All posts by Mr. Fitz

The Seven Chairs


7 chairs made from the most majestic of wood

All together under one roof

Until one day they were sold

Split up for good


The first chair was found by a guy that’s  jerky

Stuck in the red clay banks

Of the mighty rio grande

Just outside of Albuquerque


The second chair now owned by a fish man

Sits at the helm of his trawler

On it he sits like a king

While fishing the waters of Japan


The third chair is claimed by a herder of llamas

It’s set at a table

Surrounded by Aqua blue waters

On permanent vacation in the Bahamas


The fourth chair is under a fellow that plays the tuba

Each night stuck fighting his massive weight

Hanging with the band

On the vibrant streets of Cuba


The fifth chair belongs to a nun whose passion is dance

She prays and then sambas

Waltzes and cha chas through the streets of Paris

The fifth chair ended up in France


The sixth chair was a gift for a man home from battle

A present from his wife and kids

Now placed at the head of the table

He eats and cheers on the Seahawks in Seattle


The seventh chair ended up cool

Splattered, painted, and sharpied

All part of a class

A class at Daly Elementary School


All around the world, the 7 chairs are scattered

Some are happy with their new places

Some are upset because they are still under a sitter

But now that have a big job that matters

The Third Floor Bedroom





One day there was a boy named Oliver. He was 9 years old and went to Cookie Oak Elementary school.

He woke up in the morning during a dream about crazy, unrealistic birds. He got ready and went to school.


But before he had gone, he left the window open. Then something crazy happened. It started when he left the window open.  A bunch of birds came flying and dashing through the open window! They were all flying around the room for about 3 hours.                                                            When they had heard the boy come back from school they all flattened themselves against the wall like stickers. When the boy came back into his room he said “Hmm. There’s something wrong in this room.”

He realized that his plant was knocked over. So he stood it back up and left to go to the living room.


When his mom came into the room to clean it up she looked at the wall and said, “Since when did we have birds on our walls?”

“Oliver!”  “Get over here!”

“Yes mom. What happened?”

“When did you get these birds on your wall?”

“Hmm I don’t remember. That’s weird”

“Did you lock the doors when you left?”


“Did you close all the windows?”

“No, come to think of it I think I left my window open”

“Well, maybe it’s because we just moved in and we never noticed it.”

“Can we paint it tomorrow?”


Later the next day they were painting the walls. While they were painting the walls all the birds flew off and out the room. Oliver and his mom was screaming and running around. When all the birds were gone, Oliver shut the window closed and they kept panting.

“What was that?!”

Oliver said, “Call animal control.”

His mom said “It won’t work. It’s all gone now.”

They painted the walls again but they were in case something crazy happens again.

After they painted it and it was dry Oliver and his mom put screening paper on the window and locked the net. Also they did that to all of their window.  So Oliver had to remember to close all the windows. The windows were never opened and it never happened again.



By: Faith Anaman

The house on maple street

It was a quiet night, the star were above there sta the house on maple street.Cats meowed and lurked where they shouldn’t.Dogs having a heated discussion neighbor hood to neighbor hood.

Then it got quiet.There was strange rumble then it sounded like a tree had crashed into a house.A rumble.The dogs stopped talking and barking, cats ran and scurried like an apocalypse on the verge.The cats ran   through  the doggy door and took cover like a scaredy cat .

All of a sudden .Blinding light came out from under the house that sat on maple street a huge balst of plasma and nuclear energy busrt from the thrusters .The house climbed and climbed and climbed until it was clear out of human sight it was a spec like all the other specs in the night sky.

Trees fell and whipped  like a guyon the horse whippingit to go faster.The grass was amazed as it fell backat the blinding light.As cars hollered and yelled at hte disturbance of the loud sound and blinding light…It was quiet again .The dogs talked and seemed to gossip about what happened last night./Ctas were still cowering in there snug lair the cars calmed down and were as quite as can be.There was no sound no movement no blinding lights no cars hollering there sat the cars thre sat the trees and there sat the  vacant lot where there used to be the house on Maple street.

