Category Archives: Goals For 2014

New Year’s Resolution

It is important to set goals because, it helps your future, be a succesful person, and gives your life a challenge.

My first goal is to graduate “elementary” and be in “middle school” because I want to learn new things.

My second goal is to get in Boston Latin School, because my mom said it’s a Catholic School but still Public School, and it’s a historical school which I loved to know about, and a lot of succesful people graduate there, and there teachings is 1-2 years advanced of this year, and that really helps my future.

My third goal is to volunteer as an acolyte at church (a person who is assisting the priest during masses.) and attend confession (confession is the time to let God forgive your sins by telling the prayer that the priest told you.) because after confession God forgives you and helping people feels good.

I feel great and excited for 2014because starting a new year is tough for us but every step of the way, every hard work we do to reach our goals is a great way and helpful of our future.