Yazal’s Wish Came True

What my story is about is there is a 12 years  old girl named Yazal,and Yazal has a wish that is climbing mount everest.sShe has to practice alot.Also, in the story when Yazal climbes the mountain.She and her Dad put a tent to sleep in and over the night the tent falls all the way to the bottom.When they got out of the tent they had to start all over again.At the end it takes them 5 days to cllimb the mountain.

NOW HERE IS THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HI!!! My name is Yazal. I’m12 years old and my wish is to climb mount everest,and todays prctice I’m going to climb the top 5 biggest mountain today it only takes like 3 days to climb “dad says”Yazal come down for breakfast or we will be late”.”k dad” I said.So i run down stairs for breakfast.”Mom says”honey are you shure you want to do this.” I say “Ya mom why wouldn’t I want to.”Because you seem nervous”. no In my mind I think thats what you think mom not me.So i run up stairs to get my backpack.So me and dad drive to the mountain and we said really sad bye.I didn’t even stop holding the car.When we were done climbing the mountain my mom came and picked us up.mom says”honey your ganna be late”.k mom I’ll be down there in a second.2 weeks had past and the big day came.So now we are at the mountain and when it got dark we put a tent and we were sound a sleep.Then the tent started to move and it tumbled us all the way down and we had to start all over again it was tarible cause my spin hurted.When we got to the top I just had relized that I had lost my backpack.Then when we rched the other side I was feeling sick and when it got dark we fell a sleep and when I woke up my legs were frozen.It wasn’t so far from the bottom of the mountain so my dad had  to carry me down. When we got down I hasd to go to the doctor to see how was my leg and the doctor told me I was fine put I was ganna have to use a wheelchair.When I got better I felt like doing it again but, this time I wont forget that I have to take my mom,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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