Category Archives: Informational

200 Years as a Cobbler



  1.      Now that you have created advertisements for your shoe company, what changes have taken over the last 200 years? What were the major causes of those changes?


One thing about 1815 is that you have to see sign or hear from another person there was no INTERNET. And also the people that would have told you had to trust because people back then didn’t get much money.


There was only one place in your town that you could get your shoes and when you got there and saw shoes you liked that shoe only came in brown and black. And they came in a shoe size close to your there were kids shoes men shoes and women shoes.




Things have changed since 1815 were a new company you can go search up are company there is now Internet and find new products that are manufactured in china. Most of are shoes are found online and for people in need of shoes.





  1.      What will the shoe business be like in 50 years? How will you shop? What will they be made out of? What else will a company sell with the shoes?  Be creative, but thoughtful, with your answer.  Who knows, you might be doing this as a career in 50 years.


Yes but this time with alot more technology and we will be advanced with all of our shoes and next will come glow in the dark and in all colors and can jump higher so might fly and shipping may become free we will have many more changes with our company.

There will be an definite change with all of are shoes prices shoes price will go way up people may have enough money to pay for shoes in the future or are business may fall down the drain and most customers may not like the prices hopefully they do.

The Importance of the Civil Rights Movement

The Importance of the Civil rights Movement



M.L.K Jr.

He influenced people to to march and protest in states he was not in he made a special speech named “I have a Dream.”In this speech he  said this”I have a dream that four little children will live in nation were they not judged by there skin color, but by the content of there character.”

Rosa Parks


Rosa Parks was helping her self make a goal by not letting a white man take her seat she went to jail came out became a part of the NAACP(National Association for the Aduancement of Colored People and she also said “racism is still with us and it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet and hopefully we shall overcome.”

The Little Rock Nine

The little rock Nine were the first colored kids to attend to an all white High school went against segregation and the deep south Won! Many school defied the law by intimidating and threatening the black student. They had to be escorted around the school by armed forces because of this kids couldn’t bully them or they would get arrested. Because it was illegal in the south and north because the new laws in the united states these kids school is in Arkansas.