Wind energy by: Jasmine


Wind energy is a renewable energy that comes from the sun unevenly heats the earth to make wind.


Production and Distribution


Wind energy is a renewable energy that comes from the unevenly heating on the earth that creates wind energy.  Wind turbines are to create the wind turns the turbines which rotate the shaft.   The gear box in the drive train to convert that wind into power.  Each component must function flawlessly.




Of course, in order to make wind energy we need items to make it, here is the list of all the things you need to make wind energy are

  • hub
  • blades
  • rotor
  • pitch
  • brake
  • low speed shaft
  • gear box
  • generator
  • controller
  • anemometer
  • wind vane
  • tower,high speed shaft,nacelle,yaw drive,yaw motor


Environmental Impacts


As we all know there are good and bad things (mostly good) about wind energy.

you don’t have to mine in order to get wind energy.   Its pollution free also the bad thing is that the birds can fly into the wind turbine.  Another thing you should know is that unevenly heating can create a tornado which is really bad.


In conclusion,wind energy is a renewable resource that is already being produced by the wind everyday you feel wind.  This source can power schools and homes around the world.