Category: Narrative

Samantha’s Speech

Good morning Ladies and gentlemen students and  staff of 2015-2016 also Mrs.dietz and mrs. german. My name is Samantha. Those who don’t know me. I am going to be talking about how elementary school changed me . Elementary School is not a big deal. it’s not like you are graduating from college or high school. But it is important because… Read more →


The summer of 2099999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 in California San Diego County.In the middle of nowhere, but she has a normal life with normal friends and she still went to a normal school. Her name is Jamie, she’s 12. She has a lovely mother and she had a lovely father. She has 6 Best Friends Emma, Samantha, Nyima, Katie, Lionel, Alexa, and Gabby but she… Read more →