A Strange Day In July By: Maimuna


One day in Chicago, Illinois in the month of July 7 year old Christine Lucy Thomas woke up.   She is very intelligent, sweet, tall, beautiful, doesn’t have many friends at school, and most of all loves nature.  She usually draws pictures of nature in her free time.  She went to wake her 11 year old brother Henry, he wouldn’t budge.  He is generous, hardworking, smart, tall,
handsome, and extremely loves books.  So instead she went to the guest room to wake up her granny Lisa.  She is the sweetest person on the face of the Earth.  She gave her granny Lisa a couple of pushes but she wouldn’t move, in fact not even take a breath of air.  


Christine was very worried, so she yelled “mom, dad, Henry come into the guest room quickly!”  They all quickly came into the room.


“What do you want in the middle of the morning Christine?” they all questioned.


“Guys I think granny Lisa is dead!’’ said Christine.


“Let me check her breathing rate honey.” said Dave the father.  Dave checked her breathing rate, she was dead, all the soul of sweetness slipped out of her body last night.  Dave is a very sensitive sad person, very caring, and tall/strong.  “My children your granny is long gone dead.” He also said.


“Honey I am going to go call all the relatives and that cemetery that we buried your father Georges in .” Aria  the wife said.  She didn’t wait for a reply and just did as she told her husband.  Aria is a very amazing, nice, friendly person.  Dave heard what Aria said but he was in too much shock that his mother was dead.  In the next 30 minutes they got to the cemetery to go bury granny Lisa.


Henry told a speech about his granny and grandpa.  The relatives started crying a lot more than before.  Then it started to get windy which was definitely weird because it was summer in July.  So they buried their granny quickly.  Before Christine and Henry left, they went to go their grannies pond.  Henry and Christine had 1 stone each.  One stone caught both of Henry and Christine’s eye.  They both touched it at the same time.  Then, Henry took it out of Christine’s hand and he threw it with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back.


“Henry did you see that stone coming back to us? It was glowing, harris kids waterthat was wicked cool like it wanted something from us.” told Christine.


“I know that was really cool, anyways let’s go home to go show mom.” replied Henry.   So they started to walk home which only took the 5-10 minutes.  So when they got home they showed their mom.


“My children you have found my rock, the rock I have been looking for my whole life now go away!’’ Aria crackled.


 They left to their rooms where they were the whole entire day, usually they would be outside but the weather forecast said it would be pouring hail.  Meanwhile Aria hadn’t been seen for 1 whole hour.  For some reason  Aria gave back the rock to Henry in an angry way.  Henry took the rock and put it on his counter.  


Then Christine asked “So what are we going to do with the rock?” Christine asked.


 Henry ignored her, he went on his bed to read because he was bored, he read a very sad book with family members being dead…  Christine went on his bed too and she drew pictures of nature with her granny on it because she was still sad that her granny died.  They did that for an hour and the time was only 3:00 they fell asleep.  Then, woke up at 3:45 and saw their granny.


“Granny is that you ?” they both sid in deep shock.


“Yes it is me my dearies I have to tell you guys that you guys are both keepers of the world.  You guys remember that skipping stone, that is the stone that makes you become the keeper of this very world .  This isn’t any dream it’s reality.  Also, I have to tell you that girl isn’t your real mom Aria Elizabeth Mary Thomas, it’s some crazy evil witch.  Get the stone and hold my hands now we are going to the underworld with me.


The children didn’t question what happened they just went with it.  They were in grief shock.  Granny Lisa started to mumble in Latin.  After 2 minutes they were in the underworld.  Granny had to scan the rock to come in the children didn’t ask why because it happened too fast and in a confusing way.


“Granny can we see grandpa Georges?” said Henry.  


“No I am sorry my child we will find out in the end.” granny replied with a tear.


