Raiyan`s Energy info

Untitled drawing     Water is a resource that can moisturize your skin from being dry.   Also you and the animals can drink it for energy also water is good for you but remember there is no taste to it but does help us for a lot of things like for flowers and fruits and grass also trees but it is never good to waste water because some people don’t have water  and a waste of money.

Roughly mostly 70% of an adult’s body is made out of water .


Production and distribution

Dams are a giant hole with pipes on the side the pipes are called a pipe stock that water goes inside of. All that water that goes inside that pipe carries all the  water to the turbines as the water is going the water level increases also inside of that turbine there is a  generator  and   inside the  generator is a rotor that spins by the turbine.


Cost and material


My cost is Money for production,  Money for scientists and inventors are trying to come up with an inexpensive way to get water to countries what I mean is like having an easier way to get water to people in a inexpensive  cost Hydro turbines kill and injure some of the fish that pass through the turbine.



3.Flat land


environmental impact


Because the source of hydroelectric power water plants are usually located on or near a water source.  hydro power is one  of the oldest sources of energy.hydro power was used thousands of years ago to turn paddle wheels to help grind grain


Additional Important Information

Hydro power is one  of the oldest sources of energy.hydro power was used thousands of years ago to turn paddle wheels to help grind grain.

In conclusion, Water can moisturize your skin.  Water can give you a lot of energy.

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