Category: Inquiry Project


The summer of 2099999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 in California San Diego County.In the middle of nowhere, but she has a normal life with normal friends and she still went to a normal school. Her name is Jamie, she’s 12. She has a lovely mother and she had a lovely father. She has 6 Best Friends Emma, Samantha, Nyima, Katie, Lionel, Alexa, and Gabby but she… Read more →

Hydropower by Samantha

Energy Source:  water   Hydro power can be used in school,homes,and anywhere.We get hydro power from large amounts of moving water. Right now in the United states hydro power is the most used energy source. Production and Distribution   most hydro power is used in Washington,Oregon,and California. The Grand Coulee Dam is make 30% U.S. New York has the the most… Read more →