Strange Day in July

Strange Day in July


One day in Winnetka next to Lake Michigan. 2 kids named Jerry and Vanessa. They are big liars but sometimes get away with it. They just woke up and brushed their teeth. They went down the wooden stairs to eat breakfast with their dinosaur and princess pj’s. They had scrambled eggs and toast with butter.

“Ma,’ this is so delicious,” said Jerry.

“Really, is it really good or are you lying again like last time,” vocalized their mom.

“No i’m telling the truth,” said Jerry.

“Can we head to Lake Michigan,” asked Vanessa.

“Yes, be careful,” said their mother

“Ok Ma’,”


Before they walked, they saw a newspaper that said A ghost has been haunting  . The ghosts name was ‘ lester Crane,’. They started to walk to the lake but right before that. Jerry tripped over a branch and got back up.

“That was a close one, I almost cut my knee. It’s nothing,”.


They reached to the lake and Jerry suggested to throw stones.


“I have a challenge,” said Jerry.

“What?” asked Vanessa.

“Whoever can throw a stone farther, than the other person has to do your chores for a week” replied Jerry.

“Ok, thats a deal,” vocalized Vanessa.


They were both trying to find stones that they know would throw good.

They found over 10 stones and they could only use the best 3 stones. It was Jerry’s turn to throw the stones. Jerry threw his 1st stone but it didn’t go too far. His 2nd stone was just a little more than his 1st stone. His 3rd stone was thrown but it didn’t stop. He threw with all of his might but, The Third  stone came skipping back. Jerry thought he was seeing things but


Vanessa asked “Why did that stone just come back to us,”.

“Ok, after all I wasn’t seeing things,” replied Jerry.

They have been thinking and thinking of what happened.

“What if the ghost from the newspaper is actually real,” vocalized Vanessa.


“Do you really think that the ‘ghost’ is real. “Pffffffff…. no, that ghost is totally fake. yeah it’s totally fake,” said Vanessa.


“Good, now we can go home and forget this whole thing behind us,”said Jerry.

“Thats not the only thing behind you!” shouted Vanessa.

“Ahhhh, Ghost!” yelled Jerry.

 “That looks like the one on the newspaper,” said Vanessa.

“That does,” vocalized Jerry.

“Wait,  ghosts can’t touch us,” replied Jerry.

“Remember my ghost hunting kit, do you think that will work to catch the ghost ,” said Jerry.

“No, that will never work. it’s fake,” vocalized Vanessa.

“Well, lets give it a try,” replied Jerry.

“Come as quick as you can then lets get home to hunt some ghosts,” vocalized Jerry.


When we went home I told my mom and my dad but they didn’t believe me so I asked them to come. Vanessa and I put our suits on and went with my mom and dad. Vanessa told me

“Don’t forget the vacuum cleaners,” Vocalized Vanessa.

“Yeah, thanks,” replied Jerry.


 It took five minutes to reach the lake. Their parents went to the lake and didn’t see the ghost. When there parents left, the ghost showed up and then Jerry yelled “Mom, dad come and look,”


“Stop pulling pranks on me and you father now we are going home!” yelled there mom.

“Ok then, they don’t have to believe us but we saw it with our own eyes,” said Jerry.

“Wait the ghost is back!” yelled Vanessa

“Oh my God”, “He’s back”, replied Jerry.

“Are you ready to use your vacuum cleaner”, asked Jerry.

“My bad boy is all loaded up”, replied Jerry  On 3, 1,2,3 Charge!”, “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” yelled Jerry and Vanessa.

They caught the ghost and didn’t let him free no matter what the ghost kept asking them. They put the ghost in a jar then kept in a very safe place. In their hands. Jerry and Vanessa showed the neighborhood but they didn’t believe them. Instead they showed the jar and they weren’t called liars anymore now everyone is safe but what will happen to the ghost.