Lion Tail

Adam and Douglas are soldiers ,they always wanted to live forever to keep on winning their wars
one day they went out into a cave near a beach and Adam went in the cave and Douglas stayed outside to see if anyone came.

Back at the cave Adam saw a floating ball he knew it was immortality then he dropped to the ground and twisted and turn. He grew whiskers,fangs and became brown and yellow.

Zeus knew that Adam was a greedy person so he him turned into a lion because lions are greedy and filthy.

After Adam left as a lion than guards attacked him so he fought till he won he ate all of them and got bigger and bigger till he was tall as 10 men he had no idea what he was doing and he kept eating all of them using bones as toothpicks and he went on looking for more prey than he ran into Douglas the lion had Adams clothes on Douglas thought that the lion ate Adam so Douglas wanted to avenge Adam so he went to the lion head to slay the beast and he was victorious he slayed the beasts head off and he never knew that Adam was the beast.

Then when Douglas got back to his camp. His captain asked where was Adam.

He said that a lion beast killed him and ate him.

The captain said are you sure. Douglas said that the beast had Adams clothes on and then the captain waked Douglas in the head Douglas you fool when have you heard of a lion beast put on clothes a god must have turned Adam into a lion for a punishment you know that he is greedy for any things that is rare and what were you guys looking for.

Douglas said immortal maybe Adam found it and was going to keep it for himself and that was why he got turned into a lion beast. Then for years and years Douglas got old and older lonely with no friends or family and till he died when he was 92 years old when the beast attacked him because it remembers what Douglas did.

But when than the beast head grew all of its parts back and it was wild and ate animals in the wild animals or humans that trespass it territory at any time and any day.