The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Month: November 2014 (Page 2 of 4)

Thankful List

I am thankful for family, freinds, home, food, school, P.E, people, friendship, pets. What I am thankful for you might be or not. I am thankful for other things but these are the most thanked for by me.

I’m thankful for

I am thankful for my family and friends, my health, my protection, my safety, for all the things I have, my education, my shelter, my clothes, and I am thankful for the people in my life.

Whale debate

20301 Brander mill Drive
German-town MD
November 12 2014
Embassy of Japan
Dear sir or madam

My name is Alejandro and I go to Daly Elementary in Georgetown MD.I am writing to you because Japan needs to stop whaling.if whales go extinct how will people of the future know what whales are and how will people now if their mammals Japan has killed around 3600 whales is that not enough?

sincerely Alejandro

Whale debate

20301 Brandmill Drive

Germantown,MD 20876 USA

November 12,14


Embassy of Japan 2520 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.

Washington, DC 20008

Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Edwin and  I go to Daly Elementary in Germantown, MD. I’m writing to you because I want your country to stop whaling because if you hunt to much whales you sons or daughters child won’t know what  whales. Another reason is that without whales the population of fish and plankton will get bigger or smaller. The third reason is without whales seagulls won’t get to eat fish because they work together, for example the whales scare the fish up to the top of the ocean and the seagulls dive and get the fish. Last but not least without whales the ocean will be filled with bacteria. The extra reason is the ocean won’t be the ocean without whales.

sincerely your,


Whale wars

20301 Brandermill Drive

Germantown,MD 20876 USA

November 12,2014


Embassy of Japan

2520 Massachusetts


Washington,DC 20008

Dear sir or Madam;My name is Shia and I go to Daly Elementary in Germantown,MD.I’m writing to you because

I want to stop whaling and it’s mean to try to kill the whales and the whales don’t do anything to people it’s nice to the people so i’m really going to stop whaling and

protect the whales from getting hurt.So you should

stop hurting the whales and there also helpless






20301 Brander mill Drive

German Town, MD 20876,USA

November 12, 2014

Embassy of japan

2525 Massachusetts Avenue N.W

Washington D.C. 20008


Dear  Sir Or Madom:


My name is Dayanara and i go to Daly Elementary

in German Town, MD. I’m writing to you because I don’t want whaling going on. I think whaling is unfair to whales because whales have family’s like us humans do.Aldo some types of whales can get extincted. I also think you guy’s should stop making raw whale meat. Whales should also not be killed because they are good whales and they don’t cause any harm. Whaled also help the ocean and they have family’s too take care of. that’s why i think whales should not be hunted by.


Sincerly Your,



20301 Brandermill drive

Germantown, MD 20874 USA

November 12, 2014

embassy of Japan,

2520 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20008

Dear, sir or madam

My name is Matthew and I go to Daly elementary school in Germantown, MD. i’m writing to you because I think whaling to stop for example. In the early 20 century people hunted whales in large number by the 1930s up to 50,000 whales were killed each year for their meat and for their oil. Also in 2005 japan has killed around 3,600 Minke whales in antarctic. The IWC’s 88 member nations 49-including Australia, New zealand, and the untied states oppose whaling. Japan took a total of 886 whales in 2006/7. I’m asking you to stop whaling because it bad for the whales and our planet.

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