Biomass energy is an abundant resource that you can turn garbage waste into a good, useful, and helpful energy resource. Biomass is easily created from things we normally throw away like garbage, animal waste(yes, I meant poop), and maybe find some leftover wood to make some biomass.

Production and Distribution:

Biomass is regularly produced by us of course, Why? Its because we throw away garbage, leftovers, and of course…Dog waste(Poop). Here’s how to find biomass by a small kind of a small tale: When you are just walking around in a forest, you might find some wood(from trees) and poop(from deer and other forest animals). And for garbage we can put some trash in a trash bag and Voilà! You got some garbage! It’s just that simple to make it: BURN THE DOG WASTE!!! And you have biomass. (I told you it’s just that simple.)

Here is how you make biomass in 7 easy steps!:biomass picture


  • “Take out the trash” and place it somewhere
  • Pick up dog waste (poop)
  • cut down 2-3 trees (small one)
  • find a furnace
  • Now you got biomass!
  • Repeat… If you want…


For wood, It is an average of $14,295 dollars (Lots of it). The minimum is $3,874 and the maximum is $25,682.I don’t know but I guess its free if you chop of a tree or 2. For garbage and poop…Free! You have garbage at your house so there’s no need! As for Poop…Go to the forest(any kind) and look for something brown, smelly, and mushy.(Yeah, It’s disgusting.) That, is how you know how much biomass costs!

Environmental impact:

Biomass is both good and bad. The good part is that smelly stuff transforms into A good, useful, and helpful energy source. The bad  part? The world gets more dirtier and the sea’s get polluted. This too could kill animals. How? They eat the materials (Except wood) for biomass. Even crops(One material that can’t harm animals) could damage the world! But how? Well, crops take away a plant’s water and they can’t grow.
In conclusion, Biomass may be the smelliest type of energy, but at least it’s better that no energy!♥