Category: Book Blog

Smash(Trial By Fire)

Smash is about a ten yer old boy named Andrew Ryan.He wish he could the samething as his superhero idol Defender.Then he could stand up to the school bully name Gareth,face down his older brother tommy.Then ka-boom when he is clobbered by fallout from a blast that kills Defender,Andrew wish may have just came true.Now it’s up to him to… Read more →

I FUNNY(A Middle School Story)

IFUNNY is from James Pattersonand Chris Grabenstein. In IFUNNY you’ll hear about Jamie mission to win the Planet’s Funniest Kid Comic Contest. You’ll meet his insanely un-funny stepfamily, you’ll meet Pierce and Gaynor, a amazing person called Suzie Orolvsky, and the world’s worst bully, who is Stevie Kosgrov and he happens to live in the same house as Jamie. If… Read more →