The First Amendment

        The 1st Amendment

         By Jamour


The first amendment is the most important because  I don’t want to a person to judge me that i’m Muslim that doesn’t mean i’m bad It  nice that i can practice my religion and be proud i have this religion.


Congress can’t stop you from meeting peacefully for a demonstration to ask the government to change  something.You can ask to change a law or to change a rule in you state.You can say anything but just know there will be some bad things that could happen to you.I can publish whatever you want (like in a newspaper or a book ).This is the thing that will happen if we didn’t have the first amendment i would be christian,I wouldn’t be able to say anything,and congress will stop when i them to change a law.
Now lets see what Thomas Jefferson says about the first  amendment “Above all else, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content. To permit the continued building of our politics and culture, and to assure self-fulfillment for each individual, our people are guaranteed the right to express any thought, free from government censorship.”For these reason why the first amendment is so important.