The seven nuns by:Mudiwa Mutokuto

There was a lady named Sister Sofia. She was a nun. She was really strange. She would always eat by herself. And in church she wouldn’t know the prayer. She was really bossy. All the other nuns would say mean stuff about her.

They all weren’t friends with Sister Sofia. Sometimes when they would talk about her she would leave and not come back for a while and no one would know where she went.

Then one evening one of the nuns named sister Kaynun saw her doing a witch spell on one of the nuns and that nuns name was Sister Tellnun.   Sister Kaynun told the head nun Sister Meanun and Sister Meanun kicked her out.

Then she moved on with her life and one day one of the nuns saw her in Paris where she lived.  The other nuns were on vacation that day.

There are seven nuns. One of them named Sister kiknun found her chair. When she got there she saw two men. They were priest and they told her where the chair was.  She got it and gave it to her boss.

Then one afternoon she told Sister Meanun that she was sorry and asked her to be saved by sister Meannun. She got saved and she changed the way she acted. She decided for an apology. She took all the nuns on vacation to Egypt which they had a great time they said thank you and helped pay at the trip because they felt bad that she had to pay all alone. Then they all lived happily ever after.


Another place Another time

Another Place, Another Time

For their summer vacation Evan ,who is 13 years old and wore his favorite shirt , Ray ,who is pretty short for a 6 year old ,and John , Evan’s 12 1/2 year old best friend , are going to an island called Inisa. Evan couldn’t wait to leave, meanwhile Ray, his little brother, was crying so he would get to stay.

Once they got there, they met a man whose name is Brain, he was their tour guide.

“Hey guys, I’m your tour guide. “Brian welcomed them “Welcome to Inisa!”

After he introduced himself he told the boys where they’re going for the next few days, then he left. On his way out

Ray whispers “He’s tall!”

John replies “Not really I think he’s actually-”

“Quiet” snapped Evan who was really annoyed with Ray’s crying and John’s blabbering on the plane.

On their first day of the tour they were all quiet and amazed by everything on the island of Inisa, from really cool parks to some amazing museums. After being amused by everything they get on an empty road and run into a big gray fog.

Evan wasn’t convinced with what John was saying. Which was that it was just a storm coming close.

After the gray fog, Brian told them to get some rest. But as always Ray cried so he wouldn’t have to go to sleep. Then Ray was dead asleep. When they met up with Brian, Brian told them that for now on they could go on their own tours as long as they stay close to the cabin.

“What if we get lost?!” Cried Ray

“Ask around,” replied Evan not caring

“I guess.” Ray said flatly

Then Evan decided that for their last tour alone they would go see if the fog is gone so they could see what was behind it. But on their way there Ray was crying so much that Evan led them the wrong way. John and Ray were not quiet but by the time Evan told them they were lost Evan didn’t hear a peep out of them.

So after they figured out they were lost, John suggested they ask around like Evan said on their first tour alone.

“Excuse me?” asked Evan

“Yes?” said a tall black haired man turning around

“Do you know how to get back to this address?” responded John, handing him a piece of paper with the address

“Uh no, not many people know their way around here, sorry.” Replied the man

Evan, Ray, and John kept asking around – the tall man was right – not everyone knew this island. Then Evan was about ready to quit. John convinced him to ask one last person.

“Hi, do you know how to get to this address, sir?” Evan asked. The man turned, it was Brian.

“Hey guys did you get lost? I thought I told you to stay close to the cabin!” exclaimed Brian.

“Oops!” responded Ray with a smile.

“Yeah, don’t come back down here you could get lost again.” He told them

Brian continued “Come on I’ll take you home, it’s your last day here anyway.”

Now it’s time for Evan, Ray, and John to leave. They get on their plane and wave good bye to not only Brian but the beautiful island too. Ray starts to cry so that he’ll be able to stay, again. Evan fell asleep on the plane and something inside of him told him told him he’ll find what he’s looking for at another place in another time.

