The work, rants, and ideas from room 231!

Author: hashemi (Page 2 of 2)

The Great Adam And Eve

The Great Adam And Eve


By: Pooyan


There were once 2 men that were twins. They were from an evil family and grew up to be evil. Their names were The Annihilator and Deathcore.  They also had a chef. His name was Chef Boyardee. He worked for The  Annihilator and Deathcore. This took place in Athens at 2734 B.C

Their family wanted them to kill King Simathar. Athens king who was the richest man on earth with over 1,000,000,000 pieces of gold. The  Annihilator and Deathcore wanted to add the worlds rarest berries to the kings meal. The Brokedberries. They were not edible and thats why. They are poisonous. They told Chef Boyardee to go in disguise and give the king his delightful meal.

(Not really).


”Give this meal to the king and then run and hide”.  Deathcore vocalized.


Chef Boyardee gave the meal and ran just like nothing happened. The king said it tasted good, but after 2 minutes, his saliva started going crazy after a while and fell to the ground head first. The guards were suspicious and ran to find Chef Boyardee but he was in a very good hiding spot.

The kings guards couldn’t find him. Chef Boyardee ran back to The  Annihilator and Deathcore. They were surprised that he succeeded, but not for long. They were found stealing the kings money after the guards left. That was the plan they did not accomplish.

They were found hiding in a big barrel. The guards were armed so The Annihilator and Deathcore  said to the armed guards.


“We surrender”.


They later were charged for murder so they were hung with a rope. The Annihilator and Deathcore were choking and died. Their family were not surprised. That was the plan all along. Their family were not actually evil. It was a plan to kill The Annihilator and Deathcore because they were the only one in the family that were evil.  Now in Athens,

The Annihilator and Deathcore were known as Athens 1st thieves. Their parents were Adam and Eve. Those were the first people to ever stand on earth. The actual thing that The Annihilator and Deathcore wanted was the golden apple. That golden apple could make people die, get out of your way and most important, making people do anything you want. Thats how the king is so rich. That golden apple is something that everybody’s afraid of because they think that it can rule his guards and slaves.  Adam and Eve were both good people and good leaders for their home town.  They wanted to get the golden apple so that Athens and their home town would be a safer place. They were walking across quietly to the kings castle to distract him and grab the map. It worked because the king was taking a shower and the map was right next to his bed. The water from the shower was so loud that if I ran he still wouldn’t hear anything happening next to him.

They grabbed the map and looked if he had marked the map to where the golden apple was.


Eve said “it’s not there, there’s no marker that showed where the apple was”.


“Let’s run really hard for him to hear and put a note on the map that says Show us the golden apple or else…”  Adam said.


When the king came out, first he got dressed then looked bizarre when he saw the note and king Simathar read out loud “Show us where the golden apple is or else ….” The king was scared and fainted. Adam and Eve came back and took the map and ran to the destination. The problem was that it was blocked by guards.

“Eve, run around and pretend to be a slave and make them run and catch you and then quickly grab the Golden apple and press the button so they would be killed.”Adam vocalized


Adam ran when Eve was running too. She was distracting the guards then Adam pressed the button on guards only and they committed suicide (basically). They took the apple and killed every bad guard in the world. After that Adam and Eve went to there home town. Iran. There hometown where was in asia. They met a friendly man named Pooyan. Adam and eve were looking for a home or a place to stay.


Pooyan said “I’ll give you a home if you do me a favor”


Eve said “What?


Pooyan said “ The Minotaur came back to life and came to destroy you because you killed his brother in law”.

Adam vocalized” Who is the minotaur’s brother in law?  Pooyan said “ Athens king”.


Adam said “ Lets use the Golden Apple to destroy him”.


Pooyan said “You can’t use objects to destroy it. It reflects the power of the golden Apple back to you and you will die”.


Bring the special bow and arrow that we created. Adam and Eve’s bow shoots up to 50 arrows a second. They have 1,000 arrows. Adam repeated to eve that we only have 20 shots at the minotaur. They need to have good aim. The Minotaur demanded a match at the labyrinth where he almost got killed after realizing his brother in law had died.

Adam and Eve used a boat that could only carry one person. Adam left with the boat but eve stayed at Iran with the golden Apple. Adam arrived at the scene and


Adam said “ C’mon show me what you got”.


Adam was really scared because the minotaur didn’t say he had 3 more of his friends. The labyrinth actually, and for the first time had a door. Adam tried to escape but the door was locked. In Iran, Eve was still worried that he wouldn’t come back alive, And that was true. From the labyrinth, The minotaur wrote a note that says We have your husbands head and here, have his bloody hand to remember. Eve was shocked and thought this was a dream but it wasn’t. The minotaur went hiding and thought that Eve would bring an army but she didn’t.

