The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: Jasmine (Page 2 of 3)

The insane winter break

On New  Year’s Eve Jasmine and her family and friends came to Jasmine’s house and it was dinner time their was tamales, Pizza, Mac and Cheese and a lot of   soda and lollipops Jasmine  was as excited as a monkey going to  party full of bananas.  Jasmine’s little sister named miah and she just turned One hours later Jasmine was getting sleepy and 2 hours later Jasmine was giving lollipops away to the kids then Jasmine and her friends and family were counting down they  all shouted “ 10 …9…8…7…6…5….4….3…2…1…. Happy New Year!!! 1 hour later Jasmine got a plate and put Mac and Cheese and put it in the microwave. And it set on fire on the back of the plate it said Do not put in the microwave so that’s how Jasmine caught a microwave on fire. Jasmine’s New Year was crazy.

642 things

I am afraid of….. Baby Unicorn because of its cuteness. Baby Unicorns can kill someone people think they don’t do everything but the truth is they dodo everything to us humans  we died because there cuteness the make us stop what we are doing and now they are trying to take over the world let’s take back are world!

My crazy winter break

On New  Year’s Eve Jasmine and her family and friends came to Jasmine’s house and it was dinner time their was tamales, Pizza, Mac and Cheese and a lot of   soda and lollipops Jasmine  was as excited as a monkey going to  party full of bananas.


 Jasmine’s little sister named miah and she just turned One hours later Jasmine was getting sleepy and 2 hours later Jasmine was giving lollipops away to the kids then Jasmine and her friends and family were counting down they  all shouted “ 10 …9…8…7…6…5….4….3…2…1…. Happy New Year!!!.



1 hour later Jasmine got a plate and put Mac and Cheese and put it in the microwave and it set on fire on the back of the plate it said Do not put in the microwave so that’s how Jasmine caught a microwave on fire. It was as hot as a burning marshmallow.   

Women’s Suffrage Movement

Women Suffrage has affected every single women   in the USA.  The movement started in 1848 , Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth  Cady  Stanton had a meeting in Seneca falls, New York . This affected women because if Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth  Cady  Stanton didn’t succeed then ladies wouldn’t be allowed to vote.   


Women’s  Suffrage didn’t start with  Elizabeth Cady Stanton.  Elizabeth  Cady Stanton gave lectures and speeches. She called for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution giving women the right to vote.  Elizabeth  Cady  Stanton also worked with Susan B. Anthony and a woman  named Matilda Joslyn Gage also helped to make sure that all the women in the USA have the right to vote. Matilda Joslyn Gage also worked with the pair on parts of the project. Besides chronicling the history of the Suffrage movement, Elizabeth  Cady  Stanton  took on the role religion played in the struggle for equal rights for women.


She had long argued that the Bible and organized religion played in denying women their full rights. With her daughter, Harriet Stanton Blatch, she published a critique, The Woman’s Bible, which was published in two volumes. The first volume appeared in 1895 and the second in 1898. This brought considerable protest not only from expected religious quarters but from many in the Woman’s  Suffrage movement.  Elizabeth Cady Stanton died on October 26, 1902.  Susan B. Anthony died  March 13, 1906.


In conclusion now all Women have the right to vote in the USA.  Women are thankful that Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth  Cady  Stanton made  Women Suffrage end and that they made men think that Women can vote just like them .  Thank you very much Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth  Cady  Stanton for making this happen Women are thankful. You are heroes  Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth  Cady  Stanton if you were here all the Women in the USA would say thank you to make sure that Women were able to vote just like men.

Eva’s love story

Once upon a time there was a girl named Eva she was a princess and it was time  to get married.  Eva wanted to marry Derek and Derek hoped that he would be the lucky guy to marry Princess Eva.  Eva and Derek  got married and they had children and the were the ugliest thing in the world. Eva’s and Derek’s kids is names are Bryan, Lisset, Abby  and Leandra. People ran away  from Derek and Eva’s kids But one day when they all were 16 the changed into uglier than before than each time people saw Eva and Derek’s kids they die so everyone in the Village died.  Eva  was hurt that people died because they were the ugliest kids in the world.  Two days  later Eva killed her children   then  Derek killed Eva.    Eva didn’t die she was pretending to die then Derek was carrying her body into the graveyard but then  Derek forgot that he put the chainsaw   on her then Eva got up and killed her husband Derek and said “I killed are kids”.

Eva also said “And now that you are dead I will marry someone that does not make the ugliest in the Village this is why I killed you you forgot that I  don’t die”.   Eva lived happily with her new kids and her new husband they lived    Happily Ever After.          

                                                             The End

The 1st Amendment

I believe that amendment 1 is  a  important  right  because people have  different religions but they don’t want to practice some other religions a certain religion.  My second reason some countries don’t allow free religion around the world so this amendment is important and you should keep this amendment.   For my third reason is that some religions can change your life and it can help other people this is why this amendment is important.