Just Desert


All because a moment in class a boy named Sven is shy. It all started when Sven was in school at recess. He was swinging on the monkey bars when a boy named Julian walked by and accidently bumped into him so Sven fell off. Sven hit the ground and broke his leg! He was screaming in pain when the nurse rushed down with a wheel chair. Soon after, Sven woke up in the hospital. The doctor told him he would be fine but he needed crutches for a month.

The next day at school Sven was getting treated great by everybody. Julian was getting jealous because Sven was getting attention so he came up with a plan. So one day Julian waited behind Sven’s house until he left for school and Sven’s mom left for work. Once they were gone Julian snuck through the window and took out any source of light. Once he finished he stayed at the park until school was over.

After school Sven got picked up by his mom named Emily and when they got home they saw all the lights were gone. So Emily bought a jack-o-lantern for $5.00. When she got home she cut it open to get the light. It was a candle so they set it on the table and went to sleep.

During the night the candle came alive and on it was a face! The candle’s name was Bertus. Bertus tiptoed over to Sven and Sven woke up. Sven was surprised by this and almost fainted. The candle told Sven to put his hand in the flame. At first Sven said no but the flame told him he wouldn’t get hurt so Sven did it.

A few seconds later Sven was in a wonderland! There was candy everywhere! There were giant jellybeans for houses and chocolate bars for doors. In the Jellybean houses lived gingerbread families. Sven started drooling at the sight. He saw a dark jellybean at the end of the row of jellybean houses that seemed to be black licorice. All the gingerbread people told him to stay away from it because there is a witch that lives there.

Sven stayed there for a long time until one day Sven decided to take out the witch. So Sven sprinkled some magic sugar dust on him that made him invincible! When the witch heard him at door she grabbed a potion and put it behind her back before she let him in. When she let him in the witch shut the door and threw the poison potion on him. Sven knew she would try this that’s why he put on the invincible dust. When the witch saw it didn’t affect him she turned scared. Sven saw the boiling pot of water where she made her potions and ran for it. She followed him and Sven turned around and dumped the boiling pot on her she screamed. She was yelling “Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” when she was melting.

Sven finished her and now all the gingerbread people would never worry again. They chanted for Sven and made him the king of their land. They had a feast and Sven never came home.

The House on Maple Street

There was this guy named Harris Burdick. He lived in Cobourg, Germany in a bungalow near the North Sea! Harris had a mission to go to Rome, Italy and find the king of the bad guys so he can stop them from stealing from a bank. So he had a plan of bringing his house with him by adding a rocket to the bottom of the house. He was ready to go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 BLAST OFF!harris rocket house

It was a perfect lift off!

Later Harris figured out for the mission that he needed a spy car so his boss told him to go to a secret place in Wels, Austria. He went to the place and got a new car he can control with his phone.

Harris slept for two hours in his Bungalow for his trip. But when he was sleeping he had company. Harris then got up and started to run with a baseball bat in his hand. He knocked out all of the people. He quickly started the rocket and left. When he got to Rome he was exhausted. So Harris went to sleep with a baseball bat in case.

Later Harris tracked down the king of the bad guy is. The king of the bad guys is under a place called Barclays Bank.

Harris had a plan of pretending he worked at the underground place and he was going to pretend to die. So the BOSS will come and then Harris can try to hit the King.

After all of that thinking and planning Harris took coffee because it makes him stay up longer. When he was drinking it he got bored so he watched a movie, James Bond.

After the movie was over he made a Barclays Bank uniform by sewing it with his mom’s favorite colors, blue, red, and purple. Then Harris took the car to Barclays Bank to stop the bad guys. Harris went to the secret tunnel with his suit on and found billions of baseball bats made out of stainless steel.

He went inside the door and used his high tech glasses to see how many people there were. He went next to the boss and fake fainted. The boss picked him up and Harris nailed the boss in the face. Everybody grabbed their weapons and tried to hurt Harris.

But Harris somehow touched his ring and started to fly, fire was coming out of his shoe. Harris went back to the rocket house and started to go to the gym because he was getting fatter.

