The First Amendment

By: Briana

The 1st Amendment is the most important out of all the Amendments because of this. Imagine that you’re at your house and you go out to get the newspaper and on the front page it says a new law has been placed about your religion that you don’t agree with how would you feel? I wouldn’t be happy this is why the first amendment is the the most important it states that you will be able to practice your religion without anyone changing it by making laws. You will be able to do this because congress can’t make any new law about your religion or keep you from practicing it.


This law also states that you will not be stopped from saying whatever you want to say. But that doesn’t mean that there will not be consequences for whatever you say. This amendment says that you will be able to publish whatever you wish to like in a newspaper or book or stop you from peacefully asking the government to change something.


In conclusion, this amendment is the most important because without it we wouldn’t have freedom to choose what religion you want to choose, say what you want to say, or have any voice in our country.