Category Archives: Movement Essay

The Importance of the Civil Rights Movement

The Importance of the Civil rights Movement



M.L.K Jr.

He influenced people to to march and protest in states he was not in he made a special speech named “I have a Dream.”In this speech he  said this”I have a dream that four little children will live in nation were they not judged by there skin color, but by the content of there character.”

Rosa Parks


Rosa Parks was helping her self make a goal by not letting a white man take her seat she went to jail came out became a part of the NAACP(National Association for the Aduancement of Colored People and she also said “racism is still with us and it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet and hopefully we shall overcome.”

The Little Rock Nine

The little rock Nine were the first colored kids to attend to an all white High school went against segregation and the deep south Won! Many school defied the law by intimidating and threatening the black student. They had to be escorted around the school by armed forces because of this kids couldn’t bully them or they would get arrested. Because it was illegal in the south and north because the new laws in the united states these kids school is in Arkansas.