Harris was done with the mission so he got ready to go back home.

But when Harris tried to turn on the rocket it did not work. He figured out that he forgot to plug in a wire. He turned it on and said to his self,”5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blastoff!’ Harris went back home and his boss was proud of Harris for doing the bravest thing he had ever seen.

13th or 14th

When the Cathiedrauls got into the brown antique elevator, Paisley noticed that one of the buttons was covered in With-Out with the number 14 written on it. She asked her parents about it but they were too deep into their Bluetooth conversations to answer, so she pressed the “14” button. The elevator went up suddenly, everybody in the elevator except the Cathiedrauls disappear along with the “14th” button. The elevator came to a stop on the 3rd floor, her parents step out of the elevator, their conversations ended. In complete awe Paisley stepped out of the elevator and
“Did you see that?!”
“See what?” asked Mrs. Cathiedrauls
“Th-the and the.” Paisley stuttered.
“The what?” her mom asked.
“The disa-.” Paisley stopped, then continued.
“Never mind.” she mumbled in disappointment.

When the Cathiedrauls got to their new furnished apartment they unpacked their few belongings and decided who’s room was who’s. Paisley got the room with a view of central park, Dove wallpaper, and a window. On the window was a note that said “DO NOT OPEN!” In creepy childish hand writing. Paisley read the note and went to sleep.
The next day Paisley went to school, “Carly & Edd’s Middle School.” Her teacher Mr. Dunkin .D said
“Class we have a new student named, Paisley .B.”
Today is Assignment Day. The assignment you be -.” Mr. Dunkin .D said interrupted by his galaxy s 3 note.
“French Fries and Doughnuts, French and Doughnuts (Doughnuts).”
Blushing Mr. Dunkin .D put his phone on mute and continued.
“Sorry for thee … interruption …. You will be working in pairs of two and will have to write a 100 word report on any state of your choice except states in North America.”
“WHAAAT.” Cried the class in union.
“Class 100 words is only about a paragraph and a sentence.”
“Yay.” Whispered Cat.
Paisley .B and Cat, you two are partners. Daina and jeorge, you two are partners. Paisley .A and Noon. Raven and sun, partners.”
So on and on he went until everybody was in pairs of two.
“Ring ring!” yelled the end of the school day bell. An avalanche of kids started rushing to the door of the class room and out of the school.
“Remember projects are due next Tuesday.” Said Mr. Dunkin
“PAISLEY.” Screamed Cat.
Paisley looked around the (now empty) wall way until she saw her caller.
“I’m, Cat, nice to meet you.”
“Uhmm … oh may I please have your phone number so we can work on the assignment? Hears mine.” Cat showed Paisley the paper.
They exchanged phone numbers.
“Talk to you later.” said Cat
“By.” Responded Paisley.
When, Paisley got home, she picked Turkey as the state she wanted to research for her and Cat’s project. She walked in her room so she wouldn’t disturber her parents, and called Cat.
“Hello?” Asked Paisley to see if anyone was on the other line.
“Hi!” Cat said excitedly.
“What state do you want to research?” Asked Cat I was thinking Turkey.” Stated Paisley.
“Sure, sorry I’ll call you back I have to do something real quick, bye said Cat nervously.
Since paisley had already finished the rest of her homework and had no electronics she could use to look up research, she walked in the living room, sat on the couch and started flipping through channels. The TV said in different voices.
“Pay attention to the sign.”
Shocked, Paisley turned off the TV. When the phone rang. She hesitated to answer it, but did and questioned.
It was Cat, they talked about the assignment and finished it in 2 hours. Paisley went to sleep hours later.
The next day it was 95 degrees farenheight and, Paisley couldn’t help but open the window even though all of those warnings told her not to she disobeyed. When she opened it she heard a voice say
“No.” From behind her.
“Dinners ready!” yelled Paisley’s mom.
“Coming?” paisley said as she backed out of the door.
Paisley ran to the kitchen in fear, but left the window open.
While the Cathiedrauls quickly were eating, Paisley asks.
“Did you hear that flapping?”
“Yeah, what was that?” Asks Mr. Cathiedrauls.
The Cathiedruals ran into Paisley’s room, they see a dove flying out of the window and a dove peeling off of the wallpaper. Mrs.Cathiedrauls quickly closes the window and, Paisley starts telling her parents about all of the scary warnings that had been said and they decided they wanted to move into a regular house.
In the morning they packed their belongings, sued their real state and used the money and all of their savings to buy a regular house in New York.
The Cathiedruals moved into their 2 story house. When people ask why they moved they say it all started when somebody pressed the “14.” Button!!