The scary candy corn

Once upon a time there was a candy corn that was named Daniella. It looked a little  weird or as some people say odd.  She looks so cute and cuddly but if you touch her she attacks. People say she’s feisty and others say she’s normal but nobody knows the truth. At school she sits alone and for halloween she went trick or  treating with her brothers and sisters. For halloween she was a angel and her other brothers were pirates Frankenstein a mummy and a random candy corn person with superman hair her sisters were a kitty cat a devil a witch.


Daniella and her brothers and sisters were going to some random house to get candy just like everyone else.  When they rang the doorbell  someone named Jackson opened the door and he  was eating candy corn in front of us  so we ran away.  We were really offended and scared he was yelling


why are you running from me”


and then he noticed that we were candy corn and he chased after us because he saw that we were candy corn and his favorite candy was us and so he ran and ran and so he ate my brother dressed up as a pirate he ate peter.  Then we went loco as they say crazy and so they kept running till  Jacqueline the devil was eaten the kitty cat named Jasmine was crying.  She knew she was next so they ran to the park and  everyone climbed up the 300 ft tall poles where the swings  they were scared.   Daniella said


“ I’m really scared ”   Jasmine said  “  We will defeat  him if it’s the last thing I do ” then later on they  jumped off the 300 ft  pole.


They were running to their house.  When they got to their house the candy corn was there but he had a chainsaw.  They didn’t have anyplace to go but to run but Daniella wasn’t scared so she walked up to the guy with the chainsaw.


She said “Hey buddy get your butt out of our front porch or else”


The man said “I’m not scared of you”


Daniella said “You should be I take  twe known do ”


Since everyone else was scared they ran and left her alone but they couldn’t leave her alone so they hid behind a tree.   Daniella and the man were about to fight but then after  Daniella started crying  because her family left her and then the man started crying to because he didn’t have a family so then after a hour  Daniella’s family came with the cops.  


The candy corn cop said “ Put your hands up punk ”


but the Daniella was telling the cops that he was a good person and that he didn’t  eat her sister and her brother he brought them into his house to party  so he was free to go.     


Later  on they partied all night until it was midnight.  

                            Happily Ever  After !

Aphrodite vs Good




Myth liner



It was November 11, 2022 it was a cold and rainy day at Mount Olympus Academy . Aphrodite was talking to Athena and Persephone what they are going to do after Mount Olympus Academy. Athena said that she was going to get married with ares and Persephone wants to marry Hades. Aphrodite wants to marry Apollo.

After Aphrodite was done talking to Athena and Persephone Aphrodite was in her dorm and she was thinking about beauty and love and something happened a lot of beautiful things like flowers and birds singing it was beautiful and love was in the air Aphrodite just found out that she had powers no one knew that she had powers.

Then a week later When they finished Mount Olympus Academy all the boys want to marry Aphrodite but Aphrodite had to marry someone. Hades asked if Aphrodite the most beautiful girl in the world to marry him she said “No you’re dead Hades”.

Then Persephone comes asked Hades if he would want to marry her but Hades said “No I want to marry Aphrodite instead of you”. “Aphrodite doesn’t want to marry you and I do please say yes to me I really love you”. One day Aphrodite exploded Mount Olympus Academy and killed Zeus and every student in the school and Hades asked Aphrodite to marry her she said no.

But years later Hades and Aphrodite got married and when they were on there honeymoon instead of a regular honeymoon they went to go do evil around the world . When they came back from their honeymoon they bought a house and stayed their for 2 years later she had 10 kids Hades and Aphrodite made her 10 kids evil like them they were the most wanted kids in the world .

Aphrodite’s kids name was Daniella,Bryan,Maya, Kate, Hailey, Bella, Caleb, Katniss, Gale,Peeta and they loved being evil. But one day Aphrodite changes her ways and became good again. Her kids Hated her being good so they were trying to kill her but she would always make sure when they are in her room their powers don’t work so she can be protected from their evil spirit.
Then on a regular day when they were done robbing a bank they came home and put the money in a safe in a secret room. Aphrodite was scared but she went out of her room she was getting something to eat that is when her own kids attacked her but she used her powers to save herself but she used a spell that makes them sleep for two hours until she is in her room.

One other day ten of her kids came and blurted out “ We want to be good just like you ” Aphrodite declared “I will help you to become good just like ” Aphrodite turned their powers into good her kids thanked her for helping them turn good just like her.

Weeks later Hades says that he doesn’t love Aphrodite because she became good and their ten kids too. Hades said that he fell in love with Persephone because he was going to turn her evil just like him just like he did to Aphrodite. Aphrodite felt very hurt that Hades put a spell on her to turn evil and that she changed to good he didn’t love her anymore.

A year later the whole family turned good and Aphrodite got married to Apollo just like she wanted years ago. They lived happily ever after for now!

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