Eve made a funeral for Adam and kept crying in so much tears. It was okay because all of a sudden his ghost came.


Adams ghost vocalized “ Eve, my dear, hear my words and don’t cry because if you can tell Zeus, then everything would be okay”


Eve thought of what Adam’s ghost said and actually tried it. Eve would never forget her wonderful Husband, Adam


(Thats the story of  The great Adam And Eve.)


The First Amendment


The First Amendment

By: Pooyan

The first amendment is the most important . Religion is something that people believe. People think making fun of someones religion is funny but it’s really not.

There is lots of religion in the world such as Jewish, Christianity, Muslim, Catholic and much more. If you don’t like something about someones religion then keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to hear something that you don’t like because it won’t get changed. What would happen if somebody made fun of your religion.

Religion is for people who have a leader or is following a leader such as Jesus and God. Some people don’t believe in God or Jesus but that doesn’t mean that they can talk about your religion or even sometimes be racist. Making fun of how someone looks is bad too because a lot of people come from one religion and could look like how their religion is. People also make fun of how someone looks.

Heres and example, people say or call me a terrorist because i’m from Iran and Iran is close to Afghanistan and Iraq. There are current things religions do. Praying is something that all religions and all of them can be different or unique. It can’t be judged by someone that has a different religion because thats not what they do in their religion.

Pooyan’s Safety Movement

The Safety Of Tobacco Safety

By: Pooyan Hashemi

When Did Smoking Start and What It Does

Smoking or the use of tobacco has started almost 400 years ago and it still goes on today. Smoking can seriously damage your body, you’ll have to attach a machine inside of your body. Everyday people die because of smoking. People think that smoking is cool. Also kids that have a family member who smoke, they are more likely to smoke when they get older and then it will happen again and more people will die. Advertisement companies have banned and took off smoking ads. Ads are the most popular way to get peoples attention and smoke. Smoking can make you grumpy and angry. There have been many changes in the United States towards tobacco, let’s get started at the beginning.


Why Is Tobacco Bad For You

Tobacco is a plant made on farms and sold in stores. Cigarettes, tobacco and cigars are very bad for your heart. Smoking can cause heart, lung, cancer and disease. Tobacco has chemicals that weren’t in tobacco 400 years ago. Tobacco has nicotine that gets people addicted to smoking pipes, cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco. 7.3% people smoke. Firsthand smoking is worse than second hand smoking. It is worse because the smoke that you are smoking goes to your lungs and all of the organs in your body and will cause diseases that can keep you from being healthy or from breathing properly. Tobacco killed 1 billion people in the 21st century. The action on smoking of health (ASH) has been against smoking and has been taking out anything that involves smoking.


The Tobacco Protester


People have known for a long time that smoking is bad for you.  Mohammed Hassan Husayni Nouri Shirazi was Iranian (میرزای شیرازی). He was against tobacco and was called the “Tobacco protest”.  “The Tobacco Protest, was by the Shah to Great britain


Smoking also tar and carbon dioxide.

Tobacco, cigarettes and cigars are made up with dried leaves and has over 7,000 chemicals. Tobacco has chemicals such as

  • Methanol (wood alcohol)
  • cyanide
  • benzene
  • formaldehyde
  • acetylene (the fuel used in welding torches)
  • ammonia
  • nicotine


Cigars have as much as tobacco than 1 pack of cigarettes. THAT IS A LOT OF TOBACCO!!. People who smoke cigars everyday will have a better chance of getting heart cancer or heart disease.

Who Smokes

  • Each day, 3,200 people under 18 smoke their first cigarette and 2,100 youth and young adults become daily smokers.
  • 9 out of 10 people smoke before the age of 18 and 98% of people start smoking until age 26.
  • 1 in 5 adults and teenagers smoke.
  • In 2011, an estimated 19% of U.S. adults were cigarette smokers.
  • Approximately 18% of high school students smoke cigarettes.
  • In 2011, nearly 18% of high school boys were current cigar users.
  • From 1964 to 2014, the proportion of adult smokers declined from 42.0% to 18.0%.

Why is smoking harmful to smokers?

General Health

  • More than 16 million people already have at least one disease from smoking.
  • More than 20 million Americans have died because of smoking since 1964, including approximately 2.5 million deaths due to exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • 8.6 million people live with a serious illness caused by smoking.
  • On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.


  • Smoking causes many other types of cancer, including cancers of the throat, mouth, nasal cavity, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia.
  • Men with prostate cancer who smoke may be more likely to die from the disease than nonsmokers.


  • 5.6 million children alive today will ultimately die early from smoking. That is equal to 1 child out of every 13 alive in the U.S. today.