Just Desert- by Fatima

There was a family that lived on Maple Street in an old town house in New York City. There was a mom and a daughter. Andrea is the mom she has black hair and black vicious eyes she is 35 years old and she is also a grumpy woman. Katherine is Andrea’s daughter. Katherine has light brown curly hair with purple highlights. She has caramel brown eyes and is 15 years old .Katherine’s favorite desert is pumpkin pie. She also loves music and singing her favorite color is purple that’s why she has purple highlights.

So one day Katherine wanted pumpkin pie for dinner .So they went to the pumpkin patch to go find a good pumpkin to make pumpkin pie for dinner. Katherine found a good pumpkin and everybody agreed to buy that pumpkin so they did.

When they got home Katherine started taking out all the ingredients she needed to make the pumpkin pie. The recipe called for ¾ cups of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ½ teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger, 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves, 2 large eggs, 1 can (12fl. oz) NESTLE Carnation,Evaporated Milk ,1 unbaked 9inch (4cupharris pumpkin volume )deep dish pie shell and whipped cream. She also took out the untensils that she needed. She called her mom to make the pie. Andrea got the pumpkin and a sharp knife then she reached over and the pumpkin started to turn purple! She lowered the knife and it grew even brighter also it started to rott .She called Katherine and showed her what had happened.

Katherine said, “Mom what did you do?”

Andrea said, “I just grabbed the knife and was about to cut it and bam it started to turn purple and it started to rot.”

Katherine understood that it was a mistake.

That night they ate chicken and rice for dinner. They left for bed. They lived there lives and still to this day, Katherine remembers what happened to that good old pumpkin that she was about to eat!

The House on Maple Street- by Tyasia

I was putting on my pj’s, I heard a sound I started walking down the stairs and then I heard it again so I got scared and I yelled for my mom and dad. They came to me.
They said “What is wrong?”

I told them that I heard a sound.

And then they told me “You must have harris rocket houseimagined it”.

They told me to go back to bed. I was walking back upstairs and I heard a noise at my door. I walked downstairs and opened the door.

The man that was at my door said, “You need to get you and your family out this house or something bad was going to happen.”

He said goodbye. I walked upstairs and went to lay down on my bed and I felt a bump. I looked out the window and screamed. My parents came in the room and I told them to look out the window and they screamed. We saw lights and people screaming and running around. Our house had a perfect lift off. When the house lifted off it was a loud sound our tea cup broke the food for lunch was on the floor and the bed was flipped over . Lights were flickering, people screaming, and the ground was shaking. It turns out that some chemical was spilled in our house over 50 years ago because a rocket scientist lived there.

Everyone outside called for help. The fire department came but before they reached their destination the truck flipped over. By that time the house landed on the moon.

I wanted to go outside My mom said “No, because there is no air out there.”

Dad went around the house and locked every door and every window inside the house so that all the air stayed inside our house. 5 years later I looked out the window and saw a rocket.

I shouted, “Mom! Dad! Come over here!” They came to me. A man knocked on the door and my dad answered and I saw the man.

I said, “That’s the man that told me that we had to leave the house.”

He came into the house and said, “I am from the space rescue team and I’m here to rescue you.”

He came into the house so we can go back home. I asked him if I can stay on the moon to learn about the moon for my science test.

He said, “Sure.”

I explored the moon and learned about its craters and then I went home. The next week I aced the test. We lived happily ever after in our new house on the earth.