All posts by newby

Kentrell’s Speech

5th GRADE SPEECH/ INFORMATIONAl SPEECH                  Greetings and good morning fellow Classmates,Staff and Mrs.Dietz and Mrs.German. I think Elementary School was great I met new friend in three times I was mainly at waters landing Elementary and went to great seneca Elementary in kindergarten in the middle of the fourth grade I came to Captain James Daly Elementary School which is where I met my great new teachers Mrs.Wise loved gifts from us Mr.Fitzpatrick is in love with his camera and in our classroom we have a wall full of pictures.

The sad thing about fifth grade is that my grandmother passed and messed me up from think about other things now I know nothing should stop me from learning having a career and going to college but now I have to achieve to make my goal be completed to be that I have to study work hard the job i’d like to have is an astronomer and complete a stem class in college and work for nasa which stands for  national aeronautics space administration . and was made in 1958 as part of the united states government nasa is in charge of the united states science and technology that has to do with airplanes and space .the college degree Id need for this job is a ph.d in astronomy or physics and  there is about 100 u.s. colleges that offer a ph.d in astronomy and many more that

offer an undergraduate degree in physics,astronomy,astrophysics or mathematics.




Thank you all Thanks to my classmates for listening to my speech and helping me through elementary school.And I hope everyone has a good summer and good luck in 6th grade.And one last thing I would like to thank my mom and dad and my three sisters and also my best friends Zuri and Shia and Edwin and jamour. I think elementary was good but later I believe it could be much better because I will learn more than I did in elementary.

THANK YOU                           ALL

Kentrell’s Carrer

this is some information about the career I researched



By the time Astronomy hits 70, will scientists understand the source of dark energy? Will they be studying dark matter in the laboratory? Will astronomers have found another Earth–perhaps with signs of life–in the habitable zone of a distant sun? As far as astronomers can tell, these big stories of the past few decades will hold center stage for years to come.


they will need some other forms of life to go to if life on earth ends


Looking 20 years down the road is bound to be hit and miss. Ambitious plans for manned lunar missions or exciting planetary probes may run aground of uncertain future budgets.



Astronomers study objects found in space such as planets, moons, stars, solar systems and galaxies.
Astronomy is one of the oldest fields of science.
Becoming an astronomer usually requires a high level of education such as a PhD in physics.Strong math skills are important for astronomers.
Astronomers usually work for Universities or research institutes.
While there aren’t a large number of professional astronomers compared to some other scientific fields, there are a large number of amateur astronomers who often share their findings and assist professionals.
Professional astronomers only spend a small amount of time with telescopes, most of their time is spent analyzing images and data. Some work entirely with data observed by other people.



200 Years as a Cobbler



  1.      Now that you have created advertisements for your shoe company, what changes have taken over the last 200 years? What were the major causes of those changes?


One thing about 1815 is that you have to see sign or hear from another person there was no INTERNET. And also the people that would have told you had to trust because people back then didn’t get much money.


There was only one place in your town that you could get your shoes and when you got there and saw shoes you liked that shoe only came in brown and black. And they came in a shoe size close to your there were kids shoes men shoes and women shoes.




Things have changed since 1815 were a new company you can go search up are company there is now Internet and find new products that are manufactured in china. Most of are shoes are found online and for people in need of shoes.





  1.      What will the shoe business be like in 50 years? How will you shop? What will they be made out of? What else will a company sell with the shoes?  Be creative, but thoughtful, with your answer.  Who knows, you might be doing this as a career in 50 years.


Yes but this time with alot more technology and we will be advanced with all of our shoes and next will come glow in the dark and in all colors and can jump higher so might fly and shipping may become free we will have many more changes with our company.

There will be an definite change with all of are shoes prices shoes price will go way up people may have enough money to pay for shoes in the future or are business may fall down the drain and most customers may not like the prices hopefully they do.

The Uninvited Guest


One day on a space station on the planet kepler 186f the planet kepler 186 for short it was the bad planet nobody shall enter said there ruler darth vader.  When darth vader went back in his house in order to open his door he had to shoot three clones then obi wan and when the door opened he saw something run past then it came back and he pulled his light saber and sliced a mice right in half. then he went downstairs to check on the evil plan he was going to use for the republic to take all the republics power and use it as there own. then it happened again he saw something run past his heart was pounding and he was sure he saw the doorknob turn. he went closer then yoda jumped out of the door and then it was on they started fighting then yoda said be careful of your surroundings then darth vader fell into the fire then he jumped back out of the fire. Then yoda dropped his light saber and walk slowly out of the doorway then he called in drones then yoda jumped as the house fell he landed next to a cars and he drove away and that was the story of the evil plan

THE END       

Kentrell’s CSP

Clear Spring Park is place to go because you can play basketball, and eat and party, and play at the park. The park was made in 1981 and is located on Scenery Dr. The park is 29 acres.


In my opinion Clear Spring Park is a positive human characteristic for Germantown because people there have fun,play and is located next to a school.

I like to play basketball there is two full basketball courts.

A Strange Day in July

A Strange Day in July


One time on July 3,1988 everybody was getting ready to shoot there fireworks in the air.there is a kid named Jacob and he and his sister went out to the river to skip rocks while they were walking they saw green throw up and then ran because it changed to red. When they arrived at the river Jacob threw with all his might but the third rock came skipping back. and the same happend to his sister and while they were walking back they saw an arm lying on the ground. They ran home and told there mom exactly what happened and she did not believe what her child had seen an then she heard a scream and looked and saw nothing. She got a little concerned about what they said all in that night the heard 5 screams that night

In the morning Jacob woke up and play video games his parents were getting ready but his dad died a few years back and his mom told him to get ready he said I do not want to go his mom said turn off the game at 10 ok said Jacob hearing his mom close the door he yelled for his sister but forgot that his sister left with his mom so he said he need money for food and new that the farm was looking for helpers so he went down to the farm. And he notice that Mr.steve was a zombie and he ran as fast as he could and also was mr.steve and when he in the house he locked the door and played video games. then saw mr.Steve peak in his window and scream so he called his mom and said that there was a zombie at the door and his “mom said that this is no time to play its the 4th of July.”As she hung up there were 5 more zombie outside so Jacob was making plan to warn his mom and the town so he walked out threw a bone and ran to the town rally. And notice nobody was there and then all the fire work went off under his feet and he ran and saw his mom and told her and she went to the house and heard something so she walked slow and opened the door and it was the dryer because somebody put to many clothes in the and the story of the non existing zombies.

The End!!    

The Seven Chairs

The Seven Women and the ghost Man

once upon a time there was five women and they saw a lost kid and needed to save him so all five women left to save him he saw these five women. And the “kid” ran ran into a corner and then the women met each other and gave the kid a chance to run. They saw five chairs so five women quickly got on the chair then the chairs started to fly in the distance the cold night clouds blocked them from seeing the women fly away. When they landed they saw only four chairs the fifth chair ended up in france ended up in. So when the they stopped fighting over where the fifth chair went they saw the little missing kid turn into a man. So we left home for no reason the women said  there was reward of 10 million dollars. Then the man said im stuck and the women did not care because they left home so the one of the women knew how to kill ghost with outside resources they got old banana and metal so they had to shot the ghost in the head,heart or the mouth eww the women said its the only way so they all shot him right in the heart. Then all of his ghost friends got angry and attacked then when the tried to hit there fist went right through the women and then the women got angry because they had to get old bananas. Then they saw the kid again and ran after him and ran and ran the they notice they were france they tried to look for the fifth women but they could not find her or the kid so the gave up and went home to see there kids