Under the Rug

Narrator:this story starts on a stormy night

 Dug:(brushing teeth) time for bed it been a hard day of work for me


 Narrator:  What was that said Dug.He went down and cheek he saw something it was a bump

 Narrator: He grabbed a chair and lifted the rug it was a little robber so he ran for it.later that night police showed up and dug noticed that his TV was gone.

 Dug: aw man that stuff was worth a fortune who ever that person will com back for more because I have a deluxe flat screen TV in my room.

 Narrator:later that week the robber came back.

Dug:hee (evil laugh) I got a chair for you robber

 Robber: Dang someone is coming I better hide

 Narrator: Dug came down looking for the robber he was hiding behind the couch

Narrator : Dug found him ran after but the robber went running but Dug got a security system it looked all the doors so the robber was trapped he got beaten up by a chair till the police showed up and he went to jail for the rest of his days.

 Two years later

Robber: That lousy guy got in my way at least I got a escape tunnel.ha I’m free I’m free  I’m free.