 Henry was upset but, didn’t show it.  “OK guys it’s time to explain to you what we are doing.  See your real mother Aria is in jail, Liliana Marie is your mother’s twin they look exactly the same so she switched her and put your mother in the slammer.  You wouldn’t know about her because no one ever speaks of her.  It was sad on how she turned bad, your grandfather from your mother’s side made her bad.  But thank god you never saw him because he ran away with your horrible aunt at the age 10.  From then your mother was raised by your amazing grandmother.  I loved her since the second I saw her except she is an angel and so is your mother. Which means you guys are half angel and witch, which is amazing.  The weather is weird because you guys have to say a spell and hold the rock at the same time but first we have to kill Liliana.  Your father needs my magic spell book.  Your dad is going to come any minute and I know you guys are going to ask me why so soon, and how did we not know this from the start.  We didn’t know, but we know now because your father read Liliana’s diary and it told him all.  Also, you might ask me that why I couldn’t do this myself because I wanted to teach you some skills so you know when difficult times happen you’ll know what to do. So what we have to do is save your real mother Aria while, your father kills Liliana and we save the world from sucking into a black wormhole by saying one simple spell, but it is going to sting a little.” said granny.


At the minute Dave came in.  Dave said “children I have come to take the spell book my little world keepers.”  Dave took the spell book and left.  He was going to do the poison, stab spell.


“Granny I have one question for you, are we all witches including me, Christine, dad, and you?” said Henry.   


“Of course my sweet all of you are it’s in your bloodline.” replied granny.  The children were to surprised to say anything.  “Ok my children it is time to go, save your mother from that horrible jail!” said granny.  They held their grannies hand and they took the stone.   Their granny was again mumbling in Latin.  After 2 minutes they got to the underworld jail cell, it had so much of the latest technology.  


When they got there, there was a translucent glass with a lady standing in the back of it.  She said “who you looking for?”  


Granny replied “Lilliana Marie.”  The lady took them to another room which was the dungeon.  It was full of security guards.  When they came in the lady and security guards left.


Then, the real Aria cried “My children you have come to save me from this horrorfest.”  The Christine started to cry she couldn’t believe how bad her health looked.  She quickly wiped off her tears she didn’t want her mother to see.


Then, granny said “Ok well we are going to set you free, Dave as we think has already killed Liliana.  Also, come and look at the 2 new world keepers.”


Therefore Aria replied “That is so great I am so proud of you two.  So how do you plan to take me from here?”


“Leave that to me dearie.  All I have to do is look them in the eye and my mind will tell them, so we can leave peacefully.  Also, tell the spell so the whole world will be safe.  After all I am a good witch for a reason.”  said granny.  So she put a trance on everyone that was the prisoners.  Then, they went outside granny mumbled in Latin again to get home to Chicago, Illinois.  It took them entirely 5 minutes.


Then, Aria said sarcastically “Wow it feels good coming back to Chicago in hail.  So where is Dave?”


“He is in the house.” granny replied.  Aria came into the house and she gave Dave a tight hug.  Henry looked at the time they have only been gone for an hour.


Aria asked “Dave where is Liliana?’’


“She faded away 30 minutes ago.” Dave replied.  “OK guys let’s go do the spell, and if we don’t the whole world goes into a black hole.” he also said.


 Aria didn’t rot because she is an angel, she doesn’t do that type of magic.  Then they got the pebble and spell book, to look for the spell  Granny and Dave made a circle.  While Henry and Christine were in the middle, they were holding the pebble. Granny and Dave both were mumbling in Latin because that is where the spells come from.  Then, the world was back on it’s feet and the sun was shining brighter than ever.      


“Now that the world is safe, I have to go deal with a regular death.  See Henry that is exactly what happened to your grandfather.  I can’t be a ghost witch forever. It’s time for me to go.” said granny.  


The children, Dave, and Aria gave granny their goodbyes.  Then, she faded away.  It was sad to see her go again but, they were happy to know that their granny was safe.  They also knew that they might have to fight again but, for now they kept the stone safe ………     




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