All posts by newby

Gods of Earth

Gods of Earth


One day Zeus got back from talking to his brothers  Hades of the underworld and Poseidon lord of the sea and then Ares teleported into Zeus cloud palace.

Zeus said, “Ares you are not allowed here at this time so please leave.”

Ares argued, “I’m your son so I should be allowed in this palace I grew up here.”

Zeus yelled, “GET OUT!!!!!”

Hera walked down the stair from a nap Hera yelled even louder when she found out that they were fighting she yelled STOP!!!! Ares left after saying goodbye to his mother Hera.

Hera suggested that Zeus should say sorry.

Zeus replied but I asked him nice to leave and that Ares just got mad so that made me mad.”

then “Ares teleported into the room and said that he heard everything that Zeus said (But he didn’t).

then Ares approached Hera then Hera said go away or i’ll or you’ll what said Ares then Zeus yelled BACK AWAY Ares replied no then Zeus called poseidon.

“poseidon said that Ares is still learning his powers so it will be easy to take them away”

Zeus said no he has all potential for his powers he will destroy anything in his way but there away to stop him and time.

So Zeus and Poseidon went to see there brother Hades and asked can you take a soul from a god no said Hades said but why cause i’ll try it on you.

Zeus replied stop you can’t take my soul but I can take your’s remember.

I have many powers gosh said Hades how come you get all the powers because i’m in charge of the clouds and you’re in charge of the underworld and your bad im good.

Zeus thought and thought how to get rid of his son then he got an idea Hercules can demolish most gods even though Ares is the god of war Hercules then

Hera came in the the room and said he’s dead he is in the heavens.

well I guess im going to have to say sorry to my son and the next day he did that and Ares apologized to Zeus and they were best friends again.

The End                 

The Fifth Amendment

The Fifth Amendent


The fifth amendment is the best amendment because the grand jury rules if you’re guilty you go to jail if not guilty the court case maybe over but all evidence reviewed again. And here’s some other reasons why the the fifth amendment is the best amendment because you can’t be put before a grand jury case.

The Government can not be killed or fined unless you were convicted of crime by an jury. And the government can’t take anything of yours unless they pay for it including your house,farms or cars.

The Importance of the Civil Rights Movement

The Importance of the Civil rights Movement



M.L.K Jr.

He influenced people to to march and protest in states he was not in he made a special speech named “I have a Dream.”In this speech he  said this”I have a dream that four little children will live in nation were they not judged by there skin color, but by the content of there character.”

Rosa Parks


Rosa Parks was helping her self make a goal by not letting a white man take her seat she went to jail came out became a part of the NAACP(National Association for the Aduancement of Colored People and she also said “racism is still with us and it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet and hopefully we shall overcome.”

The Little Rock Nine

The little rock Nine were the first colored kids to attend to an all white High school went against segregation and the deep south Won! Many school defied the law by intimidating and threatening the black student. They had to be escorted around the school by armed forces because of this kids couldn’t bully them or they would get arrested. Because it was illegal in the south and north because the new laws in the united states these kids school is in Arkansas.

Whale Debate

20301 Brandermill Drive

Germantown, MD 20876 USA

November 12,2014

Embassy of japan 2520 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20008


Dear Sir or madam

My name is Kentrell and I go to Daly Elementary in Germantown, MD and I am writing to you because I do not think whales should be hunted. and also because most people have never seen a whale and also let whales have baby’s  because the population will grow until then please do not kill whales

sincerely  yours,


King George III

Dear King George III,

Hello my name is kentrell and i’m from the maryland colony and I dislike how high your taxes are and that you put  random people I dont even know to eat my food my and drink my water and sleep on the bed I bought with my money and don’t get paid for it. And i’m even more mad that you killed people in my colony for no reason at all and by the way some people threw your tea into the water at boston harbor one harbor that most colonies use for the tea,food,water and some more things i’m now a patriot and I am a colonist for america me and you are enemy me and George Washington are going to destroy you and your country



The Space Race



One day a kid heard about space race 2113 so he watched from earth and saw that the Buzurks were winning. Because of there new in envection the Buzurkanator and it goes 10 light years per mile thats crazy we humans only go 8 light years per mile. And last year the Buzurks  almost destroyed the galaxy and took the oldest star. The Truzurks came in league and was half the way to the moon and then the Buzurk came an got hit by an asteroid and was out once. A Truzurk got there he was shot once by a Buzurks and survived an then the Truzurk took him home and the Buzurk were disqualified for ever.

Then the Buzurks came back for revenge and tried to destroy earth and take all its cats because the cats sound is music to their ears. And wants they got there they crash earth. and the Truzurks were having a meeting in washington,DC at the white house and then general came in the room and said were under attack. 10 sec later the mother ship was attacking china,russia,ukraine and all of africa so america used all force all nukes all air crafts and took out all of the alien but there not done more alien forces came as they speak and  and nearly all of earth was wiped out and the Truzurks came and started to help the Buzurk.

Then they started  to hostage every body but the Truzurks were being shot down by air forces. Aircraft carriers were killing most aliens and people already died for the Buzurks. Didn’t know the the buzurks or the truzurks all of earth is 50% dead and this war is not over they came with thousand’s of buzurkanator and humans cant shot down so took all ground forces sent them to cities all world wide and took them to underground. Sells and left them there until they were safe no other planet knew about the sells.And the ground forces could not get up because the buzurks are very slimy and it closed the holes.

The attack is not over and all the Buzurks were dead good thing the humans had more than 1,000,000 people so the human were nearly destroyed no there back somehow and the thing is shot down gosh the Truzurks are definitely not done with us so back to war ahh people are dying the Truzurk fly so this is going to be hard without ground forces so send in all air forces BANG all forces trapped tell the ground to stay there attacking for above yes general said and they stayed underground and they did as general said and the stayed with the people they were assigned people were ready to leave they been there for hours and hunger has started some died out there some in.

They have died from heart attack so there were only about 100,000 people left and a lot of Truzurks and the people digged there way out of the ground picked up weapons and started to shot at the Truzurks some are gone but there still at it there trying to keep planet earth. And there is only 12 left this world is big but we will find the Truzurks and kill them ahh its a swarm there all dead the world was nearly destroyed and we rebuild this world and started a new one by the year 2185 there was 100,000,000 people. The counties never got in a fight again they made a holiday 2113.