Third Floor Bedroom- JacQuese

Ashley was playing around chris he wasn’t  looking where he was going the at

that time mehki had finished his science project.Next chris had bump into mehki

Project which chris had spilled poisoned water on the ground! And it reach to

Ashley but chris got nervous and mehki was freaking out and panicking very fastly.

Later on chris had called the ambulance then the medical help guys had said they

Will be their in a half an hour in fact chris had waited 2 and a half hour more for

The medical guys so he called back and they were at a party around the corner

From chris house. the chris and mehki realized the could not trust to help with

Getting ashley to the hospital so they have to drive there but ashley could not

Take the heat from the sun Especially when she has poisoned water spread over

Her who knows what could happen!!!




                                                        paragraph       /     Conclusion

Later on that day chris had figured that if he could not get a hold of the hospital department but they were at a party with other people so mehki had suggested

That he needs to call the police to get someone else to come help ashley. from the

Poison water but later on they heard Sirens from ambulances so the went and help

The medical guys then mehki had pick up ashley but they took her by their own

Selves.finally 2 months later after surgery ashley was fine mehki and chris came

To the hospital and ashley was looking beautiful and better as new….THE END    

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