Overall smoking isn’t something to do if someone else is doing it. People do it to get attention that they like. If you smoke then it will be a daily habit to you or maybe even your friends. Next time you were planning on smoking with your friends, DON’T. It is really bad for you and will keep you fat or overweight. To sum up all of the reasons of smoking. If smoking needs to be stopped then ask a doctor, pharmacists or even friends and family members can help for your life and healthiness and for love of your loved ones. Remember smoking has consequences for your actions that you do with friends or alone.


Why Is Smoking Bad For The Environment
Smoking is bad for the environment because smoking destroys the air that we breathe through. Smoking can give people allergies when you smoke in front of them. There are lots of fines where people smoke such as elevators, malls, stores, cars, playgrounds and in other countries, you can smoke at all or you get arrested or a big fine. Smoking kill plants and trees.

Whale debate

20301 Brandermill Drive

Germantown MD 20876 USA

November 12, 2014


Embassy of Japan

2520 Massachusetts avenue,  N.W,

Washington, DC 20008


Dear sir or madam:


My name is Pooyan and I go to Daly elementary in Germantown MD. I’m writing to you because whales have live just like regular humans. Whales can probably be a help to the environment. We may just not know it. Getting entertained is how children learn something new. If they don’t get entertained, then how will they go to college or get a job. People say that they are no use but thats only because they are becoming extinct animals. You only use whales for meat, you said it’s for science but that was only an excuse. I don’t want whaling to happen because they have a life just like regular humans.
Sincerely, Pooyan

King George III

Dear King George III,


I’m Pooyan from the colony of Maryland.  I am joining the patriots because of how you treated me and what you have done.


We don’t want the quartering act or the stamp act. First of all, I don’t want the quartering because I don’t want lobster backs just coming into my house and eating and drinking my food. I dont want the stamp act because I get charged by 1 peice of paper. King George III, thats ridiculous.


I also won’t have to live under rules that I am forced to do.  I do not get treated with respect that I give and that I deserve.


I am aloud to have my freedom whenever I want it. I am not getting forced by eating something, drinking something or even doing chores for you. I have a right to leave England without getting killed! I have a right to be treated with respect the same way that I treat you. I also have a right to have a better life and let it stay that way no matter what you say or what your lobsterbacks say.


My rights go out to all boys and girls. Even parents deserve respect when they take care of there children and themselves.


Now since I have said my words, I am leaving because of what you said and did to me. Patriots now will be in my hands and so long King George III

Sincerely Pooyan

The Evil Lego Robots

The Evil Lego Robots

By: Pooyan Hashemi

-December  16, 2811

Hi, I’m Pooyan the robot destroyer.I live on planet earth. I was building giant robots about 8 feet tall. As I was building i might have accidentally dropped a secret DNA that has a power of the human DNA but just evil.The robots turned evil because the DNA had a molecule that got to his heart and had a nerve that made the robots angry. The robots had a big head a big legs so they reach the top of a tower. They had a watch that whenever they speak into it and say a superpower it would add it to there bionics.

I was doing an experiment in my secret lab but it didn’t work. I gave them any power in the world that anybody could ask for. I made a big mistake. When i made just 1 of the robots, they found the robot DNA so the went to planet Legotonics and made 500 more of those robots. Porkville is doomed. They gave themselves wings and now they are flying. It was 8:00 in the morning when i heard a big BOOM then again BOOM. I went to look outside. All i could see was fire and little pieces from the buildings. I knew Porkville was in danger so i had to do something. I went to my secret lab and got my freeze ray. I put lego armour so i won’t get hurt. Thats when I came outside.

I froze 1 then another then another by i realized that my work is not right. When i realized that i gave them human DNA they are half human too. They have there own planet to live and survive. They only came to earth because they thought that humans would hurt them and they were looking for food. I brought my fire gun to unfreeze them. the mayor said that my work was right so he gave 5 cents. I gave those 5 cents to charity and now my life is good and now the robots work for me in my lab.

The robots turned on me and turned evil, My work has just been started. Not only they have a planet, they have there own DNA and weapons. When i let them go, they still wanted to destroy earth and I took 1 of the robots and try to take any kind of evidence that would help me destroy them. The iron that held them to a big chair was really hard to escape from. They also had a self destruct button so i did not notice it had one so it pushed the button and gave 5 seconds and i ran to safety and the robot blew up. I had an idea that if i could see their DNA in the body that was broken i could probably see how they made themselves but all of that DNA was built into a security box and had a password.

5 years later….yes i finally figured it out that if i can make a robot to destroy it that would be my answer. 24 hours later, finished now i can destroy the evil creature that i have created. I have flew with my spaceship to the mighty planet but i was amazed of how much there was. It didn’t even take 10 seconds to destroy my robot but at least 20 robots went after it. I flew back to earth and now know how much robots there were. But now its too late, they have made another planet and they have made 500,000 more robots.


