King George III

Dear King George III,


I’m Pooyan from the colony of Maryland.  I am joining the patriots because of how you treated me and what you have done.


We don’t want the quartering act or the stamp act. First of all, I don’t want the quartering because I don’t want lobster backs just coming into my house and eating and drinking my food. I dont want the stamp act because I get charged by 1 peice of paper. King George III, thats ridiculous.


I also won’t have to live under rules that I am forced to do.  I do not get treated with respect that I give and that I deserve.


I am aloud to have my freedom whenever I want it. I am not getting forced by eating something, drinking something or even doing chores for you. I have a right to leave England without getting killed! I have a right to be treated with respect the same way that I treat you. I also have a right to have a better life and let it stay that way no matter what you say or what your lobsterbacks say.


My rights go out to all boys and girls. Even parents deserve respect when they take care of there children and themselves.


Now since I have said my words, I am leaving because of what you said and did to me. Patriots now will be in my hands and so long King George III

Sincerely Pooyan

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