Mythical Creatures
The Adventures of the Griffon

The Beginning

There once lived a powerful and graceful Griffon named Phantom. He lived in a cloud kingdom. He had an evil twin brother named NovaDrone. NovaDrone hated Phantom his twin brother because he pushed NovaDrone off a cliff and ever since then NovaDrone seeked revenge. Three weeks past after the cliff problem so just in case Phantom formed a team of mythical creatures. The first creature Phantom looked for was the amazing dragon named Draco. The second creature was a deadly Minotaur named Mintaro he had an amazing and swift ax that was as big as himself. The third mythical creature was a sky demon named Fury. He can control gravity move mountain and control all the elements. Finally this creature was never seen before, never heard of, he was the hardest to persuade and defeat, he was a……….

To Be Continued