Evil vs. Good    BY: Jeremiah T. Green

November 11, 2016, it is a nice sunny day the  clouds got dark then Queen Hades Johnson starts coming down the street with newborn baby named Hades E. Johnson .


Then when Hades E. Johnson turned 1 year old and  he started hang out with 3 year olds boys.


That trouble indies up at the police station  jail sail  with all of his.


Gang bangers friends and he has just turned 11 and he was hanging around 12 year old  boys.


He got in more trouble and he was back in the police station jail sail again for the second time in a row and.  


She  keeps thanking that they should we move back home  to their old neighborhood but she afraid.


  To tell him that I   thought about it and then she  said that’s it this is the straw so she said.


Hades E. Johnson come down right now she said i have to talk to you i am tired of you getting into so much trouble.


Hades E. Johnson and his group of friends is a better group then his that got him in a lot trouble now his new.


Group of friends they help each other with their homework when they are stuck on something .


They would say you can do it so Hades E. Johnson decided that he was going to be good and his mom said.


“ where are going to stay and I’m going to put in school and  I’m glad for you that  you decided choose good”.


Then the next day Hades E. Johnson started middle  school he was a little scared on his first day of but he got but he got  better.


When his first report card came he 29 A’s 1 B’s his mom proud that he had no C’s on his report card.


Because at his  old school he 30 C 12 A’s and 3B’s his mom is surprised that Hades E. Johnson has more A’s than C’s.


Hades E. Johnson  mom is  proud of him that he has no C’s this year because in his old school his grades wasn’t that good.


But this new school put him on the right chract  and I’m  so proud of him 2.45 average It’s better than a 2.o average.


Then I’ll be mad person if had to take a his xbox one and are family play station four he will be upset that I did that.


Hades E. Johnson asked his mom can he play football  so his.

“Mom said yes that he play and are first is nexted saturday okay Hades mom said and the time is 6:00 A.M.”


What said Hades E. Johnson mom 6:00 A.M. to 8: A.M. oh that’s a good time said Hades mom.


We have our first game this saturday you guys have practices tomorrow is it walk thru I’ll have call your couch.


I’m ready For our game this saturday our you mom yes now go wash your stuff for your game this saturday okay now.


Hades E. Johnson went to wash his stuff for is game this saturday Hades was excited when I say he was really excited.


when came Hades was beast he was creaking  putting on there back but when they got offnesa he was breaking tackles.


Thos breaking tackles lead him to a touchdown the score was 45 to 0 there first there record is 1-0.


They don’t even pay tenean in practices but they play perfect in the game.


He was so excited his grades was messing up he had to a break away from football he took of from football.


After he took of  away from football after all of that he went straight back into football.


About a week later they were in the playoffs and his team won they are going to florida but.


“couch said   They had to  when one more game practice

every day”.


When saturday came they won their game now they are going to florida.


Next practice everything went downhill Hades was spread that his mom was getting married and she didn’t not tell him.


And he was very mad that his mom didn’t that she was getting married.


“Two weeks later”

Hades had a step he wasn’t happy at all and he told his mom that he decided to be 2 year rookie and he just now turned 11years old right now his team’s record is 2-0 they have one more game and they will be in the national  championship they had to win this game they will be in the championship.Jeremiah T. Green Myth  Colorful Title

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