Archie Smith,Boy Wonder


One day in the future. Jeffrey wanted one of the cool bike’s.But his parents did not have that much money for a new bike.So he was mad then he wood not look at people or look at them.So he would go out asking for money so the wouldn’t lisen to him.So he would give up and go back home.One day him and his sister Jenny went out to tell people that they have no where to live so people would give them harris lightsmoney so then when he went home

   Jenny siad you no you have to split that why siad Jeffrey beacause I helped you earn he had only 25 dalers.


      So he was mad that he ask his sister for help. so one afternoon he went sneaking out of the house. And cut his pants to look like he was homeless so he took a cup to collect the one hour he aernd more than 50 he came home and put the cup in the ketchen so he forgot the cup.So the next morning his sister siad I

      found some money in the kitchen. So she went to tell his brother hey Jeffrey I found money “HEY” that’s my money I earned it. So he started going after her.So he cept on saying come back.he could not find her so she went to the store and was going to bye her own bike. So he cut his pants again and went out and saw a old lady and said do have money for me Iwhy she said because  Iam homeless.So the old lady give him 80 dallers that he can spend.Then he went up to her and said “SICK” and siad im not homeless and then he ran home.The old lady went after him but she had lost him.So she was go ing to track him down with a foot print razer . So the next day he thought that he saw her across the road.But It was just his imagination.So just went to school and he cept on seing the lady like if she was follwing him.So after school he went home the he the old lady loking at him out the window.So he opened the door slowly and he was suprized that she was not their so he looked the other way his sister scard him his perents came and side what’s rong he said nothing it was just Jennifer.
     Later that night he went to sleep the a little voice side is that one.He heard someone but the old lady was invincible. The next morning he saw the old lady with the bike and went to the store to get her money back so she told the cashier i won’t my money back ok you have to but the bike back from where you got it so she got her money back.So Jefferiy was sad.So that day his perents byed him a new bike better than the other one so he went ridding all around the naber hod and it went fater so he was happy.

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