Archie Smith, Boy Wonder by Chris Morris

One night a 15 year old rich kid with gold all around his house was asleep and around him was written out words “I am a God.” A guy broke in and went in his room. The thief had seen the words.

 A tiny voice asked “Is he the one?”

“Yes I am.” Said the boy.

The thief was silent for a minute then the thief said  “I’m leaving”.

“No, you’re not” said the boy, then stopped him with his mind.

“What are you doing to me?” said the thief.

“Why are you trying to rob me? ” the boy asked.

“Because you’re the richest person in Miami” said the thief, then he turned on the lights. The thief was about 6 ft, long hair skinny and was dressed in black.

“Who are you,”The boy asked.

“I’m the flash,” said the thief.

“First you have huge dreams second I’m calling the cops.”  Said the boy.

“No PLEASE! I’ll tell you who I am.” replied the thief.

“Who?” said the boy.



“Okay Jonny test, the cops are here so bye.”


The boy’s mom ask what happened. “That guy tried to rob us.” Answered the boy.

“Oh good job son.” Said the mom relieved.  5 years past…….


“Jonny’s out of jail and on the news.”


“Here comes Jonny”.


“Mom you remember that guy who tried to rob us he’s out of jail.”

“Oh no.”

Someone knocked on the door. The boy’s dad answered it.  They’d seen that it was Jonny. Jonny told them he was going to kill them. They needed to escape.


“The back door”. whispered the boy.


“Good thinking”. Whispered back the dad.


They left the house then went to the police station.  The police came and chased Jonny down, finally they caught him and said “Jonny you’re going to jail for attempted murder.”  After that the boy and his family lived happily ever after.  


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