Uninvited guest By: Carlos

WARNING it is to scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He lived in  a house that was haunted that was green out side of it was full with grass it had a grave behind it.heard something in the basement and the basement had eyes from the doors and it was all dark and he started shaking. Also heard the door hitting the wall 6again and again so he went to the basement with a bat. When he got down.  One day there was man named Jose he had blue eyes and blonde hair  and hated to read and he was really brave. he lived in carlosland in a rainy day and he lived in a creepy house!! That was haunted before he moved in a man died named Carlos. harris small doorSo Jose was watching his favorite show teen titans go and he was eating popcorn at the same time he felt like someone was in his house watching him. Until he  there he found nothing!! but he only saw a bag moving. Then when he saw that the bag was moving he got his bat and hit it and it was still scared and he heard voice in hismoving so he opened the bag and found nothing so he got scared to then the lights turned off and the doors was locked. So then he called for help screaming out no one heard so he got his phone out but as soon he got it out it disappeared.   So then jose got really  ear. So then he remembered that he had a room in the basement for if a tornado comes near his house. Also he tried to go to the room in the basement. He carried a bat for nothing can touch him. So the ghost was    following jose and the ghost kept touching him and that’s how he found out his house was haunted. so he tried to look for his phone and flashlight and his bat so then he found his phone on the floor. and tried to use the flashlight on the phone but the flashlight on the phone wasn’t bright enough. So then he tried to look for the flashlight  but he couldn’t find it. So he tried to call someone to help but he forgot that his phone was off because he forgot to pay for he can get service. So then he tried to find the light switch. so then he found it and turned it on and went to go get the holy water. but then carlos went to go break the light bulb. so carlos didn’t get the holy water so he just walking without no light so then he found the holy water and the ghost

carlos did not even know that he had the holy water. So then he felt the ghost touching him and sprayed it on him and he did not feeling the ghost no more so walked up the stairs and the day after he moved and lived happily in his no him.

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