Junie B. Jones And The Mushy Gushy Valentine

There was a girl named “Junie B. Jones” and all she is excited about is Valentines day at her school, and she can’t wait what the boys give her, then there was a big mushy gushy valentine card at her desk when she came back to her desk then she was so blushing and at  inside it was from a secret admirer!.

then she went home and her friend Jim was just there waiting for her and ask her if she wanted a played date and then she called her mom went outside and while walking Junie told Jim the card and the secret admirer then Jim was winking at Junie and then Jim told his secret that he likes Junie and Junie told him also that she like Jim too so they liked eachother they were winking blushing but they are not going to tell about them.