Wind energy by Darian! :)

                  Wind energy


Wind energy is the second-most common form of renewable energy used to make electricity in the U.S. It has grown at a rapid rate in recent years. it is very well possible that soon, the entire world will run on wind energy!


                   Production and Distribution

Wind energy is produced by, you guessed it, Wind! when the Sun unevenly heats the earth, since warm air rises and cold air sinks, it causes the air to constantly move, therefore creating wind! We have been using the power of wind for thousands of years, the egyptians used wind to propel their sailboats. Wind can be caught using large wind mills (called turbines) that spin to generate electricity, thisUntitled drawing (2) happens when the blades turn gears which creates kinetic energy. computer systems control the direction of turbine blades to match the direction of the wind. A generator in the tower converts that kinetic energy into electricity. The generator sends electricity through transmission lines to the power grid, bringing electricity to homes and businesses! It’s (kinda) simple!


                    ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS


We all know most of our world is powered by oil, coal , nuclear, and natural gas. which all of that can pollute our earth and it’s nonrenewable, and it’s overall bad for lungs. Well, say no more! wind energy is renewable, cannot pollute our world, it’s good for our lungs, and people don’t have to run a mile below the earth just to get some of that sweet sweet wind energy- is so bootiful! There isn’t many bad things the only bad thing is that birds will not see this beautiful energy source and may or may not fly into the turbines… sorry O_O


              Costs and Materials


Of course in order to get this amazing power source you need materials to make it! By now i’m pretty sure i convinced you to spend about a week or so to get this god of an energy source, so here’s a list of all the stuff you need to get in order to make the wind turbines:


  • wind turbine
  • generator
  • tower
  • gearbox
  • yaw drive
  • yaw motor
  • wire
  • brake
  • hub
  • low/high speed shaft
  • controller
  • nacelle


In conclusion, as you could see from the advertisement a couple of paragraphs ago, soon with hard work, smart brains, and overall a windy state. The world will be running on wind!







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