My 5th graders are writing informational pieces on energy sources.  They will eventually choose an energy source
to power a roller coaster that they will design in small groups.  This is model for writing this piece.  I chose the topic of cow gas. Yup, cow gas.


Cow gas is an abundant resource that the people of earth can use to provide energy to their homes and schools.  With just a little effort, the world can be powered by cow gas.

Production and DistributionCow Gas Art

Cow gas is naturally produced by cows of course.  Cows are naturally gassy because of their raw diet of grass and grains.
We do not need to change their diets to produce this clean, but smelly, energy source.  Inventors have created a collection system that makes it look like the cows are wearing dresses.  The gas that escapes the cow is collected in the system and the farmer, or poorly paid farm hand, collects the “dresses” and bottles the gas that is trapped in them.  The bottles are then sold to people for their homes and schools.  It is not recommended to use cow gas for cooking.  Your food will taste a little funny.

Here are the simple steps for creating and using Cow Gas:

  1. Get a cow
  2. Let it eat grass, lots of grass
  3. Let the cow digest the grass naturally.
  4. Cow Gas will be provided naturally. Wink wink.
  5. Cover cow with gas collection device.
  6. Collect collection devices daily.
  7. Empty Cow Gas into bottles.
  8. Attach bottle to home.
  9. Light Cow Gas. (May want to plug nose.)

Environmental Impacts

Since cows already found here in Maryland there won’t be any additional environmental impacts.  Collecting and using Cow Gas will actually help improve the air quality around us.  By burning Cow Gas you actually remove methane gas from our atmosphere.  Cow Gas is naturally occuring due to a cow’s bodily functions so we are just using an energy supply that is already found in our environment. We could also call Cow Gas a renewable resource because if you feed your cow grass everyday it will continue to produce Cow Gas.

Cost and Materials

The costs and materials needed are both easy to find and use.  All you really need is a herd of cattle and enough land for them to feed on.  The collection devices would be a one time purchase because they can be re-used. If you live in a climate that has harsh winters, you will need to provide a grass substitute for your cows to feed on, hay will do just fine.

In conclusion, Cow Gas is renewable resource that is already being produced by millions of cows everyday.  This resource can be used to power our homes and schools.