Fossil fuels are one of the most common types of energy. It has been the main source of energy since the industrial revolution.


  About a million years ago plants and animals died, the remains of those  animals/plants built up into layers and became some types of fossil fuels.Some of the fossil fuels (mainly coal and natural gas) are found   Dino energy! (2)underground in some rocks and people have to dig it out. Once we have the coal we can make energy from it by burning the coal and have water collide with the steam from the coal changing the water and then the changed water turns a pipe in the generator to produce electricity.The coal can also be taken somewhere else to use in that area, like if it’s over sea you could use a ship to transport it quickly and safely, or if it’s long distances on land you could use a train, and for some reason you could also mix water with it and it becomes a type of slush that can be used across pipes.




Sadly using fossil fuels also damages the environment because it requires a lot of space to collect and it causes erosion. It also isn’t renewable so it will run out. Most importantly it causes tons of smoke and hurts the air(and the atmosphere).  Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel.




The things you need to get to make energy out of fossil fuels are: a boiler to heat the coal, a fire box inside the boiler to make the coal turn into steam,a condenser to make the steam turn into water, a turbine to power the generator, and a generator to make the power.     


In conclusion,fossil fuels are a widely used energy source that isn’t permanent and hurts the environment. It’s being used almost everywhere and it has been for some time.