Me and my cousin and there mom decided to go down to the park so on the way down to the park we see a really cool looking pumpkin it was a spider carved into a pumpkin it was cool looking. Well we still headed to the park. At the park I and my cousin Nathan played tether ball. I only won because he is shorter than me and I hit up high. I call him a midget! 😛

I won again for the same reason and he got so mad that he started chasing me around the park and campground then I finally found a bush and hid from him. I wait for him to come around and then i jump out in front of him “BOO” HE jumped and said “AHHHHHHH” I started laughing hysterically and he was pretending to punch me. I and Nathan walked around in the back of the woods and we saw a dog! We thought why the heck is there a dog in the middle of the forest. We both ran away from it just in case it was aggressive. Nathan told his mom we saw a dog in the middle of the woods and Zoe his little sister said “what why is there a dog in the woods” Zoe Nathan his mom and I went towards the woods we saw him and we tiptoed down the woods. “We finally found him” I said. We decide to get closer and we hide behind a tree and we were like 20 feet away from the dog. As we got closer and closer he started to bark so we ran back to our camp sight and ran into who happened to be the owner of the dog. They said “if we don’t approach the dog it will go back to their R.V.” OK that was a relief I said. We walked back towards the cabin and we saw a white van it was my mom we saw her but she didn’t see us. Nathan and I ran really fast back to the cabin and they went straight instead of turning into our cabin. I thought for a second and thought oh maybe my mom is checking in and there was a line of cars to check in so we caught up to her and she rolled down her window. My mom was doing exactly what I thought she was doing checking into her cabin. I asked Nathans mom what we were having for dinner and she said “tacos in a bag” “yes my favorite food!” I said. Nathan and I went up to the cabin and played on our DS. Nathan and I were playing Mario vs. each other and I’m winning at the moment and then Nathan all the sudden comes out of nowhere in the game and freezes me and then hits me with a Mario bat. OWWWWW I said to Nathan and he starts laughing like a crazy person. Literally. We decide to play another match and I win by freezing him with a Mario freeze ray and he got mad but I was just laughing a lot more than I need to be. I hear someone knock on our cabin door and I’m thinking in my mind who is it. I go to the door and it is my baby sister and she is only 1 year old and then I see my older sister coming up the hill. I ask Emily “why is Bridget up here at the door” She responded as “I don’t know how she got up here she might of ran up the hill” and I said “ok”. So I let Bridget my baby sister into the cabin. She started saying “doggie” and it was the cutest thing ever. Well there is just so much we did i cant explain it all. The end of our expiereance.


Ian’s Fifth Book Blog

Title:  Forces and Motion In Sports

Author:  Glen Phelan


I read Forces and motion in sports it is about how we use motion in sports. When we use force in like soccer we normally are punting a ball or you are running.  You can also use motion while riding a skateboard. There are many different forces and motions in sports and your everyday moves.


I think this would be a good book to read for kids that like to learn about forces and motions.

Ian’s 4th Book Review

Title: I Am Roberto Clemente

Author: Jim Gigliotti

My favorite part is…. My favorite part is when Roberto Clemente signs a contract with the Pittsburgh pirate. It is my favorite part because that is his first team that is a high league.


My Favorite Candy

My favorite candy is…

My favorite candy is TWIX. Yea it is TWIX I just love TWIX.

I will eat if every meal of the day if I could but I can’t. I often go to the store well not that often but still when I go to the store I spend some of my money on a bag of TWIX. If I could own the factory that makes Twix I would pay my employee 2 times more than any other factory would. I LIKE TWIX THAT MUCH.







Another Rainy Day

It was a rainy day at daly elementary. It has been raining really hard for atleast 5 hr. It is really annoying when it rains because we dont have outside recess and if it is inside recess there isnt much to do. If you are lucky you will get to use the compputer but there is only a 50% chance u will get it.  🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

So recess insides isnt that fun

What Up

This year has been really fun this year we are making cameras we have already made roller coasters. I really hope we do some really big writing projects because I like writing.