Briana’s Myth

Briana’s Myth

By: Briana Montiel


There was a man named Man . He was named man because his parents hated him a lot. He was up on a mountain with some of his soldiers and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was up on a higher mountain she threw a sword at him. It hit him and cut his head off. His soldiers screamed and ran. They ran down and didn’t stop. They got to the village where Man lived with his wife, Wife.

“Your husband was killed by Athena the goddess of wisdom.”

 Wife stayed still for a while she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The soldiers left disappointed. Wife started to cry she quickly grabbed a backpack and packed a water bottle, snack, blanket, and rope and set out to find Athena and ask her for her husband back.

 Wife walked for a very long time until she finally found Athena, the goddess of wisdom, up on a mountain.  She grabbed her rope and climbed up the mountain.

There Wife said to Athena, “Please bring back my husband!”

 Athena turned around and quickly and said to Wife “I will never bring Man back to life. He hated me and always said lies about me disobeying the other gods especially my father Zeus, he did not honor me because he thought I was the less important of all gods!”

“Please!” cried out Wife.

 “ENOUGH!” yelled the goddess.

“Are you going to disobey me as well? I am powerful you mortals will obey me! Do you hear me?”

 At that Athena disappeared and Wife was left alone on top of the mountain. Wife was upset but tired so she grabbed her blanket from her backpack and fell asleep. Zeus was watching the whole thing from up a higher mountain.  He was upset at Athena for killing Man for Man was one of Zeus’s closest friends.

 He came down to Wife and said “I will bring back your husband.”

 Wife woke up and cried “Thank you!”

She was so happy that Man was coming back to life that she cried tears of joy and so many tears that it created a river. Zeus brought Man back to life and Wife and him lived happily ever after. That is the story of how the River Enipeus was made.

Here is a map of the Enipeus River:


The First Amendment

By: Briana

The 1st Amendment is the most important out of all the Amendments because of this. Imagine that you’re at your house and you go out to get the newspaper and on the front page it says a new law has been placed about your religion that you don’t agree with how would you feel? I wouldn’t be happy this is why the first amendment is the the most important it states that you will be able to practice your religion without anyone changing it by making laws. You will be able to do this because congress can’t make any new law about your religion or keep you from practicing it.


This law also states that you will not be stopped from saying whatever you want to say. But that doesn’t mean that there will not be consequences for whatever you say. This amendment says that you will be able to publish whatever you wish to like in a newspaper or book or stop you from peacefully asking the government to change something.


In conclusion, this amendment is the most important because without it we wouldn’t have freedom to choose what religion you want to choose, say what you want to say, or have any voice in our country.


The Labor Movement

The Labor Movement

By: Briana

The Labor movement was started when farm workers were treated badly because they got paid horrible for the hours they worked. For example sometimes if they worked 10 hours they only got paid $2 for their work.


This is Cesar Chavez giving a speech

Cesar Estrada Chavez

A man named Cesar Estrada Chavez helped those people. Cesar Chavez was Mexican American. He was born in Yuma, Arizona on March 31, 1927. Cesar and a few other people set out to help in 1962 and founded the National farm workers association. The union got together with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee in its first strike against grape growers in California in 1965.“The fight is never about grapes or lettuce It is always about people.” During that time volunteers fanned out across the country to try to convince stores to stop selling grapes and to convince customers to stop buying them. At the end they got many victories. Chavez was one of the important labor leaders. Chavez went on hunger strikes which is believed to have led to his death on April 23, 1993 in San Luis, Arizona.


First Labor Day

The first Labor Day was Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, and is dedicated to the economic achievements of American workers. Matthew Maguire first proposed the holiday but others argue that it was first proposed by Peter J. McGuire. Labor Day became a federal holiday in 1894. Today we celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September. People celebrate with parades, parties, picnics, barbecues, fireworks, displays and athletic events across the U.S.







Farm Workers

For more than a century farm workers had been denied a decent life in the fields. They have tried but failed to organize giant agribusiness farms most of the observers considered it hopeless. But by the 1960’s things began to change. In 15 years more than 50,000 farm workers were protected by the union. The Bracero program is an arrangement between the U.S and the Mexican government’s began to be law 78 in 1951.

Because of the labor movement, farm workers got more rights and now they get payed better but their working conditions aren’t the best for them.  Because of this, more work needs to be done.