I was building tactical nukes then i blew up both of the planets and now i gave up my career of being a scientist now i have better job, working at walmart but the people were all getting my autographs because i was rich and famous and the mayor said go buy a mansion but then i was like i don’t have like 5 million dollars then he said now you do. I was seised like really bad and with those 5 million dollars i bought 5 mansions 2 bathtubs 5 ferrari’s and 8 lamborghini’s. Wow im rich im really happy.  All of these things were from my really awesome inventions. I sold all of my laboratory items and now i’m a billionaire. Yeah baby.7 days later, The robot police have been looking for me, they have made everybody robots except me i was hiding but they are looking for me and now since i sold everything, i’m doomed but the only thing i can do for the rest of my years is hide but i have a plan to ask my buddy jack to help but i forgot he’s a robot too.I thought that all of the robots have been destroyed but the DNA can never be destroyed except i can find that DNA and find the sample to make my robot. The only way to make a robot is sneak a robot guard and find a way to put me in a robot suit. I have to find my buddy Jack and take out of that robot suit and tell him its me Pooyan. I did it now me and Jack have a mission to get everybody out of the robots suits but it will take a long time so I won’t do that. We’ll have to take the mayor out and then we’ll all team up to destroy the robots. The mayor is rich and has anything. He also is a bodybuilder and has 2 ray guns in his pocket. He has his own ninja’s that are not robots yet so thats fantastic. It’s good that the mayor has 2 nukes and now we are done the robots have been captured. We are free.


Jack said,”Not yet, remember the DNA.”


I vocalized, “Ok lets just get the DNA.”


“Its not that simple.”

“Why, because the DNA is almost everywhere.”


10 years later…


Pooyan “ we only found 4 of them but where are the rest after jack died we have no other choice but to fight the boss of lego robots”. (Mayor) If we couldn’t beat a regular robot how are we gonna fight the boss.(Pooyan) Don’t you have and kind of weapon to destroy it. (mayor)Yes but this robot is 30 feet tall. 5 years later, Jack and the mayor have died what should i do. I have waited 3 hours when i saw 15 glorious angels here to fight and help me. I have thanked them even if i got 18 billion dollars i still want my time to be good and I want to survive.

Everybody has came out of the robots and now life has never been like before. All we have to do is rebuild the towers and homes and that would take about 15 years. It’s ok, at least life is now the same again. We have time to destroy the DNA. I noticed that i have the DNA tracker on my 811 Telepod phone and its in a new planet called Legoworld. Uhhhh ohhhh. That is another robot world. Then I used another nuke, im lucky i had a extra nuke so I blew that world up and my life was the best like usual, so I went in my giant pool in my backyard. I realized that was a fake nuke that spreads out sprinkles. Im doomed again. Usually i have a plan but i ran out of plans. I have a friend chris. He is a scientist that has a chemical that destroys DNA’s so he had a chemical for diseases and it will work for the DNA it did so this is the 5th time that i will say that the earth is now saved.

(Future) September 5, 3000

Robot said, We have now gotten to the year 3000 we have to celebrate and destroy the planet earth. Pooyan said, this is torchure  why are you going to  destroy planet earth. Robot vocalized, We made a deal with the robot king that at the year 4900, we will celebrate to destroy planet earth. Pooyan repeated, i will find your boss and destroy evil. I was asleep for 7 hours then I said that im 71 years old but I’m still strong. I can handle it. I always have butterflies in my stomach when I’m caught. That won’t happen anymore.  I have another buddy Jason. He said that we have to destroy planet earth. I said fine so we took a lego helicopter so we blew anything that was left so then we joined another planet, planet Amir.

July 15, 3100

I was just looking at the beautiful  view from the top of the mountains and I built my very own mansion with 10 rooms, 7, bathrooms 2 pools 4 floors and it’s really big i mean really big so at planet Amir we were having a lot of fun before we saw a lego snake that shoots poison legos. when the lego hits you it burns you like fire. We had the freezeray but it was out of ammo because it’s really hot, about 110 degrees fahrenheit and what should I go by myself.

Jason said no I will go with you if you don’t mind so he said it’s ok i’.


I repeated ok i’ll be back in 2 hours


Jason vocalized ok

I came back with the snakes head .  I said i will keep this for the day that we were together. We hugged and said  I won’t be back for  anytime your alive. I said   “ Why”?

I’ll pass away so life will be easier and i’m too old , I can’t do this .

Ok bro, I’ll miss you so he went deep in the woods and then I went to sleep .  I went back  to sleep and noticed it was a really cool dream .


My Goals 2014-2015

-Be a really good soccer player

-Make a lot of new friends

-Be a really good basket ball player

-Get really tall

-Make 5 goals in soccer before middle school

-Make 1 bicycle kick in soccer

-Make a basket from half court in basketball

-Be really smart at math


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